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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ MASTERCLASS From David probably the most insane yet. Odious Creep is trying to finish off Rangers

Whenever The People are faced with a choice between...

a) Accepting Rangers' and their supporters' very well-documented problems with financial skullduggery, threats and intimidation or

b) Hallucinating a massive, secret anti-Rangers conspiracy involving enormous chunks of the media and the political and football establishments, possibly with the clandestine assistance of the Illuminati, the CIA, the Mafia, Fidel Castro,and some seven-foot-tall space lizards from Venus

...You can be sure that The People will soon discover all kinds of suspiciously reptilian behaviour in anyone who dares to discuss all the financial skullduggery, threats and intimidation.

If the facts don't match up with their own delusional beliefs about their scamming club and its lunatic supporters then by God, the facts will be spray-painted and panel-beaten until they damn well look like they could match up.

Sort of. Maybe.

Thus, Graham Spiers = space lizard journalist working to destroy Rangers. QED.

Edited by flyingrodent
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Whenever The People are faced with a choice between...

a) Accepting Rangers' and their supporters' very well-documented problems with financial skullduggery, threats and intimidation or

b) Hallucinating a massive, secret anti-Rangers conspiracy involving enormous chunks of the media and the political and football establishments, possibly with the clandestine assistance of the Illuminati, the CIA, the Mafia, Fidel Castro,and some seven-foot-tall space lizards from Venus

...You can be sure that The People will soon discover all kinds of suspiciously reptilian behaviour in anyone who dares to discuss all the financial skullduggery, threats and intimidation.

If the facts don't match up with their own delusional beliefs about their scamming club and its lunatic supporters then by God, the facts will be spray-painted and panel-beaten until they damn well look like they could match up.

Sort of. Maybe.

Thus, Graham Spiers = space lizard journalist working to destroy Rangers. QED.

He has gone utterly bonkers

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What's the big deal about Hearts, Dunfermline... insert name of Scottish club here.... being in financial poo? The way out is now clearly defined.

1. Administration.

2. Liquidation.

3. Go straight to SFL Division 3, do not pass GO, do not stop to collect £200.

4. Wave goodbye to all your debts. Announce to the world that you are now debt free.

5. Keep all the good bits like your old fanbase, trophies, history, crest & colours.

6. Keep / assemble a squad much stronger than your Division 3 uber-diddy rivals.

7. Crack on.



Everyone might as well skip step one and go straight to liquidation since apparently the club will continue on regardless. I'm amazed Man Utd, Real Madrid etc aren't shedding their debt by this method. Unless the The Rangers fans are talking bollox.

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand 24 mins of Google failure then a comeback with pish :lol:

Oh you alias you, we are going to have fun. Football fan? Why support a brand new club with a bigotted fan base of mind cripples then? Choose a local team, or like your grandchildren, Celtic ;)


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Whenever The People are faced with a choice between...

a) Accepting Rangers' and their supporters' very well-documented problems with financial skullduggery, threats and intimidation or

b) Hallucinating a massive, secret anti-Rangers conspiracy involving enormous chunks of the media and the political and football establishments, possibly with the clandestine assistance of the Illuminati, the CIA, the Mafia, Fidel Castro,and some seven-foot-tall space lizards from Venus

...You can be sure that The People will soon discover all kinds of suspiciously reptilian behaviour in anyone who dares to discuss all the financial skullduggery, threats and intimidation.

If the facts don't match up with their own delusional beliefs about their scamming club and its lunatic supporters then by God, the facts will be spray-painted and panel-beaten until they damn well look like they could match up.

Sort of. Maybe.

Thus, Graham Spiers = space lizard journalist working to destroy Rangers. QED.


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An orcs response to being called a sevco fan ? include some snide hint of a hanus crime in what we call them and post it like a fanny.

You claim to be a football fan only but bring up this shit in a cheap attempt at point scoring ! FCUK OFF back to orc media you clown.

edited for typo :)

I claim to be a football fan :D

You're coming across well here...

How come savco only had 14k at the game last night?

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Obsessed? That's a lie, i'm really not obsessed with child abuse neither is the Rangers support. Savco fc fans get riled so easily...

Could have fooled me, your fans never stop going on about it.

We get riled easily? Bit like the pot calling the kettle black. Anymore protests planned outside the BBC & Hampden :lol:

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Could have fooled me, your fans never stop going on about it.

We get riled easily? Bit like the pot calling the kettle black. Anymore protests planned outside the BBC & Hampden :lol:

You said i was obsessed too. The Rangers support don't always go on about it either, we're not as obsessed as you.

I don't do that protesting shit haha and i meant the savconians on here get riled easily. Slag Rangers off all day and then someone makes a savco joke and you all go mental.

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You said i was obsessed too. The Rangers support don't always go on about it either, we're not as obsessed as you.

I don't do that protesting shit haha and i meant the savconians on here get riled easily. Slag Rangers off all day and then someone makes a savco joke and you all go mental.

Well at least our obsession is about two things. The dead club, and the soon to be dead club ;)

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About 45 mins into Lord Hodges hearing and tweets saying ''Collyer Bristow – lawyers for oldco #rangers oppose administration ending''.

Shock, D+P want more cash :lol:

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About 45 mins into Lord Hodges hearing and tweets saying ''Collyer Bristow – lawyers for oldco #rangers oppose administration ending''.

Shock, D+P want more cash :lol:

D+P wanted this done and dusted in a few minutes, they'll be keeking their breeks at the time this is taking, maybe they'll get pennies for their work

Rangers should be playing in the juniors after having been liquidated in June, that's want should have happened with no membership tp either the SPL or the SFA, that's why they were considering buying Cowdenbeath or even St Mirren at the time..contingency

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D+P wanted this done and dusted in a few minutes, they'll be keeking their breeks at the time this is taking, maybe they'll get pennies for their work

Rangers should be playing in the juniors after having been liquidated in June, that's want should have happened with no membership tp either the SPL or the SFA, that's why they were considering buying Cowdenbeath or even St Mirren at the time..contingency

Wonder if Gio's letter has helped :lol:

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Obsessed? That's a lie, i'm really not obsessed with child abuse neither is the Rangers support. Savco fc fans get riled so easily...

Not an obsession? Perhaps not but it does seem to be some people's favourite subject. They even manage to work it into the petition about the daft orc who got 3 months inside for shouting. The petition gives more details about a guy getting community service for possession of kiddy porn than it gives about the case they are supposed to be complaining about. The petition seems to be more about the leniency of community service sentance rather than complaining about the harshness of the 3 months.

Maybe you are right and it isn't an obsession. Maybe it's darker than that, maybe it's some kind of weird perversion.

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