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Just wondering, when did boycotting become so popular? It seems to be the answer to absolutely everything.

I'm gonna go further by boycotting my boycott and if that doesn't work then I'm gonna boycott that as well :blink:.

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The SFL season starts in about four weeks. The SFL vote is over a week away. For anyone who thinks that in the event of the SFL not allowing newco into Division 1, there will be an SPL 2 in place in time for next season I have the following advice:

Get your head out of your arse.

As it stands right now! Don't be surprised if there is a delay.

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From the Stenhousemuir statement.

If I'm reading this part correctly Stenhousemuir seem to be saying that if the SPL - SFL payments were stopped then East Stirling might be unable to pay t pitch hire costs. But, if Newco were in division three wouldn't East Striling have the income from two "home" games against Newco.


Except that newco cant survive in sfl 3 for any amount of time. The suits talk about the impact of losing rfc to the top tier...but the truth is that has already happened. The oldco cheated financially in order to attract players that could win trophies which in turn attracted glory hunting fans. Without lines of credit and financial cheating they would have to compete in a sustainable manner which means massively reduced chances of trophies and thus fewer fans. An empty ibrox is not attractive to sponsors or sky. The revenue that regan and doncaster say cannot be lost has already been lost forever. All the talk about parachuting newco in as high as possible is ONLY to save newco, not about saving scottish football.

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Surely that makes you no better than the blue biggots with all their talks of bans. As a supporter of an SPL club all you can hope for was that your club said no to newco in the SPL which they duly did. Its now up to every SFL club to come to their own decisions and I for one will not be boycotting any Scottish club (bar TTFKAR and Septic who's grounds I haven't paid into in 20 years).

You're entitled to your opinion. I have the right to register my protest against those who put their perceived self interest ahead of the good of the game. I've said from day one that the only sanction we have as supporters is to withhold financial support, that's what I intend to do. The alternative is to do nothing.

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It does not matter how Sevco market themselves, Sevco fans will always claim that they are a continuation. I have posted on here before that I have been through similar, although in different circumstances, I still shout for Caley at matches and it took me a long time to realise it but ICT are not Caley, they are not Thistle, they are not even an amalgamation of the two ICT are Inverness Caledonian Thistle a new club with their own history but with ties to the old clubs.

We have a responsibility to remind Sevco fans at every opportunity that they are not and never will be Rangers, they have ties to Rangers but Rangers are dead.

To the tune of 'the referrees a wanka"

"You aren't even rangers"


"why don't you go home, why don't you go home

Your'e not the rangers, why don't you go home"

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Surely that makes you no better than the blue biggots with all their talks of bans. As a supporter of an SPL club all you can hope for was that your club said no to newco in the SPL which they duly did. Its now up to every SFL club to come to their own decisions and I for one will not be boycotting any Scottish club (bar TTFKAR and Septic who's grounds I haven't paid into in 20 years).

Err, don't get the logic of this whatsoever. There is a huge, huge amount of difference between one set of fans using threatened boycotts as a means of circumventing the rules and regulations and another set using it as a way of trying to ensure that rules are employed fairly. The thought, for some fans, of paying any money to clubs who ignore their views and don't give a toss about the much vaunted "sporting integrity" (or at least put grabbing cash first) is appalling. And who can blame them?

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Can anyone clarify what the vote on 13th actually is? Amongst all the clamour for "them" being put in the third division, is their entry already virtually accepted through sheer media bombardment? Are there other applicants? Will t'Rangers be there to present their threats case? Will other applicants be there?

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All this talk of imminent Armageddon maybe the Mayan's have it right after all eh wink.gif

All that stuff is not about the end of the world.

It's about change, and we are most certainly seeing a massive upheaval in Scottish football.

The key point is not to fear change, accept it, welcome it, someting good comes out of it, however long that takes.:D

Edited by DuntoiRab
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Let us know if you get a reply

Not yet. But when I e-mailed the SFA earlier today asking that it be directed to the Chief Executive and Chairman I received a prompt reply saying it would be forwarded. :)

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I've already e-mailed Stenhousemuir saying that I will not be attending any home or away cup games if we are drawn against them. If anyone wants to join me here's the address:


As have I.

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Some people are either scaremongering or simply can't compute simple arithmetic.

How the fcuk will Newco not be able to pay for the upkeep of all their fixed assets in div 3?

