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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The first part is more or less right, most fans are turning up through a mix of duty, desire, desperation and curiosity, all of which will wane and the figures will go down; but the second part of that sentence ranks up there with your reasoning on the law firm. You're seriously trying to tell us that if it had been Celtic who had died on their knees, mired in shame and agony, and who were now plying their trade as a newco, escaping with draws from Peterheid and Berwick, while youse were getting ready for the Chanpions League, that the Rangers fans would have just carried on with life as normal, and in no way would be spending half their life on forums or in pubs and offices talking and laughing and gloating about the collapse? It's just ridiculous.

If it had been Celtic who had collapsed the overall reaction might have been slightly less celebratory as Rangers are arguably more hated than them, but had they spent years lording it over the rest of us while cheating and running up unpayable debts, it would have been the same. They'd now have sell out home crowds of "WATP" menatlity fans, relatively massive TV viewing figures, bloated by non Celtic fans watching in the hope they'd get humped and the rest of us would be here laughing our arses off at them over it.

In short, the obsession most definitely runs the other way too.

Exactly. Imagine Celtic failed to win the SPL this season? Not one of these (wat) people would comment or indeed bat an eyelid.

Aye right :lol:

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How dare a club use a marketing ploy, how DARE THEY!!!!!!:angry:

No other team would use such a ploy, we deserve to be consequenced severely for this.

rolleyes.gif not me who was fooled by the merchandise, cynical capitalism that identified your support as being gullible, why the anger because I have the were with all to recognise, just keep the 54 and counting mentality it has shielded you from the financial mismanagement and blatant wrong doing by your trustees/ former owners.

The stars thing is just pish , wear them they mean nothing a total non issue. The dual contracts and EBTs are the issue everything else means nothing really.

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You know i was wondering about that, will the SPL go round to every ex players house and demand medals back if Skippy and co rule against us in the impartial SPL hearing?

Not sure how they can enforce a "gie yer medals tae Sellcik" demand.

No need, just produce new ones for the actual winners with, for example, "Scottish Cup Winners 2009 (Awarded 2012)" to mark it as the true medal, and the former Rangers players and managers can keep their now meaningless medals to go with you lot and your tattoos of 5 stars.

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Exactly. Imagine Celtic failed to win the SPL this season? Not one of these (wat) people would comment or indeed bat an eyelid.

Aye right :lol:

We've been through this before Henry, back in 94 we never hounded celtic fans over their teams troubles, we left em to it while we supported our team.

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Yes seriously I am telling you this ;) Like it or not Rangers fans have always been looking over our shoulders watching as Celtic try to chase, the level of obsession just does not run the same way, for me it does not run at all, since I joined this forum I have only posted twice on celtic threads that were not related to my team, (1) Congratulated hibs on getting a well earned draw (2) Congratulated Celtic on getting a well earned CL place, I simply dont care about them, I am only "obsessed" with one team and thats Rangers

In short, you are wrong :)

But your obsession to remain ahead of the other cheek has brought about your downfall. It is typical of the its all them mentality and the rest are all closet Tim's, Celtic supporters issue the same mantra when you try to debate issues of their failure.

Can you not see that the intensity of the rivalry has damaged Scottish football from being a compedative league, success at all cost has made your club pay the ultimate, it will be liquidated, whether your supporters live in denial about this for the rest of your days the actions of your own club brought about its demise, sure your blaming the other SPL clubs and guys like Murray , Whyte, Greig et al will be extremely grateful as the thought of a load of angry Rangers supporters seeking revenge, considering that some nutters were willing to intimate a bombing campaign against Neil Lennon for being ugly and a tad odious can you imagine what would be meted out to those responsible of killing the club especially having made a few quid on it.

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A superb example of the diddy club mindset at work.

Fucking marvellous laugh.gif


How unusual for a sevco zombie to extract a snippet of a post that suits their agenda.

Did Turnbull Hutton and Raith Rovers not also receive some unwelcome attention even the announcer at Falkirk got a night off for his own safety for commenting on your new status. It is the diddy clubs with the issues . I honestly don't know whether the level of debt is dwarfed by the level of denial.

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laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif that must be a special kind of firewall that doesn't let you look at some stark financial figures, even your PC is showing signs of paranoia.

Norton can be a tad sensitive at times but perhaps you could C&P whatever it is.


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Near 3,500 pages on The Rangers.

Almost exclusively from diddy clubbers and plastics. Reminds me of that old joke: "What have Rangers and Celtic supporters got in common? An obsession with The Rangers."

