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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That was one tiny slice - you think I'm going to bore myself to death ripping all of that pish to bits? And there is a lot of pish to be ripped from it, if someone felt suitably motivated. It is absolutely not worth the trouble. After all the pre-match hype on behalf of HTG I expected metter. Much better. Even though Bennet did try and warn me not to expect anything of substance at all. He was right.

I have more interesting things to do like watching the paint dry. Or crossing my fingers for my newest favourite Swedish team smile.gif

Bluster then? Thought so. :)

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When it comes to raising double standards high - that's stratospheric. From him, of all people laugh.gif

Quite the interpreter aren't we Bendarroch.

I've been observing your posts and replies for a while now (I know , im obsessed! Shucks what can I say). Anyway. I've noticed that you aren't actually reading the whole posts of anyone who questions you or disagrees with you. You seem to be glancing at the post, picking the bits that you think you can counter comment on and failing miserably to actually put any kind of reasonable comment together without referring to general arrogance or North Korean style "glorious" propaganda. Maybe if your attention span could just increase to actually read the whole posts you might actually be able to comment sensibly instead of looking like a bitter arrogant bigot. :ph34r:

Just a little observation. I knew that degree would come in handy one day. :P

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Good for you. Keep complaining to the authorities and perhaps they can add more to the list of bans on freedom of expression and the naughty songs at fitba bill.

I mean, really, good for you!

If wearing scarfs and singing songs with naughty words is how you get your kicks then fill yer boots!

I mean, really, good for you! :1eye

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I'd just like to say - and forgive me for stating the blatantly obvious - your suggestions that 'I hope they boot the c**t's' is much more acceptable than Goian reportedly making an accurate, if misguided, statement. Isn't it?

Goian, according to you, is 'arrogant' but you're incantations to violence are, well...


I'm beginning to wonder if P&B is the waste-bin for the brain-dead of the interwebs.

"Incantations"? Really? I know they're a set of pagans down the '77, but I wasn't aware of any spellcasting involved - otherwise they'd not have got relegated last year...

Oh and BTW, will you and all the other Sevco halfwits disappear once the 'leccy bills and rates start to hit the Green Brigade? Looking forward to Deano, Kyle and that c**t Black really giving a f**k on a wet Tuesday night in February?

FFS, some of you cretins are even talking about the SFL3 title being "Number 55". By that reckoning, even A*r have won something, and you know that ain't so....

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Can anyone explain why there are five stars around the badge on sevcos top tonight? I assume they must satisfy the authorties and are perfectly entitled to display them?

So, history intact and debt free. Well played charlie, well played.....................

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At the risk of incurring your mighty and all knowing wrath Bendarroch, can you explain what the actual fcuk Mr Murray was doing to "YOUR" club, using YOUR money for twelve years? Do you truly believe he handed over YOUR club in a fit state to a wee wide boy chancer who then trashed it?


Honestly? ?

What REALLY happened Mr B? Please tell. .....

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"Incantations"? Really? I know they're a set of pagans down the '77, but I wasn't aware of any spellcasting involved - otherwise they'd not have got relegated last year...

Oh and BTW, will you and all the other Sevco halfwits disappear once the 'leccy bills and rates start to hit the Green Brigade? Looking forward to Deano, Kyle and that c**t Black really giving a f**k on a wet Tuesday night in February?

FFS, some of you cretins are even talking about the SFL3 title being "Number 55". By that reckoning, even A*r have won something, and you know that ain't so....

Steady now ......I think you`ll find we were cheated out of our very own moment of glory as Pre - Sevco cheated and robbed us by fielding 9 out of 11 who were on bent contracts at a recent ( ish ) Hampden final. Soon the trophy will be ours and the celebrations, open top bus etc can commence ;) You`ll be pleased with that right? A wee team seeing justice being done... you wouldn`t want to see cheats prosper, your not cheering for them to keep that trophy.....surely ?

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Can anyone explain why there are five stars around the badge on sevcos top tonight? I assume they must satisfy the authorties and are perfectly entitled to display them?

You don't need to satisfy anyone to have stars around a badge - Man City have three which represent absolutely hee-haw.

The stars on the The Rangers jerseys represent the 5 titles that Rangers won whilst cheating.

