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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Any league where we don't have to play Celtic 4 times a year, I am sick and tired of this hate filled stale old rivalry, its had its time and I hope it never returns

For once I think everyone not a fan of Celtic or Sevco agrees with you. :-)

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I don't see whats so funny about pensioners losing their money due to McConvilles shoddy practices, do you?

I never suggested there was any humour to be found in it, but it is irrelevant to this thread and doesn't preclude his opinion on this very topic from being correct despite you trotting it out every time a link to one of his blogs is posted in some repetitive attempt at uber-deflection.

Plus ever since I put 2 and 2 together regarding your name and avatar I've been dying to throw in the "let off some steam" line :P

Edited by ribzanelli
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More nonsense from AJ My link

Basically if EBTs weren't available they would have bought the players anyway and just paid the higher taxation cos, er, well, Minty Moonbeams was pure loaded and that. Oh, and liquidation was solely down to Craigy Boy.

When you read it, of course, his claim is not that Murray would've paid for them: it's that Murray would've got Bank of Scotland to pay for them by getting even more debt facility.

Why didn't you just do that then, Alistair? Well of course, unlike EBTs, debt has (or at least is supposed) to be serviced and repaid...

I find his entire logic quite bamboozling though. His defence is basically "look, even if we didn't do things properly, we could've done things properly, it's just that we didn't".

As I said on another thread - Spartans should've used that defence.

"Look, even if we didn't register him properly, we could've registered him properly, it's just that we didn't".

Seemingly this makes everything OK.

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I never suggested there was any humour to be found in it, but it is irrelevant to this thread and doesn't preclude his opinion on this very topic from being correct despite you trotting it out every time a link to one of his blogs is posted in some repetitive attempt at uber-deflection.

Plus ever since I put 2 and 2 together regarding your name and avatar I've been dying to throw in the "let off some steam" line :P

But he is only taking his lead from Green and Sevco.

It's the equivalent of Angela Merkel telling Blair he's to blame for the gulf war and then Blair shouting back "You started world wars!!!"

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I find his entire logic quite bamboozling though. His defence is basically "look, even if we didn't do things properly, we could've done things properly, it's just that we didn't".

A similar approach to that taken by Green in his boycotting of the kangaroo court speech, I'm pretty sure he tried to excuse the years of cheating by saying that it was ok because its not as if they won everything during that time

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He had an interesting debate with Youngsy about (yes you guessed it) continuation where he asked for facts, proving that the Middlesborough Liquadation was the same as the current Rangers situation, Youngsy was very Factual and proved the point and answered every question with evidence (well done Youngsy) but Dhenster still wont admit it (there's a surprise)

He'll be waiting for McConville or RTC to provide a suitable anwer first, i've never know anyone as blinkered as that. most Celtic fans that i know (real life/offline) are prepared to listen to reason and accept that everythings not Rangers bad - Celtic good.

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I love the use of the phrase ''Celtic lawyers"

Safe to say they can no longer call us paranoid.

Jesus, they've gone waaaaay past the paranoia of the Celtic fans the last few months. But you know what they say, just because they're paranoid, doesn't mean we're not all out to get them ;)

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A similar approach to that taken by Green in his boycotting of the kangaroo court speech, I'm pretty sure he tried to excuse the years of cheating by saying that it was ok because its not as if they won everything during that time

Yes, his justification was that:

[1] during the period Rangers used EBTs, they didn't win every trophy they entered... only lots of them

[2] during the period Rangers used EBTs, the budget didn't always increase... so latterly it was only artificially softening spending cuts, not artificially growing spending

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I never suggested there was any humour to be found in it, but it is irrelevant to this thread and doesn't preclude his opinion on this very topic from being correct despite you trotting it out every time a link to one of his blogs is posted in some repetitive attempt at uber-deflection.

Plus ever since I put 2 and 2 together regarding your name and avatar I've been dying to throw in the "let off some steam" line :P

Whenever McConville sticks his oar in, i'll be right there to remind everyone of his character which is far from irrelevant when certain people take everything he says as gospel. People in glass houses ....

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He'll be waiting for McConville or RTC to provide a suitable anwer first, i've never know anyone as blinkered as that. most Celtic fans that i know (real life/offline) are prepared to listen to reason and accept that everythings not Rangers bad - Celtic good.

He does not need to wait for an answer here it is-

UEFA definition of a football club-

a legal entity fully responsible for a football team participating in national and international competitions which either:

a) is a registered member of a UEFA member association and/or its affiliated league (hereinafter: registered member); or

b) has a contractual relationship with a registered member (hereinafter: football company).

2 The membership and the contractual relationship (if any) must have lasted – at the start of the licence season – for at least three consecutive years. Any alteration to the club’s legal form or company structure (including, for example, changing its headquarters, name or club colours, or transferring stakeholdings between different clubs) during this period in order to facilitate its qualification on sporting merit and/or its receipt of a licence to the detriment of the integrity of a competition is deemed as an interruption of membership or contractual relationship (if any) within the meaning of this provision.

A legal entity- click.

A totally different legal entity- click.

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@ChrisMclaughin commission set up to investigate allegations of dual contracts at Rangers throw out clubs protest over legal authority. Probe will continue.

Is it not about time Chucky got himself some new legal advisors? The only thing they seem to have gotten right from the start was the embargo thing and even then Chucky changed his mind over it.

