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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So the authorities offered Rangers a chance to admit their guilt and take their due punishment, without a long, expensive and embarrassing (for Rangers) inquiry.

Rangers response: We Are The People! Please, please let us back into the SPL.

Result: New Rangers papped down to the third, titles getting stripped anyway.

From this, we're meant to conclude that there's a conspiracy against you. Call me mental, but it looks a lot more like you're a gaggle of arrogant, self-pitying cheats who got caught cheating, and are refusing to admit it because you are arrogant and self-pitying.

Still, you should totally fight this in court, even if it costs you millions. Fight it until you have no money left.

I hope it goes that far, i genuinely do... tickets could be sold, i'd buy one, someone could make a fortune out of this. :whistle

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Green has already hinted that less than half of the SPL clubs were working against our cause.

I'm getting confused with all the "causes" here so for clarity... is this <6 clubs working against your cause in wanting you to stay in SPL (i.e. approving your application to transfer SPL membership from the indebted company to the new one = continuing in SPL)? or <6 clubs working against your cause in wanting you to go to SFL (i.e. rejecting your application to transfer SPL membership) on grounds of sporting integrity?

And which are the good and which the bad? or which the 'goodies' and which 'baddies'?

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Aye, they did. And were telt to get tae f**k smile.gif

Not just by The Rangers mind you. By the SFL, too.

So do you think Rangers have done nothing wrong at all?

Do you think both the SPl & SFA are out to get them? If so, why? what reasons would they have

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Patience is a virtue. Only a matter of days ago some were trying to claim the now published document was a fantasy biggrin.gif

The fatally flawed four will have their (very much unwanted) day in the Sun soon enough.

Delighted for them!

You didn't address my confusion though.

Was "the cause" staying in SPL, or going to SFL(3) - for honour etc. - and are the 'baddies' the clubs which opposed you staying in SPL, or the clubs which tried to keep you in SPL?

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It doesn't take a genius to work out who is spilling the beans from The SFL and refused to get involved in discussing proposals for punishment if they were found guilty or confessed.

There is more than one party involved in the bean spilling.

Who could forget the anger from a variety of SFL chairmen when they publicly talked about the bullying, lying and coercion they witnessed and were invited to participate in.

They refused to buckle. They rejected the invitations. And very clearly have not forgotten.


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Green has already hinted that less than half of the SPL clubs were working against our cause.

Would you do me a favour and define what you believe your cause to be. It just sounds rather alot like cheating like monkeys for years, then trying to get away with it scot free.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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You didn't address my confusion though.

Was "the cause" staying in SPL, or going to SFL(3) - for honour etc. - and are the 'baddies' the clubs which opposed you staying in SPL, or the clubs which tried to keep you in SPL?

I don't give a f**k about our stay in the SPL or the arrival in SFL 3. Because we will return to the very top in due course. Nothing surer.

It's the c***s who wanted to impose sanctions before guilt was established. And insist we sign away the right to ever question that, speak of it and never, ever challenge the corruption. smile.gif

Four clubs. They know who they are. We know who they are and soon the leaks will reveal to all who they are.

It is, frankly, beautiful to see the plan unravelling before their very eyes.

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The part I like is where the SPL/SFA see Rangers' suicide as a golden opportunity to steal their titles. That makes so much sense, doesn't it? I bet Doncaster, for instance, has been dying to do that for years.

You can just see them all - Regan, Lawell, Doncaster etc. sitting around plotting, all excited at the chance to pinch Rangers' trophies. This is an entirely sane and credible scenario that we can all imagine happening, I reckon.

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Would you do me a favour and define what you believe your cause to be. It just sounds rather alot like cheating like monkeys for years, then trying to get away with it scot free.

Our cause was, in part, a desire for reasonable treatment.

It was not to be sanctioned for presumed guilt and acted on by the corrupt cabal who tried to blackmail the rest of Scottish football into playing along.

Are Aberdeen sitting with a clear conscience? Surely that club would not insist on a decision of guilt before any trial?


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If Rangers are found guilty of cheating.

Will they fans accept it? or have Rangers fans already decided they are innocent and any guilty verdict just proves the conspiracy against them frm within the SFA & SPL (for reason we have never been told)

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The part I like is where the SPL/SFA see Rangers' suicide as a golden opportunity to steal their titles. That makes so much sense, doesn't it? I bet Doncaster, for instance, has been dying to do that for years.

You can just see them all - Regan, Lawell, Doncaster etc. sitting around plotting, all excited at the chance to pinch Rangers' trophies. This is an entirely sane and credible scenario that we can all imagine happening, I reckon.

You might be right. Perhaps it wasn't Regan, Liewell or Doncaster.

Who then demanded the sanctions were placed in the document? Who had the power and position to insist it was written into the draft?

We should be told I'm sure you agree. And we will smile.gif

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I don't give a f**k about our stay in the SPL or the arrival in SFL 3. Because we will return to the very top in due course. Nothing surer.

It's the c***s who wanted to impose sanctions before guilt was established. And insist we sign away the right to ever question that, speak of it and never, ever challenge the corruption. smile.gif

Four clubs. They know who they are. We know who they are and soon the leaks will reveal to all who they are.

It is, frankly, beautiful to see the plan unravelling before their very eyes.

Fair enough, we'll see what comes out in the wash regarding various individuals. Again, that wasn't my confusion though.

I don't mean to drone on, but afterall it was you that raised the "our cause" point, and it's 2 simple questions with 2 choices:

1) was "your cause"

a] staying in SPL

(despite going into liquidation and forming a new company etc.)


b] going to SFL3

(to preserve honour - even McCoist ultimately advocated this etc.)

2) are 'the baddies'

a] the clubs who wanted to let you transfer your SPL membership and stay in SPL

(despite sporting integrity etc.)


b] the clubs who wanted to reject the transfer application so you went to SFL

(for sporting integrity etc.)

Edited by HibeeJibee
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You might be right. Perhaps it wasn't Regan, Liewell or Doncaster.

Who then demanded the sanctions were placed in the document? Who had the power and position to insist it was written into the draft?

We should be told I'm sure you agree. And we will smile.gif

My money's on Fidel Castro, Jimmy Hoffa and the mafia.

Also, Elvis is alive.

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If memory serves me correct, didnt Rangers (D&P) get to vote on Rangers Newco being allowd into the SPL including sanctions, if thats true, wouldnt they already know "Who then demanded the sanctions were placed in the document? Who had the power and position to insist it was written into the draft?"


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