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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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"Much the same way as these same fans"? 'Cmon. There was a mass movement of tens of thousands of people visiting, writing, phoning, E-mailing their clubs - and the governing bodies - to say they were against Rangers being put straight back into SPL or directly into SFL1, and/or holding back on buying season tickets. Phone-ins were jammed. This thread was growing by numerous pages an hour.

If there's even such a "campaign" to get Rangers titles stripped, it's literally fractional in comparison, in numbers and forcefulness.

Clearly people expect a proper investigation r.e. 2nd contracts, but there's no comparable 'movement' in scale or voracity demanding title-stripping.

Quite right, HJ. There was a time in the Summer of Sevco where it was literally taking up all my leisure time to keep up with this story. In the last month, take out postings by The Three Amigos (where is Tedi, anyway?), DhenBhoy, Stoned Sailor and myself, and the thread is nigh on dead. There's still a lot of mileage in the saga, but the danger is that now "there's a team plays down at ibrox swears they're rangers", many fans will feel that thy've seen all the punishment these vile cheats are going to get. And that's when they haven't even BEEN punished - apart from a piddling fine and a pointless signing embargo, conveniently postponed till after the window.

I reckon they have plenty coming their way, but only if the "bampots" keep the story up front and centre. I've cheerfully lamented the lack of reasoned debate on here recently, but will continue to amuse myself with the orc apologists until things warm up again and the big hitters return.

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Raman Bhardwaj@STVRaman

I've decided to come off twitter whilst a serious threat is investigated by police.


“@WillhelmA: @STVRaman Poor show Raman. Why not just apologise instead of playing a victim? No big deal, you made a mistake.”

All he done was ask why so many Rangers fans had been sticking up for John Terry!

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"@WillhelmA: @STVRaman Poor show Raman. Why not just apologise instead of playing a victim? No big deal, you made a mistake."

All he done was ask why so many Rangers fans had been sticking up for John Terry!

Maybe it was JT who started the Manchester riots after some burd said no to a quickie just before the BIG TV SCREEN broke down craphead2.gif

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The really fun thing today is that Ally McCoist is in the papers urging everyone to forget the legal shenanigans and focus on the football.

Meanwhile, Charles Green is telling everyone to focus on title stripping. Why? Because he wants to make money, and he knows he'll make none if the fans "focus on the football", because the football is sh*te quality.

Credit to Green - When he arrived, he said loud and clear that he was here to make a load of money and cash out. Quite right too, since he's a businessman.

In the meantime, he's sized up the Old Rangers support and spotted that what they love more than anything is pandering, loony-tunes nonsense about how awesome they are and the terrible evil of their enemies.

I mean, seriously. Does anyone on P&B honestly believe that Green gives a damn about Old Rangers' history and titles? Title stripping costs him nothing. Financial penalties, on the other hand... That affects the bottom line. Fines put off investors and wipe out dividends. It's fines and sanctions that worry Green - title stripping, he couldn't possibly care any less about.

If the inquiry results in the loss of trophies, expect a lot of noise out of Ibrox and nothing else. Green isn't going to waste a penny on legal fees to win back awards he couldn't give a flying f*ck about.

And the Rangers fans? I'd love a chance to sell these gullible muppets London Bridge. They really will swallow, swallow anything, provided it's sold by the right bajillionaire with wealth off the scale. Green is going to enjoy retiring somewhere hot to live off the fruits of their stupidity.

Absolutely correct. What is amusing and (only slightly) surprising is that the self-same fans who cried crocodile tears over being 'duped' by Murray, Whyte et al are now marching back in lockstep with Green and the fight for 'continuation'.

We'll see what the 'verdict' is. I wouldn't be surprised if the authorities bottle it tbh.

But isn't it all irrelevant? The old club are absolutely dead and their zombie fans can cling onto whatever nonsense they want. Meanwhile, fans of living clubs like my own are busy appropriating all the tainted titles that dead Rangers have voided.

Edited by vikingTON
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Former chairman Alastair Johnston believes Rangers are being vilified for what he calls a "breach of procedure" over past player payments.

A tribunal set-up by the Scottish Premier League is investigating claims of alleged dual contracts at Ibrox.

Two weeks' ago, Johnston described the probe as "a kangaroo court".

And Johnston insists the Glasgow club's prior use of employee benefit trusts cannot be considered "cheating or financial doping".

The independent tribunal, headed by Lord Nimmo Smith, is investigating the period 2000-2011 and will convene in November.

BBC Scotland has seen evidence, which was submitted to the courts, suggesting that 53 Rangers players and staff had side-letters giving undertakings to fund their sub-trusts with cash.

Scottish FA and SPL rules state that all payments made to players in respect of their earnings from football must be declared by their club.

In a lengthy statement, Johnston repeated many of his earlier misgivings about the investigation but added that he was "not concerned about the impartiality of the learned gentlemen who will adjudicate on this matter".

Rather, Johnston is worried by the "directives that have been provided to them by the SPL which in itself is constituted by competitors of the club who have a vested interest in the outcome of the proceedings".

If found guilty of rule-breaking, one possible sanction is the stripping of league titles won during the period under investigation.

"Justice must be served, but the punishment must fit the crime," implored Johnston.