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Soon the trophy will be ours and the celebrations, open top bus etc can commence ;) You`ll be pleased with that right? A wee team seeing justice being done... you wouldn`t want to see cheats prosper, your not cheering for them to keep that trophy.....surely ?

Yeah - similarly we're due the 2009 Scottish Cup - Rangers fielded 5 players on EBTs that day, including the goal scorer - all with side-letters - the naughty upstarts !!

And St Mirren should get our runners-up medals seeing as how they were denied a place in the final themselves.

Ben Johnson didn't get to keep his medal or world record after all !!

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It's clear that you have no real sense or understanding of what The Rangers support at large think of Green. You know nothing of the skepticism so many have for him - and, tellingly - appear more than willing to disregard why so many follow on no matter what the suits think or do.

It's our club, not theirs. Always has been and always will be, just as it is for every club of any importance. Including yours. It's the simplest of truths - no support equates to no club at all.

The suits come, the suits go as they have time and again before and will continue to do so, but still the support remain. Have you forgotten already the tawdry behaviour of suits in charge at the plastics? Baron Reid of Cardowan is a fine example, but far from the only one.

My message to you then (at least in part) is that we'll be taking no lessons in morality from anyone with plenty of their own skeletons in the closet.

I know who I blame for the criminal farce that engulfed our greatest of clubs, and if you think that Green will get an easy ride after all we have suffered then you know even less of us than I stated at the outset. If Green serves us properly, then well and good. If not?

He'll be gone.

PS: At least one of your acolytes claimed that you are going to 'shite and eat' me - whatever that means. Could you let me know when you intend to start?

I'd like to respond or ask a question related to each of your first 6 paragraphs.

1. If the fans are so skeptical then why have they handed over hundreds of pounds to the man, which has gone to pay of the loan he got to buy the club?

2. On this we agree.

3. Again, true.

4. What other clubs do still isn't an excuse for what OldCo/SevCo did.

5. & 6. If not, he'll be gone. True, but so will your club. He was the only one that took a gamble on the club. A gamble that still may not come off. I admire your passion for your club, but passion alone and 50,000 fans turning up once a fortnight doesn't keep a club going. You may or may not like the suits but if they pack up their briefcases and walk out the door, then the club folds. Game Over.

If I was a SevCo fan (God forbid) I would be demanding all my questions answered before I even gave money for a programme. And I wouldn't even pay any attention to Ally now telling us how pally he is with Green and that we can all trust him. Wasn't this the same thing he and Watty were both saying about Sir Dave? Yet now if you ask them about him they aren't so complimentary , claiming they didn't understand the ins and outs of the business at the time. "We was duped!!!"

How long do you plan on giving Green, and at what point will you truly trust him?

As far as I can see he has done absolutely nothing since the days of the fans trying to hound him out of the club, to prove he is trustworthy.

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Also this found on Scotzine.com -

Says it all really. :rolleyes:

August 21, 2012 12:33 am

Has Scottish Football had a humour bypass of late?

Posted by Andy Muirhead

Since football was invented we have had songs and chants that are in good humour, those that take the mickey, those that have cut to the bone and those that have crossed the line, in Scotland we now have a government bill that targets those who sing offensive chants and songs. But does that mean Scottish football has had a humour bypass?

Sadly recent events seem to back up the stance that humour and banter has no place in Scottish football, as news broke that Falkirk had suspended their match day announcer, Dave McIntosh, following announcements he made at the Bairns' home game with Raith Rovers at the weekend. During the half time break, McIntosh was reportedly to have included 'the Sevco franchise 2, East Stirling 1′ followed later by 'the final score from Castle Greyskull was Sevco franchise 5, East Stirling 1′.

Now what was illegal, bigoted, offensive about those statements? Well nothing from what I can see obviously but it seems that numerous Rangers fans had a problem with being labelled Sevco franchise rather than Rangers football club. Even the issue of Ibrox being labelled Castle Greyskull was deemed offensive and yet it was the fortress of cartoon character He-Man – the good character who fought the evil Skeletor. So being labelled good is now offensive? Would they prefer Mordor or Snake Mountain instead?

