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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Bloody hell.

Firstly, a strongly-worded statement pulling few punches.

Secondly, you doubt Broadwood's now on Regan 'n Doncaster's Christmas card lists...

It's wonderful stuff. Clyde fans should feel very proud of whoever's putting these statements together. Whoever it is, he's running rings round the paid executives and national journalists.

As others have said, my own club's silence is as suspicious as it is deafening.

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I see the Daily Ranger is going with the headlines like;




WHY are they not pulling up Doncaster for his LIES?

WHY are they not questioning the paltry TV deal with SKY?

WHY are they not questioning why sponsors have clauses in their contracts that says they can pull out if there is not 4 old firm derbies a season?

What an ABSOLUTE rag that is... pathetic excuse for journalism

Their readership has been cut dramatically over the last few years and would dwindle much further if they couldn't print more moonbeams on a regular basis.

They really are shameless b*****ds.

Lets hope the internet bampots win the war.

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I fear there are a number of SPL club supporters on here that may have to eat humble pie when their clubs vote Newco in to the SPL and sporting integrity goes out the window.

If this happens it will be interesting to see;

a) what changes are made to the voting system in the SPL

b) how quickly the "agreement" made yesterday is kicked into the long grass

c) how many days before the Daily Ranger hails the transformation of the SPL with its no relegation policy

Stitch up away to happen and I don't see what will stop it....

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I see the Daily Ranger is going with the headlines like;




WHY are they not pulling up Doncaster for his LIES?

WHY are they not questioning the paltry TV deal with SKY?

WHY are they not questioning why sponsors have clauses in their contracts that says they can pull out if there is not 4 old firm derbies a season?

What an ABSOLUTE rag that is... pathetic excuse for journalism

More to the point why does anyone in their right mind buy the Daily Record ?! unsure.gif

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Much as I applaud the sentiments, this was FAR, FAR too longwinded. Arbroath managed to say as much covering the coherent points in a more concise fashion.

With the clock ticking down, those opposing the attempted SFA/SFL carve up have to keep it to the point so people will read (and understand their arguments), especially if it is reiterating points already made days earlier.

A statement that loses the reader by the fifth oversized paragraph is as bad as no statement at all. Have some sympathy for your readers Clyde, you're not delivering academic papers.

Sympathies? There's only going to be one way to drive these c***s out of the game, by showing them up for what simpletons they are.

The three statements Clyde have put out have publicly embarrassed the governing bodies and those running it. Their silence speaks volumes, as you put it.

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I think the 11 SPL clubs had a vote about that not so long ago.

...believing that Rangers would be in SFL1, lets see how much brass is actually in their balls.

Beat me to it.

Threw us a carcass and asked us to fatten it up and give it back no more than a year later.

Now it looks like we might stick the carcass as the bottom of the heap (or even in the bin) - wonder if they'll welcome their wounded brothers back with open arms?

Edited by AyrshireTon
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Their readership has been cut dramatically over the last few years and would dwindle much further if they couldn't print more moonbeams on a regular basis.

They really are shameless b*****ds.

Lets hope the internet bampots win the war.

The article on page 8 today demanding to know why Rangers weren't sold for £110 million is the stupidest straight news article I've ever read.

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I fear there are a number of SPL club supporters on here that may have to eat humble pie when their clubs vote Newco in to the SPL and sporting integrity goes out the window.

If this happens it will be interesting to see;

a) what changes are made to the voting system in the SPL

b) how quickly the "agreement" made yesterday is kicked into the long grass

c) how many days before the Daily Ranger hails the transformation of the SPL with its no relegation policy

Stitch up away to happen and I don't see what will stop it....

a) Didn't know Peterhead prison had a psychiatric wing.

b) Didn't think prisoners in that wing would have internet access.

c) there is no c)

Edited by Granny Danger
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Guest Flash

It's wonderful stuff. Clyde fans should feel very proud of whoever's putting these statements together. Whoever it is, he's running rings round the paid executives and national journalists.

As others have said, my own club's silence is as suspicious as it is deafening.

Any club swithering over the decision must be uncertain whether the bribe is high enough. "What if we make it 16 SPL clubs and a car and £50,000 and a holiday to the Maldives?"

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Any club swithering over the decision must be uncertain whether the bribe is high enough. "What if we make it 16 SPL clubs and a car and £50,000 and a holiday to the Maldives?"

It's like 3-2-1 with Ted Rodgers.

Neil Doncaster plays Dusty Bin.

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...believing that Rangers would be in SFL1, lets see how much brass is actually in their balls.

Am I the only one who thought the SPL Clubs voted with integrity, sans one, while everything that has played out since has been gerrymandered by panicking SFA/SFL/SPL officials? The SFL clubs will likely vote alike and Newco will be in the third, and reform will still happen and we won't all be killed.

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I'll put this post as two simple bullets, to see if this is the scenario anyone thinks will actually happen here...

• SPL clubs only voted 'no to newco in SPL' because they were all in cahoots with Donkeymaster, Regan, and Longmuir to see Sevco in Div 1.

• Plan looks like going tits-up. SPL clubs will therefore simply stick Sevco back in the SPL.

Sorry, no matter what has happened since Feb 14 to astound and amuse me in equal measure - I'm not buying this!

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Much as I applaud the sentiments, this was FAR, FAR too longwinded. Arbroath managed to say as much covering the coherent points in a more concise fashion.

With the clock ticking down, those opposing the attempted SFA/SFL carve up have to keep it to the point so people will read (and understand their arguments), especially if it is reiterating points already made days earlier.

A statement that loses the reader by the sixth oversized paragraph is as bad as no statement at all. Have some sympathy for your readers Clyde, you're not delivering academic papers.

Disagree. The resolutions concocted by Doncaster and Regan have been so constructed in order that any 't' not crossed or any 'i' not dotted by the SFL clubs shall be pounced upon to assist SpivCo back in.

Clyde have responded with a statement which, by necessity, needed to be detailed and comprehensive.

The very complaint you have regarding long windedness is the very scenario that Regan & Doncaster are hoping to engender within the SFL clubs voting.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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I'll put this post as two simple bullets, to see if this is the scenario anyone thinks will actually happen here...

• SPL clubs only voted 'no to newco in SPL' because they were all in cahoots with Donkeymaster, Regan, and Longmuir to see Sevco in Div 1.

• Plan looks like going tits-up. SPL clubs will therefore simply stick Sevco back in the SPL.

Sorry, no matter what has happened since Feb 14 to astound and amuse me in equal measure - I'm not buying this!

didn't the SFA say that if Newco were voted into the SPL that they would have refused to give them a licence to play football?
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Am I the only one who thought the SPL Clubs voted with integrity, sans one, while everything that has played out since has been gerrymandered by panicking SFA/SFL/SPL officials? The SFL clubs will likely vote alike and Newco will be in the third, and reform will still happen and we won't all be killed.

So when Killie are asked to vote on Monday (after the SFL have said No to Newco in the SFL1 or no to Newco in the SFL completely) to admit Dun* or Newco. What way are they going to vote?

Using Killie as an example but the same can be said for others such as Saint *, ICT, Motherwell etc.

There is a vast difference in being without revenue for a year and being without revenue for 3.

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