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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The club I follow has existed since 1903.

The club you choose to follow has existed since June 2012.

The club you used to follow (assumed) is a completely separate entity, and one currently undergoing the liquidation process, following which it will cease to be.

I know it's tough for you to swallow swallow, and I make allowances for your clear lack of intellect, but you need to get over this.

It's the way it is.

No matter how much you and your fellow Newco fans choose to delude themselves over it.

Perhaps you should read the document by the Commission installed by the SPL comprising of Lord Nimmo Smith,Charles Flint QC and Nicholas Stewart QC. You may find paragraphs 4 and 7 relevant.

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You clearly edited my post, now if you repost it again without editing it then i'll reply to it.

Dear God, I've seen some pisspoor deflection online before, but that is without a doubt the most feeble I've ever seen.

Are you seriously suggesting that *quoting the sentences I want to respond to* is some kind of attempt to misrepresent you? Seriously?

I don't know how they do things on the Rangers boards, but that's what people do all over the English speaking world.

This is feeble, feeble stuff. I've seen Youtube comments threads where the posters would consider this nonsense beneath them.

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The club I follow has existed since 1903.

The club you choose to follow has existed since June 2012.

You really should read a history book on your own club.

As for us, the validation of our continued status from both the SPL and Lord Nimmo Smith render your wet-dreams more of a premature ejaculation.

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Tell me when you find one.

Why do you object to the ANL?

I hadn't before you came along with your declarations that the ANL excuse racism if it's on a small scale. The additional information about your willingness to take side with a known homophobe isn't helping your case, mind you.

Fly your double standards high, son.

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The part he quoted was word for word ... I didn't bother to look .. your rep precedes you unfortunately ...

If he wished to do that then he should have highlighted the part he wanted. By editing the post in such a manner he altered the context of the post, so to claim that he never edited the post is utter nonsense.

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If i edited a post it would say edited by Bennett at the bottom, you clown.

Seeing as flying R has quoted the post, the time of the original post he quoted will be there so if i deleted the post it's easy to check the times.

As well as being a liar who believes he's fighting a moral battle for ra Celtic you're also not very bright.

What shows up when a post is deleted, then? (you appear to be an expert on editing/deletion)wink.gif

As for selective quoting, which DhensBhoy mentions as legitimate:

PRO: Allows context to be understood.

CON: Long posts clutter up the thread, and more so if they're quoted in full. (mea culpa on that one, but some things need full expanation, especially to the likes of Tedi).

Bendarroch (one of those two, anyway, and Tedi's still MIA) pulled a chunk of text from one of my posts which was an outrageous example of cherry-picking - completely 180'd what I was actually saying. A low trick, but not unexpected. I thought better of most posters here.

As an example of context: Rugby fans who support the All Blacks are a set of stupid, brainless b*****ds.

So, on balance, I'd prefer to see posts quoted in full. Removes doubt and lends credence to a counter-argument.

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Hey DhenBhoy, Bendarroch, Annoni, Parp:


This is the forum you are looking for. Your tiresome petty back-and-forth is ruining this once-legendary thread. You can indulge in sniping and personal attacks to your heart's content over in the RvC forum.

Why the f**k would I post in Celtic v Rangers?

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I hadn't before you came along with your declarations that the ANL excuse racism if it's on a small scale. The additional information about your willingness to take side with a known homophobe isn't helping your case, mind you.

Fly your double standards high, son.

This is the weakest reposte ever posted in any forum on the internet. Congratulations.

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If he wished to do that then he should have highlighted the part he wanted. By editing the post in such a manner he altered the context of the post, so to claim that he never edited the post is utter nonsense.


This is ludicrous. I don't have a computer at the moment so I'm posting on an iPod. That means I *can't* highlight, italicise or bold text.

See how I put the word "can't" inside little stars there? That's the only way I can put emphasis on words using this damn gadget.

And because of this, you're trying to kid on that I'm misrepresenting you? That is weak, weak stuff there.

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So can someone please explain to me why the stripping of titles would be wrong IF rangers are found guilty of illegal use of EBT's.

IF you win something by cheating & then get caught, then whatever you've won gets taken back, It's not rocket surgery is it?

Thems the rules, just because the punishment may be pre-determined, that doesn't mean guilt is. *although we all know it is :rolleyes:)

Or am i just missing something obvious ?....maybe i've just missed it in among all this cellic/sevco tit-for-tat bollox that's ruining this thread. :(

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Remain ill-informed then. laugh.gif

Is it Aberdeen V1 or V2 you support?

You're correct to slag him off and I'm sure he wont have much issue with it. I wish I could say that I was a Caley supporter in the true sense of the word but regardless of how the media describe them ICT will never be Caley. Sure they have been the first to bring top flight football to the Highlands, blazing a trail for the first ever club to make it from HFL to the top tier of the Scottish game, congrats C*unty, but regardless of what ICT achieve it will always be second best to Caley. I'm sure you'll get over it in time and enjoy the future successes of your new club.

One Division three Championship, two division one Championships and a challenge cup. We welcome the chase. Let's see if you can beat our brand new club to top flight record.

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Can't you read??? he already told you which club he supports .. how about you ? Rangers or the Tribute Act?

The SPL have already defined in their most recent report that we have a seamless continuation for our club. Pleasing - even if The Rangers support already knew the truth of the matter.

Aberdeen, however? Hibernian?

Not so much laugh.gif

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