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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Kincardine, I have answered all you have asked, please just answer me the one question I have for you.

When did SC004276 become SC425159 and through which legal process did it become so?

:lol: Ah the classic booby trap ! get the victim to tighten the noose themselves.

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Guest Kincardine

Kincardine, I have answered all you have asked, please just answer me the one question I have for you.

When did SC004276 become SC425159 and through which legal process did it become so?

That is meaningless to me and I couldn't give a f**k.

Show me any football fan who knows his club's company registration number and I will show you a sad b*****d.

What is even sadder is knowing the coy reg number of an opposing club and quoting it on a forum.

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Guest Kincardine

Kincardine, I have answered all you have asked, please just answer me the one question I have for you.

When did SC004276 become SC425159 and through which legal process did it become so?

knife ..... stick .... twist for all you're worth ... you're a meanie. ;)

Aye sure, he is so evil. No doubt you and he have memorised the registration numbers of every football club in Scotland.

Oh wait, only one matters to you!

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And when must this 'legal form' take place? Also what should this 'legal form' be? Can a club exist before this 'legal form' or should its formation be charted from the extance of said, 'legal form'?

Maybe I'll help you a little !.

Feb 2012 Rangers the football club went into admin,companies house registration No SC004276

July 2012 Rangers the football club couldn't honour their debts caused by Whyte through a CVA proposed by Charles Green because no-one else would touch Rangers with a shitty stick to pay their enormous outstanding debts including the impending big tax case & dual contracts investigation.

July 2012 The administrators sold only the assets of Rangers football club to Green to help increase creditors pot ! now the important thing here is that Rangers companies house registration No SC004276 is still the real Rangers football club legally and Green has only the stadium and training facilities as well as "replica cups = the history" but he does not own a football club yet !.

July 2012 The assets only of Rangers football club 1872 "SC004276" have been moved to a company called sevco 5088 and is quickly moved to a company called sevco Scotland companies house No SC425159 ! there is still the real Rangers football club 1872 but it does not own any stadium or training facilities because they were sold to clear debt but has staff & players on their books and also owns the SFA & SPL licences of Rangers football club 1872.

Now at this point in time the team you support now is not actually a football club other than buildings and furniture and has been named legally property of sevco Scotland.

Green also has been bullying Rangers football club PLC players to TUPE over to his new club currently called sevco Scotland ! WHY ? because Rangers football club PLC 1872 companies house registration No SC004276 is still THE REAL RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB & PLC and still employs the staff & players but sold it's assets to pay debt.

July 2012 Some of the Rangers football club TUPE over to what is legally named at the moment sevco Scotland but some do not.Rangers fans start to get behind Green to support his new club he calls THE RANGERS but in reality it's a company called sevco Scotland BUT ! he is trading under the name of Rangers football club ltd even though the company he owns is called sevco Scotland.

July 2012 The Administrators do a deal with Green to change the name of Rangers football club PLC ! still the club and company of Rangers that won them titles ! to RFC 2012.This is to allow Green the opportunity to rename sevco Scotland "The Rangers Football Club LTD" and the deal is done.

Note here at this point there is only one football club and it is now called RFC 2012 because Green has no licences ! that is because they still belong to the club & company that won them titles & cups.

July 2012 Green has applied to the SPL to take the vacant place of the soon to be liquidated club RFC 2012 formerly known as Rangers Football Club PLC 1872,this is because RFC 2012 has no stadium or players but is still a member and still a football club in the SPL & SFA and Rangers football club ltd is not.A vote will take place as to whether to allow Green's new club straight into the SPL.

Note here there is 2 clubs & companies one is still a member SPL & SFA club RFC 2012 and one wants to be one ! Green's team.

July 2012 The SPL vote does not allow Green's newly formed club straight into the SPL ! also I'd like to point out to you that RFC 2012 the Rangers PLC that won them cups n titles has not been relegated to the 3rd division and neither is Green's club as Green's new club has never been a club in any league at this moment in time.RFC 2012 is still the club & company with membership licences and voted on Green's SPL parachute ? yes RFC 2012 is still the member club that won them cups n titles and Green still only has the assets and some staff !.

At this point Rangers fans begin to now believe Green owns the club that is about to be killed by liquidation ? it is not ! it is the assets of the club trying to be a clone football club in the Scottish leagues through another company because the real Rangers club and company 54 titles WATP RFC 2012 is dying !.