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I seriously think Rangers supporters are all backwards thick retards with no comprehension of what had actually happened to their football club !

1, EBT's are PENSION FUNDS for retirement ! Rangers used it as a complete tax avoidance by using it for tax free loans never to be ever paid back.Also there is no money in the pension fund for people who retire ? so Rangers did not use it as a pension fund which would have made it legal and also no money was ever paid back into the loan as REQUIRED by the legal use and definition of the scheme ! FACT.

2,There is evidence of side contracts making their players ineligible they fielded.

That's the cheating dealt with.

During the demise of the club the Rangers fans wanted to go to the 3rd division ! So the SPL and SFL members duly gave them what they wanted and voted them out of the SPL and SFL 1st division.Now the fucking moronic minded orcs want to take revenge on the clubs who gave them what they wanted by boycotting and other shite they can muster ! class "A" arseholes they are.

We all know why they wanted 3rd division football ! because of the embargo that got stuffed right up their "A" holes sideways.We're gonna lose all our best players and won't be able to replace them :bairn.

If they got voted into the SPL they were fucked completely by the embargo & the embarrassment of actually being relegated with a shitey side was totally unbearable to be slagged off and disgraced by.This also applies to the 1st as they were greeting they'd never get promotion and beat every other week.

They only wanted the 3rd division because they are glory hunting feckers ! if the embargo stood as it was applied IMMEDIATELY ! they thought they would storm the 3rd division with a team of youngsters.They only want to see their team win and win and win.They were given grace to sign players by the embargo being suspended and they still aren't happy ! it's a conspiracy to kill their club WTF ?.

Now they have a club to support they have become far far worse fans than they ever have been FFS.Not happy that they have a team to support they now wish to bring down the rest of the SPL & SFL clubs who did not cause their dead clubs financial & illegal woes.Now this ideal is as thick & stupid as it gets ! destroy the system and clubs that give live to their club ? no SPL and plenty of liquidated clubs and who is going to plough sponsorship money in to a crappy league ? and the fans will soon disappear for sure leaving the leviathan back into a death spiral.

As long as they are winning they don't give a flying feck how they achieve it with the blinkers on,the fact they will take great pride if other clubs go bust just shows it's not about the sport of football but more like vengeance ! vengeance for what ? it was their management and owners who killed them not the other clubs.

Why don't Rangers fans just focus on the football and be fucking happy & grateful that you were allowed the grace to have a team called Rangers playing football in any division only because of the size of the fan base ! because if it was any other team you'd be wanting them punished as much as possible you ungrateful bunch of b@stards !.

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I seriously think Rangers supporters are all backwards thick retards with no comprehension of what had actually happened to their football club !

1, EBT's are PENSION FUNDS for retirement ! Rangers used it as a complete tax avoidance by using it for tax free loans never to be ever paid back.Also there is no money in the pension fund for people who retire ? so Rangers did not use it as a pension fund which would have made it legal and also no money was ever paid back into the loan as REQUIRED by the legal use and definition of the scheme ! FACT.

2,There is evidence of side contracts making their players ineligible they fielded.

That's the cheating dealt with.

During the demise of the club the Rangers fans wanted to go to the 3rd division ! So the SPL and SFL members duly gave them what they wanted and voted them out of the SPL and SFL 1st division.Now the fucking moronic minded orcs want to take revenge on the clubs who gave them what they wanted by boycotting and other shite they can muster ! class "A" arseholes they are.

We all know why they wanted 3rd division football ! because of the embargo that got stuffed right up their "A" holes sideways.We're gonna lose all our best players and won't be able to replace them :bairn.

If they got voted into the SPL they were fucked completely by the embargo & the embarrassment of actually being relegated with a shitey side was totally unbearable to be slagged off and disgraced by.This also applies to the 1st as they were greeting they'd never get promotion and beat every other week.

They only wanted the 3rd division because they are glory hunting feckers ! if the embargo stood as it was applied IMMEDIATELY ! they thought they would storm the 3rd division with a team of youngsters.They only want to see their team win and win and win.They were given grace to sign players by the embargo being suspended and they still aren't happy ! it's a conspiracy to kill their club WTF ?.

Now they have a club to support they have become far far worse fans than they ever have been FFS.Not happy that they have a team to support they now wish to bring down the rest of the SPL & SFL clubs who did not cause their dead clubs financial & illegal woes.Now this ideal is as thick & stupid as it gets ! destroy the system and clubs that give live to their club ? no SPL and plenty of liquidated clubs and who is going to plough sponsorship money in to a crappy league ? and the fans will soon disappear for sure leaving the leviathan back into a death spiral.

As long as they are winning they don't give a flying feck how they achieve it with the blinkers on,the fact they will take great pride if other clubs go bust just shows it's not about the sport of football but more like vengeance ! vengeance for what ? it was their management and owners who killed them not the other clubs.

Why don't Rangers fans just focus on the football and be fucking happy & grateful that you were allowed the grace to have a team called Rangers playing football in any division only because of the size of the fan base ! because if it was any other team you'd be wanting them punished as much as possible you ungrateful bunch of b@stards !.

They are angry at the whole of Scottish football, because we all sided with Celtic. It's that simple. It's what they really believe in their hearts.

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