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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Good point Gordon Waddell! I was going to mention what the hell is happening with the appellate tribunal. When are they due to meet and kill Sevco stone dead. Going from memory they had a choice of suspension or expulsion from their set list of punishments.

Edited by GunnerBairn
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Ummm. If you attend away games, then presently those teams get 100% of your gate. If gates were shared, Celtic would get half that back. Given that you've a Parkhead season ticket, and hence a hefty discount on the walk-up fee over the course of a season, you'd end up seeing significantly more of your hard-earned going to your own club than at present (where they get the whole of your discounted season seat, and nothing every second week).

Up to a point. The discount on walk up could be under a ton. Next season our crowds will dip, but half of say 40,000 one week, and maybe 9,000 the next, is still less than keeping the whole 40,000 every 2 weeks.

*Gates may go up as well as down*

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Will posters please refrain from referring to Newco entry to 3rd Division as a punishment. This is the correct procedure for the entrance of a new club i.e. SEVCO =new club. Not a punishment. The club formerly known as Rangers recieved one punishment that proved to be tokenistic and completely ineffective as a punishment as it had no impact on income or league position. The second punishment was appealed and seems to have disappeared at the same point as the CVA was rejected. As I stated previously I am still waiting for the real punishments to begin.

Edited for typo

Edited by madmitch
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Will posters please refrain from referring to Newco entry to 3rd Division as a punishment. This is the correct procedure for the entrance of a new club i.e. SEVCO =new club. Not a punishment. The club formerly known as Rangers recieved one punishment that proved to be tokenistic and completely ineffective as a punsihment as it had no impact on income or league position. The second punishment was appealed and seems to have disappeared at the same point as the CVA was rejected. As I stated previously I am still waiting for the real punishments to begin.

Aye well said doesn't help that sections of the media do the same.

As for the poll they are running the choice of options is unbelievable:

Scottish Football League Division One (with potential sanctions)t.gifScottish Football League Division One (with no sanctions)t.gifScottish Football League Division Three (with no sanctions)

Hello penny not dropped.

Edited by Bloomogganners
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From afar, reading the Scottish press, my assumption was that the press were all on the rangers side of the debate.

This discussion on BBC radio Scotland is quite good, and above all very fair comment.

Edited by MK Col
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From afar, reading the Scottish press, my assumption was that the press were all on the rangers side of the debate.

This discussion on BBC radio Scotland is quite good, and above all very fair comment.

It helps that Jim Traynor is not on today.

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I got very fed up with that tit Alexander - who was irritating enough to be an MP even if he wasn't.

First sticking up for Cockwomble - Just a decent guy trying his best apparently!

Then going on about Rangers punishment. FFS is it really that hard to get into their skulls?

In simple sentences then (yet again I know);

Rangers were punished by a ten point penalty for going into admin as per the rule book.

Rangers then went bust and are in the process of being wound up, liquidated, extinguished, rubbed oot

A new company is being formed.

If that new company wants to have a football team to play at Ibrox, fine.

If that company wants to have players in blue jerseys, fine.

If that company wants to have the word Rangers in their title, annoying, but fine

But that company needs to find a league to play in.

They need to apply to the SFL (at the highest...even that application would involve expediency and hasty rewriting of rules)

There is no rule in the SFL that allows for them to jump into SFL 1. None. Clyde have made that even clearer with their excellently worded release

So they need to start again from the beginning, whatever they are called, whoever play for them, wherever they play

That is not punishment, that is PROCESS.

And to be fair, even Rangers fans seem to be overwhelmingly understanding this.

Just fuckit journalists who cannot compute!

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If the SFA stands in the way of a player transferring his employment and it is deemed by doing so they are in contravention of TUPE legislation, I wonder if they can they be open to a legal action for loss of earnings.

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Will posters please refrain from referring to Newco entry to 3rd Division as a punishment. This is the correct procedure for the entrance of a new club i.e. SEVCO =new club. Not a punishment. The club formerly known as Rangers recieved one punishment that proved to be tokenistic and completely ineffective as a punsihment as it had no impact on income or league position. The second punishment was appealed and seems to have disappeared at the same point as the CVA was rejected. As I stated previously I am still waiting for the real punishments to begin.

This needs to be repeated on a regular basis.

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Surely if gate money was to be split in any fashion it would be based on match ticket sales for that game alone and not from the season tickets.

I don't think it would be that big of a deal really, if Celtic maintained a high level of ST sales it wouldn't be that big of a hit in the pocket.

That would actually hit the other teams in the pocket if you think about 5000+ celtic/newco fans visiting their grounds ... no way they would stand for that... SO UNFAIR !!

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Will posters please refrain from referring to Newco entry to 3rd Division as a punishment. This is the correct procedure for the entrance of a new club i.e. SEVCO =new club. Not a punishment. The club formerly known as Rangers recieved one punishment that proved to be tokenistic and completely ineffective as a punsihment as it had no impact on income or league position. The second punishment was appealed and seems to have disappeared at the same point as the CVA was rejected. As I stated previously I am still waiting for the real punishments to begin.

Surely the punishments have not disappeared but are instead 'pending'. My own understanding is that should Sevco exist in any form within Scottish Football then all punishments from the previous regime will be carried across.

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Hi, guys. Good to be back. I've been walking the west highland way the last week and internet access on Rannoch Moor ain't good. What's been happening? I hear Sevco only have 13 players or so and Psycho Broon has taken over from Jardine as rabble-rouser in chief. I still see most likely scenario is the retail and leisure development of "the training ground formerly known as Murray " and Ibrox, and there seesm to be a groundswell to admit New Rangers into Div 3. Have to laugh (rage) at the outrageous hypocrisy of Captain Green threatening court action against players who took a hit on wages in February, now going to sue them. What a shyster.

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Celtic's position on this whole saga


First time I've heard Celtic discussed in the whole debacle.

Spencey talking about SKY deal, long term the game need to change.

Forget league reconstruction the first thing we need to sort out is club expenditure.

Wages are the biggest drain on clubs and the best option is to have a fixed percentage of turnover in all clubs thats something UEFA are trying to push for and you can see why.

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I got very fed up with that tit Alexander - who was irritating enough to be an MP even if he wasn't.

First sticking up for Cockwomble - Just a decent guy trying his best apparently!

Then going on about Rangers punishment. FFS is it really that hard to get into their skulls?

In simple sentences then (yet again I know);

Rangers were punished by a ten point penalty for going into admin as per the rule book.

Rangers then went bust and are in the process of being wound up, liquidated, extinguished, rubbed oot

A new company is being formed.

If that new company wants to have a football team to play at Ibrox, fine.

If that company wants to have players in blue jerseys, fine.

If that company wants to have the word Rangers in their title, annoying, but fine

But that company needs to find a league to play in.

They need to apply to the SFL (at the highest...even that application would involve expediency and hasty rewriting of rules)

There is no rule in the SFL that allows for them to jump into SFL 1. None. Clyde have made that even clearer with their excellently worded release

So they need to start again from the beginning, whatever they are called, whoever play for them, wherever they play

That is not punishment, that is PROCESS.

And to be fair, even Rangers fans seem to be overwhelmingly understanding this.

Just fuckit journalists who cannot compute!

Have a Greenie. It is really that simple. This needs to be the simple mantra raised every time a journo or berr says otherwise.

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