Aug 2012 The SFL vote on whether or not to allow Green's new club called The Rangers Football Club LTD straight into the 1st division ! it is a resounding NOOOOOO and another vote takes place to allow them entry into the 3rd division.RFC 2012 is still a club within the SPL & SFA and is still recognised by UEFA as the club that won them cups n titles !.

Note at this point on entry into the 3rd division ! RFC 2012 companies house registration No SC004276 still has SPL & SFA membership licences and is still legally a club within the laws of the game and Green's team is not !

Can you see what's happening here ?

Aug 2012 Green is trying to procure RFC 2012's SFA licence but the SFA demands Green only pay off the footballing debts but not the HMRC tax debts and take the punishments handed out by the SPL & SFA for sporting integrity reasons if he wants to bypass 3 years audited accounts mandates.This is the only way Green can field a team in the 3rd but he complains about the punishments as his club is a brand new club REMEMBER THAT !.

Aug 2012 Green has been given a conditional licence so he can field a team in an upcoming cup fixture till RFC 2012's licence transfer is agreed by all parties.

Note here that RFC 2012 still has the SPL & SFA membership licences ! but Green has been given a conditional one ! WE NOW HAVE 2 CLUBS in existence and one has won 54 titles and one has not even kicked a ball in any competitive fixture even though it's players TUPED from RFC 2012 formerly known as Rangers football Club PLC !.

Aug 2012 The deal is done and the SFA membership licence held by the club & company that won all them cups n titles is transferred over to Green's team !

Note here that the licence has been moved from one club to another club ! not the history ! just a licence to play football in the Scottish Leagues ! it's only the licence !

You can buy certain kinds of licences or inherit them like Green did from owners but you can't say you was the original owner can you !

This was to bypass the 3 years audited accounts just so you fuckers can have a team to follow and the SFA can milk the udders of the cloned cash cow called Rangers Football Club Ltd for money out of having your clone team in the leagues ? or most likely so you won't cause riots on an apocalyptic scale because yer team died !.

Now we still have the club & company in admin soon to be liquidated that won all them cups n titles STILL ALIVE RFC 2012 FKATCCRFC plc,but it sold all it's assets let go of it's staff & changed it's name and passed on it's SFA membership licence to Green's new club,you know the assets that Green bought for sevco 5088 then moved to sevco Scotland then hired some staff then changed it's name to Rangers Football Club Ltd then took it up the arse for a used licence from RFC 2012.

Your team you support now in chronological order was first a stadium & facilities under the ownership of sevco 5088 then sevco Scotland ,,,, then hired some staff from a dying club ,,,,,, then got permission to enter the SFL 3rd division ! no demotion there ! ,,,, changed it's name from sevco Scotland to "Rangers Football Club Ltd" ,,,,, then got a used tainted licence from another club to be able to concede goals in competitive fixtures !

What's so hard to understand that then :blink:.

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Maybe I'll help you a little !.

Feb 2012 Rangers the football club went into admin,companies house registration No SC004276

July 2012 Rangers the football club couldn't honour their debts caused by Whyte through a CVA proposed by Charles Green because no-one else would touch Rangers with a shitty stick to pay their enormous outstanding debts including the impending big tax case & dual contracts investigation.

July 2012 The administrators sold only the assets of Rangers football club to Green to help increase creditors pot ! now the important thing here is that Rangers companies house registration No SC004276 is still the real Rangers football club legally and Green has only the stadium and training facilities as well as "replica cups = the history" but he does not own a football club yet !.

July 2012 The assets only of Rangers football club 1872 "SC004276" have been moved to a company called sevco 5088 and is quickly moved to a company called sevco Scotland companies house No SC425159 ! there is still the real Rangers football club 1872 but it does not own any stadium or training facilities because they were sold to clear debt but has staff & players on their books and also owns the SFA & SPL licences of Rangers football club 1872.

Now at this point in time the team you support now is not actually a football club other than buildings and furniture and has been named legally property of sevco Scotland.

Green also has been bullying Rangers football club PLC players to TUPE over to his new club currently called sevco Scotland ! WHY ? because Rangers football club PLC 1872 companies house registration No SC004276 is still THE REAL RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB & PLC and still employs the staff & players but sold it's assets to pay debt.

July 2012 Some of the Rangers football club TUPE over to what is legally named at the moment sevco Scotland but some do not.Rangers fans start to get behind Green to support his new club he calls THE RANGERS but in reality it's a company called sevco Scotland BUT ! he is trading under the name of Rangers football club ltd even though the company he owns is called sevco Scotland.

