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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I can't help thinking along these lines. And surely SDM was involved, at least in the planning stages - a businessman along the lines of murrays experience must have known exactly what type of shady character he was dealing with in whyte, and given the enormous sum involved in the big tax case then I'd think this could be seen as an acceptable way out.

I don't, however, think that D Murray knew that Whyte was then going to use the ticketus money to pay off the bank debt, or that he was going to stop paying hmrc the tax and NI as soon as he took control.

Given that Whyte has been involved in over 20 administrations/liquidations in the past I can't believe this wasn't planned in some way.

correct...and im of the opinion now given how relaxed doncaster was yesterday in the media bout the formality of a newco coming back into spl that more than one party in this tawdry affair had a good idea in advance how this would play out. i genuinely think that all the players involved are happy with liquidation ( not football players i mean whyte, admins, spl board etc )

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I don't think Murray had any choice. The Rangers debt to Lloyds was a tiny fraction of Murray Group's total debt of around £800million, and one Lloyds wanted rid of because of the bad PR. They had him by the short hairs. I'm sure it was a huge relief to him to get rid of it though..

Maybe SDM's keeping close watch, in case Whyte gets away with it, before bringing him in to ditch TMG's £800M debt? :whistle

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Some of the Peepul finally waking up to reality on Rangers Media:


One guy says he's left his work "with my head in my shoes and my heart in the gutter". Not only is he losing his club but the Tories are closing his Remploy factory.

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Hearts and Dundee United fans take note:

How phoenix company fraud affects creditors of a failed company

Once a company enters insolvency or liquidation proceedings, the creditors will be paid

in order of priority from whatever remaining company funds are made available.

As a trade creditor, it is likely that you will receive only a small proportion of the money

you are owed. Clearly, this may result in serious financial loss

and have a direct impact on your company’s ability to keep trading and stay solvent.

Additionally, business confidence in your company may suffer, your customer base

might shrink and your suppliers may impose less favourable payment terms on you.

This will impact on your cash flow and, again, adversely affect your company’s ability to

stay solvent.

What you should do

If you have a claim or an outstanding complaint against the failed company, do not give

up on it.

• Be persistent. You should not be put off if the phoenix company claims the failed

company’s liabilities are not theirs when both companies appear to be the same

• Take your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are not satisfied with

their answers (http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk)

• Tell the Financial Services Authority (FSA) about it (http://www.fsa.gov.uk). It

cannot help with individual disputes between you and the phoenix company, but

the generic problem of phoenix companies is a priority for the FSA.

Phoenix Company Fraud

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They can frown as much as they want but they can't touch a new company with different Directors. The Insolvency rules allow another company to rescue an insolvent one as a going concern. Being liable for outstanding tax debt would discourage this.

Why doesn't the government step in and hault the sale of Rangers assets to this newco? Surely this newco should only be allowed to benefit from such a sale once HMRC have been paid what they are due. Maybe HMRC could be the interim custodian of assets in the deal and charge the newco an affordable monthly rent? I naively thought HMRC would be treated preferentially compared to businesses in the courts. It's the public's tax money that is being stolen by these gangsters after all :angry:

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Some of the Peepul finally waking up to reality on Rangers Media:


Bouncy, Bouncy......

What's with the random posts with ad's on them every so often? Makes for a cracking juxtoposition - 'this is the end for our mighty club' : Check out this cracking new Golf game : 'I don't know what to think anymore'


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Why doesn't the government step in and hault the sale of Rangers assets to this newco? Surely this newco should only be allowed to benefit from such a sale once HMRC have been paid what they are due. Maybe HMRC could be the interim custodian of assets in the deal and charge the newco an affordable monthly rent? I naively thought HMRC would be treated preferentially compared to businesses in the courts. It's the public's tax money that is being stolen by these gangsters after all :angry:

The crown lost preferential status in 2002.

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Bouncy, Bouncy......

What's with the random posts with ad's on them every so often? Makes for a cracking juxtoposition - 'this is the end for our mighty club' : Check out this cracking new Golf game : 'I don't know what to think anymore'


Even better than that an advert for Haemorrhoid treatment just popped up when I clicked on it.

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My resolve is wobbling - the b*****ds are going to get away with this.

People have been saying that since the start, only for things to look worse and worse for them as even more is uncovered.

Even the combined talents of Gandalf, the Good Witch Of The North and f**king Aslan couldn't magic up a fairy tale happy ending for the Careless Bears this time.

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Some of the Peepul finally waking up to reality on Rangers Media:


"I honestly feel like everyone from the Mhedia to our own owners want us wiped out and I can't get my head round why??"

How long you got fella? Let's start with cheating the public purse and go from there.....

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