54 and counting smile.gif

Surely you expected some interest when one of Scotlands biggest institutions failed and unleashed Armageddon on Scottish football

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We've been through this before Henry, back in 94 we never hounded celtic fans over their teams troubles, we left em to it while we supported our team.

Don't talk pish.

Bennett, you b*****d! You've just made me agree with a celtic fan. Hibiscrub shower here we go....

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This type of point scoring irratates the f**k out of me

Are Celtic or Celtic Fans (collectively) to blame for Willie Collum Death Threats?

Are Hearts or Hearts Fans (collectively) to blame for Templetons GF`s Rape Threats?

Are Rangers or Rangers Fans (collectively) to blame for NL being sent bullets?

No these people are just sick cnuts end of story, it has nothing to do with Football or supporting a certain team

You're absolutely right.

I've noticed this - diddy clubber and plastic P&B posters do like to cry like bairns when responded to in kind. There's a particularly gratifying animation in responses that refuse to accept their blatant lies as fact.

Annan Athletic know them well. Well enough to publicly out them as the 'keyboard warriors' they so clearly are.

And well enough to publicly damn the 'warriors' by creating a Scroll of Fame in dedication to the legions of supporters pouring money into the game to offset any potential monetary losses. Well, I say legions, because it surely cannot be the case that only four instances of this support have been handed to Annan?

And yet, according to Annan Athletic, that's the total support since their grand rallying cries to the 'keyboard warriors'.

Three instances from sporting wing supporters and one from Aberdeen. The same Aberdeen supporters (so driven by integrity) who would rather sponsor an opponent of The Rangers than their own club.

Who couldn't find that funny?


Edited by Bendarroch
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This type of point scoring irratates the f**k out of me

Are Celtic or Celtic Fans (collectively) to blame for Willie Collum Death Threats?

Are Hearts or Hearts Fans (collectively) to blame for Templetons GF`s Rape Threats?

Are Rangers or Rangers Fans (collectively) to blame for NL being sent bullets?

No these people are just sick cnuts end of story, it has nothing to do with Football or supporting a certain team

It would irritate the f**k out of me as well, if I was trying to paint a rosy picture of just going to ibrox for the football, "ah don't even know which songs ye mean", "me and ma mates pure disown that minority and their unacceptable views", and then that minority CONTINUALLY sang their way through the songbook, CONTINUALLY had the club up before UEFA, CONTINUALLY re-arranged city centres around Europe, CONTINUALLY brought a taste of the Middle Ages' sewerage facilities to towns around Scotland, and then when there was a seismic event in the club's history, a chance to start afresh, guess what?

That's right the OWNER of the company which now owns your club's tribute act is leading the charge with accusations of bigotry, applauding offensive singing to get "onside" with the lowest common denominator of the former club's support. Luckily for him, benefits are one of the few areas where incomes haven't fallen in the current climate, so he's mining DHSS Gold at an amazing rate. And Sevco have a higher proportion of fuckwits clamouring to follow them than rangers ever did. (never thought it could be possible). The reason being that the recent revelations of cheating, theft and criminality have led some former fans to the stage where they can no longer justify being associated with such a discredited "institution". Let's say this has been a Damascene experience for them.

So what's left? People who believe that theft from the crown (!) is acceptable "cos we're rangers", people who think it is acceptable to "win" trophies and cash by acting outwith the rules of a competition - i.e. cheat, people who believe they should be allowed to go where they like, do what they like and sing what they like "'cause we arra peepil". Halfwits with no self-esteem, in other words, who have relied on vicarious successes to bring some reflected value to their own sorry lives.

Are/were rangers responsible? Well, when the club handed out flags to the fans to wave in solidarity, they weren't rangers flags, were they? How many of the club's representatives have publicly sung sectarian songs or expressed sectarian views? Sorry to be blunt, but the entire organisation was/is rotten to the core, and anyone who associates themselves with bigotry and criminality must remember what happens "when you lie down with dogs...."

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Are/were rangers responsible? Well, when the club handed out flags to the fans to wave in solidarity, they weren't rangers flags, were they? How many of the club's representatives have publicly sung sectarian songs or expressed sectarian views? Sorry to be blunt, but the entire organisation was/is rotten to the core, and anyone who associates themselves with bigotry and criminality must remember what happens "when you lie down with dogs...."

Good post.

Expect a lot more of this though from the sevco fans.


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