July 2012 The Administrators do a deal with Green to change the name of Rangers football club PLC ! still the club and company of Rangers that won them titles ! to RFC 2012.This is to allow Green the opportunity to rename sevco Scotland "The Rangers Football Club LTD" and the deal is done.

Note here at this point there is only one football club and it is now called RFC 2012 because Green has no licences ! that is because they still belong to the club & company that won them titles & cups.

July 2012 Green has applied to the SPL to take the vacant place of the soon to be liquidated club RFC 2012 formerly known as Rangers Football Club PLC 1872,this is because RFC 2012 has no stadium or players but is still a member and still a football club in the SPL & SFA and Rangers football club ltd is not.A vote will take place as to whether to allow Green's new club straight into the SPL.

Note here there is 2 clubs & companies one is still a member SPL & SFA club RFC 2012 and one wants to be one ! Green's team.

July 2012 The SPL vote does not allow Green's newly formed club straight into the SPL ! also I'd like to point out to you that RFC 2012 the Rangers PLC that won them cups n titles has not been relegated to the 3rd division and neither is Green's club as Green's new club has never been a club in any league at this moment in time.RFC 2012 is still the club & company with membership licences and voted on Green's SPL parachute ? yes RFC 2012 is still the member club that won them cups n titles and Green still only has the assets and some staff !.

At this point Rangers fans begin to now believe Green owns the club that is about to be killed by liquidation ? it is not ! it is the assets of the club trying to be a clone football club in the Scottish leagues through another company because the real Rangers club and company 54 titles WATP RFC 2012 is dying !.

Aug 2012 The SFL vote on whether or not to allow Green's new club called The Rangers Football Club LTD straight into the 1st division ! it is a resounding NOOOOOO and another vote takes place to allow them entry into the 3rd division.RFC 2012 is still a club within the SPL & SFA and is still recognised by UEFA as the club that won them cups n titles !.

Note at this point on entry into the 3rd division ! RFC 2012 companies house registration No SC004276 still has SPL & SFA membership licences and is still legally a club within the laws of the game and Green's team is not !

Can you see what's happening here ?

Aug 2012 Green is trying to procure RFC 2012's SFA licence but the SFA demands Green only pay off the footballing debts but not the HMRC tax debts and take the punishments handed out by the SPL & SFA for sporting integrity reasons if he wants to bypass 3 years audited accounts mandates.This is the only way Green can field a team in the 3rd but he complains about the punishments as his club is a brand new club REMEMBER THAT !.

Aug 2012 Green has been given a conditional licence so he can field a team in an upcoming cup fixture till RFC 2012's licence transfer is agreed by all parties.

Note here that RFC 2012 still has the SPL & SFA membership licences ! but Green has been given a conditional one ! WE NOW HAVE 2 CLUBS in existence and one has won 54 titles and one has not even kicked a ball in any competitive fixture even though it's players TUPED from RFC 2012 formerly known as Rangers football Club PLC !.

Aug 2012 The deal is done and the SFA membership licence held by the club & company that won all them cups n titles is transferred over to Green's team !

Note here that the licence has been moved from one club to another club ! not the history ! just a licence to play football in the Scottish Leagues ! it's only the licence !

You can buy certain kinds of licences or inherit them like Green did from owners but you can't say you was the original owner can you !

This was to bypass the 3 years audited accounts just so you fuckers can have a team to follow and the SFA can milk the udders of the cloned cash cow called Rangers Football Club Ltd for money out of having your clone team in the leagues ? or most likely so you won't cause riots on an apocalyptic scale because yer team died !.

Now we still have the club & company in admin soon to be liquidated that won all them cups n titles STILL ALIVE RFC 2012 FKATCCRFC plc,but it sold all it's assets let go of it's staff & changed it's name and passed on it's SFA membership licence to Green's new club,you know the assets that Green bought for sevco 5088 then moved to sevco Scotland then hired some staff then changed it's name to Rangers Football Club Ltd then took it up the arse for a used licence from RFC 2012.

Your team you support now in chronological order was first a stadium & facilities under the ownership of sevco 5088 then sevco Scotland ,,,, then hired some staff from a dying club ,,,,,, then got permission to enter the SFL 3rd division ! no demotion there ! ,,,, changed it's name from sevco Scotland to "Rangers Football Club Ltd" ,,,,, then got a used tainted licence from another club to be able to concede goals in competitive fixtures !

What's so hard to understand that then :blink:.