Newco's business model is far better in div 3 than it ever will be in the SPL.

Because they'll be trying to maintain international-grade facilities on a Div 3 income. I believe the maximum ticket price in Div 3 is £12, so that cuts their income by 60% even if they get a full house every fortnight. Not forgetting Elbows' £16000 weekly allowance.....He's fixed until his contract ends, if he's got any sense (or until he slips on thon big staircasewink.gif)

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*** without the bus fare type banter Ric? You're better than that.

FWIW I'd rather have a club to support than not. I'm not convinced that motherwell will survive this season. Hopefully we will and if it's with a crippled rangers in sfl3 then all the better but the kind of initiatives that they are asking for on stoolmen and twitter atm clearly shows the club are very concerned.

I don't like that we are all so reliant on the OF but those are the facts of the we live in.

Why wont we survive?

It's already been confirmed that SKY are leaving the TV deal in place for at least this season, we may be missing Rangers but we've got at least two potentially glamorous European ties to make up for the loss of the two matches against the Orcs. We got 11,000 against Nancy, most of them 'Well fans, if we do that again we wont miss Servco. Some of them, if they see a decent performance may actually come back on a weekly basis, especially if we can get up near the top. I have a feeling that we may see a wee upsurge in diddy fans next season, maybe not enough to replace Servco's hordes but enough to make a dent in it.

It was too easy to be reliant on the OF, that's finished now, we've got a seasons grace then we have to start planning for a future that means we rely on noone but Motherwell FC. The only clubs who will go to the wall are those who havent already started taking the necessary measures.

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Because they'll be trying to maintain international-grade facilities on a Div 3 income. I believe the maximum ticket price in Div 3 is £12, so that cuts their income by 60% even if they get a full house every fortnight. Not forgetting Elbows' £16000 weekly allowance.....He's fixed until his contract ends, if he's got any sense (or until he slips on thon big staircasewink.gif)

All this piss and gloom, the end is neigh is a waste of bandwidth, the fuckers will kill themselves wherever, if ever they end up.

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:D Oh the possible outcomes are scrummy if these rumours/facts/suppositions are close to the mark.

Remember chuckies backers?????

For those of you searching…

Forget the connection with Lagardere – anything there is entirely coincidental.

Suggest that you focus on Formation Group (which bought Paul Stretford’s group, not the other way round), Morpheus and Alessandro Celano.

Charles Green was chair at Formation Group until February. It is run by an Irish (Limerick?) family which seems to have substantial private, offshore wealth (not sure how much) and has diversified and contracted quite alarmingly over past five years or so whilst Green was in charge. It also now is little more than a project management company based out of the back end of Hackney and is involved in a complex and stalled property development just east of the City. I checked out their registered office ages ago and it is in a new-build block (I wondered if they built it) on Hackney Road that looked residential. I could not see any presence of Formation.

Morpheus is interesting because Ellis has mentioned them a few times in other contexts – I can’t recall if he knows them or is involved or just wanted to get in on their act. They are a secretive little company set up to refurbish and interior design houses and flats in London for the uber-rich Arab world. Sort of Essex meets Egypt. I seem to recall them doing some work for Al Fayed.

I’ve never heard of Celano and nobody I know has dug up anything on him.

Alessandro Celano is a director of 1508 London Ltd. 1508 London Ltd "specialise in interiors, architecture, project management, residence management and branding services for both private and commercial clients." (from their LinkedIn page).

The Managing director of 1508 London Ltd is Fouad Qeblawi, who is also head of Private Commissions at Candy & Candy (another interior design company), and Project Manager at Anser Project Managers, who provide "services to private and public sector clients – principally, but not solely, within the construction and property industries" (again from LinkedIn).

My hunch is still that Green's sold the investment to these guys by comparing Ibrox with what was done with Highbury, or at least with the suggestion that there's a significant property redevlopment opportunity of some sort either there or at Murray Park.

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Still slightly disappointed with the lack of an 'Independence Day' movie poster mock up, with an alien craft zapping Ibrox.

I've got one. If somebody can tell me how to get a pic from my iphone onto here, it's all yours.

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I wonder if it would help the sevco 5088 application for SFL membership if they offered to make a good act of contrition, ask forgiveness for all their sins and promise to lead a better life in the future?

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