Of course the humour bypass is now in full swing, with Rangers fans on their forums discussing boycotting the games against Falkirk to hit them in the pocket both in the Ramsdens Cup tonight and the Scottish Communities League Cup tie at Ibrox at the end of the month.

So the decision to suspend McIntosh by the club could be seen as the club taking a stance to protect their financial gain rather than actually suspending an employee for a breach of disciplinary rules. I wonder if the decision was taken after the club took legal advice or if they just looked at the bank balance? The lawyer's office will certainly be the first port of call for McIntosh if the club decide to turn his suspension into a sacking that is for sure.

The club published an official statement on their website from chairman Martin Ritchie, stating: "It has been brought to our attention that our PA announcer made some inappropriate comments about Rangers at half-time on Saturday. We have already apologised to Rangers and would now like to apologise to the many Rangers supporters that have been in contact with the club.

"Falkirk FC are treating this incident very seriously and the individual concerned has been suspended from his duties, pending a full investigation by the club."

'It has been brought to our attention….' that is a very misleading comment from Mr Ritchie. Was he not at the game against Raith Rovers? Do the board members attend the games? So they had to rely on the emails from disgruntled and angry Rangers fans who weren't even at the Falkirk game to take action against a club employee when they were at the game themselves and heard the announcements themselves.

Even Rangers club employee Andrew Dickson - one that is not free from controversy himself – hit out at McIntosh by stating on his twitter page on the 18th August:

"It's one thing having cheap digs at people who aren't there. I suspect he won't be so bold to our faces three days from now #actingthebigman"

He then replied to Guardian journalist Ewan Murray by stating: "I thought it was a bit pathetic of him, yes. I'd hardly say I'm losing sleep over it.

"Just thought it was a cheap shot from a guy nobody has heard of…."

When Murray replied: "….he probably doesn't know who you are either! icon_wink.gif "

Dickson finished by saying: "Yeah, he probably doesn't so I'm sure he's not losing any sleep either. Difference being I'd say what I thought to his face."

I guess Dickson forgot his #actingthebigman jibe earlier in his tweets as he acts the big man saying that he would have said something to McIntoshs' face. I wonder what he would have said? I wonder if he has marked Mr McIntoshs' cards also? Dickson has a history of doing that also and then commenting on his twitter feed so that his followers then target said individuals who he has an issue with or who do not brown nose. And all this from a Rangers employee – where is the dignity in that? Has he lost his pair of club-issued brown brogues and replaced them with a pair of trainers that neds sport on a night out and in court?

Also it is a bit rich that oor Andrew states that McIntosh is an unknown, given the fact that outwith those following oor Andrew or those at Rangers football club, how many actually know him? Dickson is certainly not famous nor is an individual that is well-known outwith certain circles. I would envisage many-an-SFL fan know Mr McIntosh than they do oor Andrew. But hey at least he doesn't lose sleep over it, he just sends his angry followers to do his biding like good lil sheep.

Now I do have to state though there are some sensible Rangers fans who have seen the comments from McIntosh for what they are – jokes.

One poster on Follow Follow stated:

Oh, come on guys….seriously? Are we at this level? Fans will wind up other fans. That's part of the game and if it's done with some degree of humour it's fine. The problem is when it is 'impartial' organisations like media outlets doing it. But if we can't let opposition fans have a laugh at us at the game then we abdicate all freedom to do the same back. It should annoy us and we should retaliate with songs and chants, not by complaining to the authorities unless he says something genuinely offensive.

Before I get a lot of abuse, I'm not happy that he's saying it and will happily join in any (good-natured) abuse of Falkirk. But I'm sure that the Sheep don't like being called the Sheep; that Nakamura didn't actually slice or dice many things in his wok; and that Dundonians don't like being reminded that they live in Dundee.

Our support is unfairly targeted to prevent us singing normal football banter but doesn't mean we should respond in kind to something as relatively innocuous as this.

While another stated:

A slap on the wrists is about right, hardly the crime of the century. People wanting him sacked need to lighten up a bit.

So while those at Sevco franchise, Sevco FC, THE Rangers Football Club or Rangers Football Club round on anyone who has a joke at their expense after losing their sense of humour at the same time as their credibility and dignity over liquidation, the rest of us can hopefully get on with singing those ditties, those chants that do not breach any laws in this country and are seen as jokes or banter between fans.