Hmmm. I need more detail than that mate. That's just flimsy! Haha

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Ah, still on the "new club" kick. Even the SPL's Independent Commission indicate it's not a new club, when they speak of the company Green heads as the "current owner and operator of Rangers FC”. A new company operates the club - the club is the same.

It's on record that the SPL contacted D&P who directed them to the Sevco camp for Rangers representation in the case.

Rangers' administrator, Duff and Phelps, has backed up Green's claim that the commission had no power over RFC 2012 PLC, formerly The Rangers Football Club plc.

"Having taken legal advice, it is the joint administrators' opinion that the SPL is not able to pursue RFC 2012 PLC in this matter," said Paul Clark.

"This has been communicated to the SPL and, considering that further involvement in this matter is not in the interests of its creditors, RFC 2012 PLC will have no further involvement with the commission."

Edited by stonedsailor
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That is meaningless to me and I couldn't give a f**k.

Show me any football fan who knows his club's company registration number and I will show you a sad b*****d.

What is even sadder is knowing the coy reg number of an opposing club and quoting it on a forum.

Now that you know the definition of a "legal entity" and you know that UEFA's definition of a football club is "a football club, that is the legal entity fully responsible for the football team participating in national and international competitions" you should be aware, you are intelligent enough, that UEFA consider SC004276 as the football club who have such a glorious history.

SC425159, the club you currently support are not SC004276 and under UEFA's definition and the law of Scotland cannot possibly been seen as the same entity.

For the record I used google to find those numbers last night as our conversation went down the road where there could not be any blurring of lines as you would twist words to suit your own train of thought. I take it that train has now terminated at Oblivion?

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Why would we get a payment for McGregor,he was a free agent simply because he didn't transfer over fron old company to new company.

You also have to consider that if there was a footballing continuation, Charles Green's basis for a claim to a fee, the McGregor's player registration would have continued to the new company. FIFA did not see it this way and ratified his transfer. Why is that?

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You can buy Graceland, grow your sideburns and shake your pelvis all you want, it doesn't make you the King.

Only the most brass-necked of conmen would try to claim that the purchase of Graceland included Elvis' spirit, which is separate from his bloated body, meaning the purchaser is in fact Elvis Pressley, but isn't liable for the cheeseburger bill because they were eaten by the old body. And only the simplest of Elvis fans would actually believe that the guy on stage in the cheap polyester suit belting out Jailhouse Rock in a Yorkshire accent actually is Elvis.

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Maybe I'll help you a little !.

Feb 2012 Rangers the football club went into admin,companies house registration No SC004276

July 2012 Rangers the football club couldn't honour their debts caused by Whyte through a CVA proposed by Charles Green because no-one else would touch Rangers with a shitty stick to pay their enormous outstanding debts including the impending big tax case & dual contracts investigation.

July 2012 The administrators sold only the assets of Rangers football club to Green to help increase creditors pot ! now the important thing here is that Rangers companies house registration No SC004276 is still the real Rangers football club legally and Green has only the stadium and training facilities as well as "replica cups = the history" but he does not own a football club yet !.

July 2012 The assets only of Rangers football club 1872 "SC004276" have been moved to a company called sevco 5088 and is quickly moved to a company called sevco Scotland companies house No SC425159 ! there is still the real Rangers football club 1872 but it does not own any stadium or training facilities because they were sold to clear debt but has staff & players on their books and also owns the SFA & SPL licences of Rangers football club 1872.

Now at this point in time the team you support now is not actually a football club other than buildings and furniture and has been named legally property of sevco Scotland.

Green also has been bullying Rangers football club PLC players to TUPE over to his new club currently called sevco Scotland ! WHY ? because Rangers football club PLC 1872 companies house registration No SC004276 is still THE REAL RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB & PLC and still employs the staff & players but sold it's assets to pay debt.

July 2012 Some of the Rangers football club TUPE over to what is legally named at the moment sevco Scotland but some do not.Rangers fans start to get behind Green to support his new club he calls THE RANGERS but in reality it's a company called sevco Scotland BUT ! he is trading under the name of Rangers football club ltd even though the company he owns is called sevco Scotland.

July 2012 The Administrators do a deal with Green to change the name of Rangers football club PLC ! still the club and company of Rangers that won them titles ! to RFC 2012.This is to allow Green the opportunity to rename sevco Scotland "The Rangers Football Club LTD" and the deal is done.

Note here at this point there is only one football club and it is now called RFC 2012 because Green has no licences ! that is because they still belong to the club & company that won them titles & cups.

