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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sorry, I dont buy this shit, we will lose a potential two visits from the Orcs, the best crowd we\ve had in the past few years was the 11,000 that turned up for the Nancy

game. We have a guaranteed two European matches this season, failure in the Champions League and we drop into the Europa, both will generate better income than either of the two games against the orcs. Financially, we shouldn\t even notice they are gone.

We are the one club who shouldnt have any problems with them gone and we are trying to talk our fans into a yes vote. Clubs should be taking steps at boardroom level to meet any drop in income, of course just ushering the orcs back in is the easiest option any other way and it means Leeanne might have to work for her wages.

This whole nonsense about sporting integrity OR financial safety is extremely annoying. We MUST vote for sporting integrity there is NO other option.

It\s not sporting integrity or....it\s sporting integrity only. Nothing else should even come into it.

...and let's not forget the Morton cup game at Fir Park not that long ago - 9200

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1st Division. Fucking unbelievable. :angry:

What newspaper was it that said Whyte was a billionaire again?

I won't believe anything until the first day of next season. If Sevco get put into Div 1, 3 or even the SPL again you can bet that either they or one of the other clubs in the respective leagues will lodge some sort of complaint about it. To be honest it, sadly, wouldn't surprise me if Sevco get voted No and my chairman ( and possibly a few others) start talking about a breakaway league to include both of the OF.

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I've always maintained that if Greece can win Euro 2004 then there's no reason Scotland couldn't do the same. Is Greek Football head and shoulders better than ours?

I would guess that if you checked the last 20 years records their club sides would have the upper hand against ours in terms of victories?

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1st Division. Fucking unbelievable. :angry:

I'm getting real tired of this shit now. How exactly are they proposing to leapfrog 2 divisions and 20 teams. What about the likes of Spartans and Cove who could have credible SFL membership proposals. Oh, and one up one down means possibly screwing every 1st Division side next season. Never mind the past 4 and a half months, the past 13 years are an indication that the only quick decisions the SPL/SFL/SFA make are bad decisions.

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What newspaper was it that said Whyte was a billionaire again?

I won't believe anything until the first day of next season. If Sevco get put into Div 1, 3 or even the SPL again you can bet that either they or one of the other clubs in the respective leagues will lodge some sort of complaint about it. To be honest it, sadly, wouldn't surprise me if Sevco get voted No and my chairman ( and possibly a few others) start talking about a breakaway league to include both of the OF.

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I've always maintained that if Greece can win Euro 2004 then there's no reason Scotland couldn't do the same. Is Greek Football head and shoulders better than ours?

You do know Greece is more than double the size of Scotland, right?

Is there football head and shoulders above ours? Probably, it certainly should be.

Oh, no doubt about that. Despite odd blips, the countries that qualify and go furthest in tournaments tend to be large ones with significant footballing traditions.

It's exaggerated further in domestic leagues however, where if you've many clubs who can draw tens of thousands, this makes the game attractive to broadcasters and in turn, overseas players.

There's no mystery as to why the English Leagues are awash with cash in a way that ours simply couldn't be. Measuring our domestic league against theirs is pointless.

Exactly, but people do so anyway because of the geographical proximity. I very rarely read newspapers, to the extent I only do it when they are free in the queue at the barbers, but when I read a daily mail article about how the LOI is one of the few leagues that is "more a joke than the SPL" you just feel deeply ashamed. People read this utter shit and believe it. I can't wait for the print media to die.

Oh, and another kick in the balls is that Scotland doesn't have a major national broadcaster propping up the domestic league which many of our competitors have. Our success really is miraculous.

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Statement from the SFL;

There have been a lot rumours in the media lately, about the "Newco" starting in the 1st Division from next season. We would like to make our position clear to everyone regarding this story.