"Use of EBT schemes were broadly adopted by a variety of businesses during the era prior to them being specifically outlawed by designated legislation introduced only a couple of years ago.

"Also, as has been widely reported, Rangers made absolutely no attempt to disguise or deny their adoption."

Johnston also asserts that the use of EBTs was "openly discussed" with those running rival SPL clubs.

On this, he adds: "I suspect that the commission will not pursue this avenue of investigation, but it would be interesting whether or not 'selective amnesia' would be exhibited by those executives/directors called to testify under oath about their ongoing familiarity with the Rangers scheme.

"It is ironic to reflect on the fact that the longer they maintained strategic silence on these conversations, the more extensive the number of titles that could be stripped if and when the opportunity arose subsequently to neutralise the successes that were earned by Rangers on the pitch."

The EBT scheme run by former Rangers owner Sir David Murray is the subject of a separate tax investigation by HMRC, which is due to release its conclusions next month.

Meanwhile, the SFA is expected to issue a statement shortly regarding Rangers' alleged use of dual contracts.

^^^ sounds like an admission of guilt. But don't punish them, it was just a small mistake

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Already accusing others of intentions to lie ( selective amnesia), trying to influence a case in advance, blah fuckin blah......

Just because you say you told others what you were doing, and i'll bet the side letters were never mentioned) doesn't make it right. Indeed, the fact that no other club chose to use that strategy over the next TEN YEARS should have sounded some alarms..... But no...

You were Rangers...... and you don't care....

Medicine time.....open wide.

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Former chairman Alastair Johnston believes Rangers are being vilified for what he calls a "breach of procedure" over past player payments.

A tribunal set-up by the Scottish Premier League is investigating claims of alleged dual contracts at Ibrox.

Two weeks' ago, Johnston described the probe as "a kangaroo court".

And Johnston insists the Glasgow club's prior use of employee benefit trusts cannot be considered "cheating or financial doping".

The independent tribunal, headed by Lord Nimmo Smith, is investigating the period 2000-2011 and will convene in November.

BBC Scotland has seen evidence, which was submitted to the courts, suggesting that 53 Rangers players and staff had side-letters giving undertakings to fund their sub-trusts with cash.

Scottish FA and SPL rules state that all payments made to players in respect of their earnings from football must be declared by their club.

In a lengthy statement, Johnston repeated many of his earlier misgivings about the investigation but added that he was "not concerned about the impartiality of the learned gentlemen who will adjudicate on this matter".

Rather, Johnston is worried by the "directives that have been provided to them by the SPL which in itself is constituted by competitors of the club who have a vested interest in the outcome of the proceedings".

If found guilty of rule-breaking, one possible sanction is the stripping of league titles won during the period under investigation.

"Justice must be served, but the punishment must fit the crime," implored Johnston.

"Use of EBT schemes were broadly adopted by a variety of businesses during the era prior to them being specifically outlawed by designated legislation introduced only a couple of years ago.

"Also, as has been widely reported, Rangers made absolutely no attempt to disguise or deny their adoption."

Johnston also asserts that the use of EBTs was "openly discussed" with those running rival SPL clubs.

On this, he adds: "I suspect that the commission will not pursue this avenue of investigation, but it would be interesting whether or not 'selective amnesia' would be exhibited by those executives/directors called to testify under oath about their ongoing familiarity with the Rangers scheme.

"It is ironic to reflect on the fact that the longer they maintained strategic silence on these conversations, the more extensive the number of titles that could be stripped if and when the opportunity arose subsequently to neutralise the successes that were earned by Rangers on the pitch."

The EBT scheme run by former Rangers owner Sir David Murray is the subject of a separate tax investigation by HMRC, which is due to release its conclusions next month.

Meanwhile, the SFA is expected to issue a statement shortly regarding Rangers' alleged use of dual contracts.

^^^ sounds like an admission of guilt. But don't punish them, it was just a small mistake

Mr Johnstone will surely be appearing in front of Lord Nimmo's inquiry to give him the facts dry.gif The title stripping for me is a side track of the real issue of how many directors under both Murray and Whyte stood by and did nothing.

Johnstone and others know , if the mob have no focus then questions about their own involvement will be asked.

The title stripping as they call it if they are guilty these honours will not be stripped but will go to the rightful winners.

So can I make a plea to all those who abhor cheating in a sport to refrain from this so called title stripping (which is basically bragging rights from one ugly sister to the other) .

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Before any court case starts, the judge knows what the range of possible punishments are, should the defendant be found guilty. That, however, doesn't mean that the defendant WILL be found guilty.

Judge doesn't wait for a guilty verdict before then hurriedly searching out what sentence he can pass.

Identical to this scenario here.

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In the meantime, he's sized up the Old Rangers support and spotted that what they love more than anything is pandering, loony-tunes nonsense about how awesome they are and the terrible evil of their enemies.

Is there any other team who refer to their rivals as their enemies, or who rattle on about their cause? Its football FFS!

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Very bad choice of words, yes SPL & SFL fans made it clear rangers having to start again in the 3rd division is the only choice, even Rangers fans agreed with that!

they were jettisoned into sfl3 unopposed so they should be thankful they`re playing anywhere

offering Rangers a deal with regards to titles etc is just the same a plea bargaining is not?

admit it and they wont investigate and we'll go easy on you

Edited by Rovers_Lad
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