July 2012 Green has applied to the SPL to take the vacant place of the soon to be liquidated club RFC 2012 formerly known as Rangers Football Club PLC 1872,this is because RFC 2012 has no stadium or players but is still a member and still a football club in the SPL & SFA and Rangers football club ltd is not.A vote will take place as to whether to allow Green's new club straight into the SPL.

Note here there is 2 clubs & companies one is still a member SPL & SFA club RFC 2012 and one wants to be one ! Green's team.

July 2012 The SPL vote does not allow Green's newly formed club straight into the SPL ! also I'd like to point out to you that RFC 2012 the Rangers PLC that won them cups n titles has not been relegated to the 3rd division and neither is Green's club as Green's new club has never been a club in any league at this moment in time.RFC 2012 is still the club & company with membership licences and voted on Green's SPL parachute ? yes RFC 2012 is still the member club that won them cups n titles and Green still only has the assets and some staff !.

At this point Rangers fans begin to now believe Green owns the club that is about to be killed by liquidation ? it is not ! it is the assets of the club trying to be a clone football club in the Scottish leagues through another company because the real Rangers club and company 54 titles WATP RFC 2012 is dying !.

Aug 2012 The SFL vote on whether or not to allow Green's new club called The Rangers Football Club LTD straight into the 1st division ! it is a resounding NOOOOOO and another vote takes place to allow them entry into the 3rd division.RFC 2012 is still a club within the SPL & SFA and is still recognised by UEFA as the club that won them cups n titles !.

Note at this point on entry into the 3rd division ! RFC 2012 companies house registration No SC004276 still has SPL & SFA membership licences and is still legally a club within the laws of the game and Green's team is not !

Can you see what's happening here ?

Aug 2012 Green is trying to procure RFC 2012's SFA licence but the SFA demands Green only pay off the footballing debts but not the HMRC tax debts and take the punishments handed out by the SPL & SFA for sporting integrity reasons if he wants to bypass 3 years audited accounts mandates.This is the only way Green can field a team in the 3rd but he complains about the punishments as his club is a brand new club REMEMBER THAT !.

Aug 2012 Green has been given a conditional licence so he can field a team in an upcoming cup fixture till RFC 2012's licence transfer is agreed by all parties.

Note here that RFC 2012 still has the SPL & SFA membership licences ! but Green has been given a conditional one ! WE NOW HAVE 2 CLUBS in existence and one has won 54 titles and one has not even kicked a ball in any competitive fixture even though it's players TUPED from RFC 2012 formerly known as Rangers football Club PLC !.

Aug 2012 The deal is done and the SFA membership licence held by the club & company that won all them cups n titles is transferred over to Green's team !

Note here that the licence has been moved from one club to another club ! not the history ! just a licence to play football in the Scottish Leagues ! it's only the licence !

You can buy certain kinds of licences or inherit them like Green did from owners but you can't say you was the original owner can you !

This was to bypass the 3 years audited accounts just so you fuckers can have a team to follow and the SFA can milk the udders of the cloned cash cow called Rangers Football Club Ltd for money out of having your clone team in the leagues ? or most likely so you won't cause riots on an apocalyptic scale because yer team died !.

Now we still have the club & company in admin soon to be liquidated that won all them cups n titles STILL ALIVE RFC 2012 FKATCCRFC plc,but it sold all it's assets let go of it's staff & changed it's name and passed on it's SFA membership licence to Green's new club,you know the assets that Green bought for sevco 5088 then moved to sevco Scotland then hired some staff then changed it's name to Rangers Football Club Ltd then took it up the arse for a used licence from RFC 2012.

Your team you support now in chronological order was first a stadium & facilities under the ownership of sevco 5088 then sevco Scotland ,,,, then hired some staff from a dying club ,,,,,, then got permission to enter the SFL 3rd division ! no demotion there ! ,,,, changed it's name from sevco Scotland to "Rangers Football Club Ltd" ,,,,, then got a used tainted licence from another club to be able to concede goals in competitive fixtures !

What's so hard to understand that then :blink:.

Never read.

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Aye another all nighter for them Firstly Youngsy made them look daft then Kincardine had them tied in knots

Sleep depravation must be making them even more deluded dry.gif

K'in ell which thread are you reading? Kincardine tied himself in knots, so much so that he is £20 lighter in the pocket.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Aye another all nighter for them Firstly Youngsy made them look daft then Kincardine had them tied in knots

Sleep depravation must be making them even more deluded dry.gif

I've never saw anything like it, if things don't go the way they want i can see a few of them ending it all.

Obsession doesn't come near to covering it :)

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