We, the SFL, will be telling the SPL, that we have no intention of letting them dump their shite at our door. If the clubs in the SPL think that we will be happy to take the "Newco", just so that they, the SPL clubs, can get to keep their Sky deal, then they can go and take a flying f**k. If you, the SPL clubs, had spent more time trying to run your clubs within budget, rather than spunking away whatever cash you had, on 3rd and 4th rate foreign diddies, then you would not find yourselves in the position that you are in now. But since most of you decided to appoint the Village idiot to look after your finances, you are now in a position where you have to bend over and take it up the arse, rather than properly punish one of your lot for cheating you for the last 15 years. And you seem to think that we, the SFL, will help you, by taking this shower of cheating b*****ds into our league. Well think again.

It has also been reported that, should we allow the cheating scum fucks to come into our league, we will be rewarded by getting a possible 2nd promotion place and income from the proposed TV deal. But to get this, you expect our members to bend over just like you lot. Not a fucking chance. You dont even offer an automatic promotion as a sweetener, its a fucking play-off. How fucking desperate do you think we are?

If you think the cheating scum are going to get any more than an application form to join the 3rd division, then think again. And remember, when you all start going tits-up and end up at our door looking for a way in, because you were complicit in this shitty deal we are being offered, you will be lucky to get an application form at all.

We look forward to discussing all possibilities with the SPL and the SFA, if needed. But we dont take kindly to being forced into a corner, especially by arseholes like Neil "Cockwomble" Doncaster.




Why are we only allowed to award 1 greeny?

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If Club 12 get into the 1st Division it is fucking farcical.

Late night, bit of booze, matchsticks to hold open your eyes?

You didn't think this out very well, did you?

"Club 12" is the 12th club in the SPL, be it The, Dundee or Dunfermline. Their identity will be decided after the vote on Newco.

Or were you being facetious and suggesting that none of the 3 ought to be that high in the league? :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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From me to longmuir......


I write to with my concerns regarding the teams playing in the SFL next season. The current uncertainty regarding the SPL vacancy created by the liquidation of rangers is damaging the pre-season preparations of clubs from the top to the very bottom of the SFL and beyond, to those who would normally wish to apply for mambership.

I was heartened to read your statement, earlier this week, which said the only way in which some reconstituted rump of the former SPL club could enter the SFL was to apply for a vacancy and enter Div. 3. Notwithstanding that many believe Spartans, Edinburgh City, Gala Fairydean, and Cove Rangers would have a better case, this could at a push be deemed acceptable. Over the last day or so, however, I hear of plans to allow a new club, with no history (sporting or financial) to be admitted to the First Division. This looks to me and many others to be a completely money-driven plan, with no regard for sporting integrity. It smacks, frankly, of the corruption which our game is becoming awash with.

Off the top of my head: Dundee, Airdrie United, Stranraer and possibly Dunfermline are in limbo regarding what kind of season to plan for. Is it to be a promotion-chasing squad or one to fight against relegation? Dropping another unknown side into SFL1 would spread this uncertainty throughout the Division. And for what?

Your website declares the SFL to be "The Home of Real Football". That football is followed by real fans. Fans who contribute to their clubs, who follow them through thick and thin, who live in a landscape unsullied to a large extent by SKY's influence. Do these fans deserve the uncertainty currently visited upon them due to the malfeasance of one corrupt club whose greed has brought them to extinction? There is no club or team called rangers any more. We should be moving on and improving our game, not prostituting every last value in order to line the pockets of criminals. Fans who are unsure may not renew Season Tickets. Clubs may not be able to survive. The SFL may find itself with many more than one vacancy by the end of this season. And for what?

This new club does not expect to be an SFL member for long. So, when clubs go to the wall, the blood money from SKY has been spent, and the redtops can tell themselves that business is back to normal with 4 OF games a season in the SPL, where will the SFL be? And will you, Mr Longmuir, be able to sleep at night knowing that your actions have killed innocent clubs to ensure that criminals survive to bully the Scottish game down the road to oblivion?

Your position gives you the opportunity to be one of the men who saved Scottish football from the abyss. I ask you to use that position and power for the force of good, not for thirty pieces of silver.

Yours Sincerely,

Hell, I know I'm pissing in the wind, but at least it's something....

Great letter.

I love malfeasance, but gonnae add misfeasance and nonfeasance to Club Tropicana's list of sins...