The same Rangers fans who complained about being labelled Sevco franchise supporters could invariably be the same fans who said that singing The Famine Song is okay because it's just banter or those that wasted police time when making a complaint against Celtic manager Neil Lennon for racially abusing El Hadji Diouf – and then rounded on Diouf for actually telling the truth which cleared Lennon.

They can dish it out when they want too, but they certainly can't take it. Time these Rangers fans check in at the Southern General and ask the surgeons to give them a bypass or at least remove the broom handle that is stuck up their orifice.

Hopefully Falkirk see some sense and reinstate Mr McIntosh, certainly he will get a lot of support up and down the country as well as from this site. #FreetheFalkirkOne

Got as far as Andy Muirhead and stopped readin, a real impartial guy ;)

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I'd like to respond or ask a question related to each of your first 6 paragraphs.

1. If the fans are so skeptical then why have they handed over hundreds of pounds to the man, which has gone to pay of the loan he got to buy the club?

2. On this we agree.

3. Again, true.

4. What other clubs do still isn't an excuse for what OldCo/SevCo did.

5. & 6. If not, he'll be gone. True, but so will your club. He was the only one that took a gamble on the club. A gamble that still may not come off. I admire your passion for your club, but passion alone and 50,000 fans turning up once a fortnight doesn't keep a club going. You may or may not like the suits but if they pack up their briefcases and walk out the door, then the club folds. Game Over.

If I was a SevCo fan (God forbid) I would be demanding all my questions answered before I even gave money for a programme. And I wouldn't even pay any attention to Ally now telling us how pally he is with Green and that we can all trust him. Wasn't this the same thing he and Watty were both saying about Sir Dave? Yet now if you ask them about him they aren't so complimentary , claiming they didn't understand the ins and outs of the business at the time. "We was duped!!!"

How long do you plan on giving Green, and at what point will you truly trust him?

As far as I can see he has done absolutely nothing since the days of the fans trying to hound him out of the club, to prove he is trustworthy.

I actually agree with some of that. In an ideal world we would have cut off funding to Green but that was a risk the majority of bears weren't going to take, most put seing the team 1st.

Going on a game to game basis should have been the ideal compromise, the club gets funding and we keep some control over Green but that never happened and the gambles been taken.

For what it's worth i do not trust Green, too many iffy moments and if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quaks like a duck then it is a duck.

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Oh my, having been gone for a few hours I see this thread has taken off again! Celtic fans everywhere! The creepy obsession continues. I for one welcome them and feel my fellow Rangers fans on this website should do too. Honestly, I know it's hard to believe, but we DO share a common interest and that is that we all share a profound obsession towards all things Rangers. I could talk about Rangers all day myself, I mean perhaps not to the standards of "Celtic supporters", but certainly a lot.

However, to the Falkirk fan earlier on who replied to my post - perhaps I did become a bit excited in writing in the thread fella! Having said that it was merely the point rather than the phrasing that you should look at. Kicking us out, not letting us in, new company name for the club etc, all that shenanigans that this lot have been dissecting like the full-time lawyers they are! If you did read my post properly however you will see that I said I have been having some really good banter with people re: our situation. I don't mind it, I enjoy it, I know i'd certainly be the same, although I was a bit angered at the treatment Dundee FC were getting and wished them well when going into administration. Also, yes, Scottish football is horrific. It is simply ignored by everyone outside of the country and people that run it seem hell bent on making it worse at every possible turn. Woeful stadiums, woeful football, pathetic crowds and generally the S"P"L is most certainly one of the worst 'top' leagues in European and World football. It's bad yes, and you will be wondering why am I still watching Scottish football then? Well as a Rangers fan, I simply love watching us and no matter what league, what stadium and in what capacity we are I will always go and cheer on my team. Oh, speaking of which, good game tonight, I felt we controlled the majority of the game barring the first 15 minutes of the 2nd half.

Now, sorry for interrupting chaps, what were we talking about?

Oh yes, Rangers. Let's talk more about us :)

Edited by Crazy_Frog
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