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Rangers in the 1st division? Fucking get to f**k!!! What a farce, a complete joke. Utter wanks that run our game. I would love to see somebody plant a brick in Dongcasters smug arsewipe of a face. The thought of the manky hoardes of orcs at Starks Park sickens me. No doubt singing from their infamous song book, the tax avoiding cheeting c***s. I really want to make them most unwelcome but I fear there is nothing I can do but vent my spleen. I am angry about this but I am seriously dissapointed. Who the f**k is this just punishment, the b*****ds should be out the game never to darken our door again. Fuckers... wankers... knobends...

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My take on it is that the plan is to ACCEPT NewCodgers into the SPL (as if!) - and then give them a relegation as "punishment" for the wee administrative errors that the Oldco got up to. Hey presto! Division 1!!

We better hope that those currently coming out with a "No" stick to their guns when they are put under pressure to "do what's best" for Scottish Football!

Could I also please ask that you guys get up earlier in the morning? I'm 3 hours ahead of UK time - and usually need to wait till mid-day here before there's any decent banter going!

This is my first post on here - but I've been following it with absolute glee since very early on. It definitely seems that the "Arab Spring" in Scottish Football started here! Well done to all concerned - and keep it up!

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Can I please have any email addresses to any Of the clubs / governing bodies at all please?

I will feel let down with myself if I don't at least voice my concerns and unhappiness with the situation thus far plus what is now potentially being discussed and considered.

Appreciate the help, thanks

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England has more fully national and professional leagues than pretty much every other country. I think the Spanish, German and Italian leagues go regional at the 3rd tier, whereas England has the conference at the 5th level as a national league with half the clubs in it being full time.

To be honest, there is a serious case for re-organisation of the leagues down here. Far to many clubs at the lower end chasing the dream and travelling the length and breadth of the country to do so. I would support a return to the 3rd tier North and South and the regionalisation of the conference at the top of the pyramid.

is it not closer to 100%?

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Others may have posted this obvious inequity but just in case... When Livingston were demoted it meant no chance of automatic promotion for any team in the third that season or any team in the second the following. They maintained a full time squad and it was a punishment for others as well as them. It was acceptable though as everyone else effectively moved up one rung of the ladder and short of expulsion it was the only way to do it.

If Sevco are in division one next year it robs all of those teams of a chance of promotion to the land of milk and honey. Why should they pay the price for the greed of David Murray? Why should they make their season a farce to prop up failing clubs above them that can't cope other than in some symbiotic fashion?

If Motherwell, Kilmarnock and others will fail without Sevco why the hell should they expect Falkirk, Dundee, Dunfermline et al who have been held at the margins of the top league to help by allowing this?

If the first division chairmen do their utmost to block this they could increase their chances of top flight football by getting rid of not one but several competitors. More importantly they would be doing the right thing.

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Don't know if this has been mentioned as I'm struggling to keep up. If sky are willing to go without OF matches for one season and newco are put in the first to accommodate this. Does this mean sky will insist newco win the league? What if newco struggle?

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Here's my take on the likely proposal we will be faced with in coming days:

The SFL will 're-structure' in some way in order to allow newco into the division immediately below the SPL. In addition to the automatic promotion place there will be a play-off to the SPL. As part of this agreed re-structure the SFL will have some access to TV money. There will be trickle down incentives offered to the lower leagues.*

The SPL will agree to the additional play-off spot.**

Immediately, or in time for next season, both leagues will restructure under one league system, just as the SFA have said they wanted.

All this will be done to accommodate the tax dodgers and fans will see through it for what it is.

*. This will need three-quarters of the SFL clubs to agree. Will they get it?

**. If Steven Thomson agrees to this this will be sufficient for me to ask for my ST money to be refunded as it is not the basis upon which I bought my tickets.

Thomson said he would vote NO to Newco because he could not ignore what the fans wanted. This was reported the same day that the Dundee Evening Telegraph reported that in a poll of almost 1,500 fans, the largest group of which were Arabs, 95% said newco should start in Division Three.

Edited by Granny Danger
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