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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So are Rangers now definitely not in Europe next season?

I was under the impression this was confirmed earlier in the week at the same time as Uefa announced they would not be holding their own investigation into Rangers dealings?

Edited by stonedsailor
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Pinning their hopes on Doncaster, Regan, and weak SPL chairmen bending over and taking it up tbe arse to ensure 'Newco Rangers' are shoe-horned straight back to the SPL basically for a television company's scheduling needs.

I wish people would stop going on as if Sky are some guilty party here. They've got a commercially sensible clause in their contract and might exercise it. They're not telling anyone "you must have Rangers in your league"... they're simply telling them that they may pay less if they don't, as it's worth less. That informs clubs decision-making, nothing more.

I don't think many of us would pay the same money for a substantially diminished product when e.g. shopping at Tesco... Sky aren't a charity either.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I wish people would stop going on as if Sky are some guilty party here. They've got a commercially sensible clause in their contract and might exercise it. They're not telling anyone "you must have Rangers in your league"... they're simply telling them that they may pay less if they don't, as it's worth less. That informs clubs decision-making, nothing more.

I don't think many of us would pay the same money for a substantially diminished product when e.g. shopping at Tesco... Sky aren't a charity either.

I'm not going on about Sky. I'm going on about so many people making noises that the Sky deal is reason to forget about the fact we (could be) dealing with massive, massive self-inflicted financial armageddon, cheating over more than a decade, and tax evasion by an SPL member club. A club who may yet be found guilty of illegal payments to players and staff, and who are looking to liquidate and simply pop up whiter than white, shaft creditors, wipe out those pesky debts and act like it was the Bobby Ewing dream sequence in 'Dallas'...

... but let's forget that. There's the Sky deal.

THAT is my problem.

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I wish people would stop going on as if Sky are some guilty party here. They've got a commercially sensible clause in their contract and might exercise it. They're not telling anyone "you must have Rangers in your league"... they're simply telling them that they may pay less if they don't, as it's worth less. That informs clubs decision-making, nothing more.

I don't think many of us would pay the same money for a substantially diminished product when e.g. shopping at Tesco... Sky aren't a charity either.

And I'd wish people would stop giving Craig Whyte a hard time too, at the end of the day he's clearly a very successful business man bought a sqib for a quid and is going to make a mint out of it in under a year, he's certainly no worse than all the other rats comming out of Rangers , Bain,Greig,Clelland, Murray etc etc. all knew what was going on all did nothing about it as long as they kept their fat tax dodging pay cheques they were happy, now they're all..oohh I warned against this, I tried to stop it,,,boo hoo.

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Mate in the pub last night who has no interest in football was asking us about the Rangers situation. Was actually fascinating to hear someone who hasn't been conditioned by the "we all need tha rainjurs", "watp" attitude instantly clock how ridiculous it is.

"Why would the clubs vote their strongest competitor straight back in?"

"Why wouldn't the other clubs with debt do the same?"

"How would the new club be trusted after ripping off HMRC and other clubs so badly?"

"If they're such a big club how come the fans have raised hardly any money?"

"If the current business folds, how does the new one operate with Ibrox etc?"

All good points and unansweable questions from someone who know's nothing about sport or business. The whole situation is beyond ridiculous.

Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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http://www.scotsman. ...ation-1-2209479

... It emerged also that the police have tried to contact Whyte as regards concerns they may have for his personal safety if he proves stubborn and refuses to back away from the scene. Whyte, it's believed, hasn't yet responded to their calls....

With the Fighting Fund growing in size every day they will soon be able to afford a small nuke. Or could it be that Hitman has already struck?

I'll personally miss the guy as he has given us weeks of free fun and laughter. :lol:

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I'm not going on about Sky. I'm going on about so many people making noises that the Sky deal is reason to forget about the fact we (could be) dealing with massive, massive self-inflicted financial armageddon, cheating over more than a decade, and tax evasion by an SPL member club. A club who may yet be found guilty of illegal payments to players and staff, and who are looking to liquidate and simply pop up whiter than white, shaft creditors, wipe out those pesky debts and act like it was the Bobby Ewing dream sequence in 'Dallas'...

... but let's forget that. There's the Sky deal.

THAT is my problem.

I'm with you all the way on this one Poz. If RFC 2012 FC get voted straight back into the SPL despite all their misgivings then I'm out & I couldn't give a f**k if they all went bankrupt.

People can spout about "emotional attachment" to their club..........would you put up with a violent or cheating spouse ? and if you wish to argue about a "physical attachment" how many of us cried for Merrel Lynch ? anyone who has a private pension will have lost money when they disappeared.

Its sporting integrity or nothing as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by sjc
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I wish people would stop going on as if Sky are some guilty party here. They've got a commercially sensible clause in their contract and might exercise it. They're not telling anyone "you must have Rangers in your league"... they're simply telling them that they may pay less if they don't, as it's worth less. That informs clubs decision-making, nothing more.

I don't think many of us would pay the same money for a substantially diminished product when e.g. shopping at Tesco... Sky aren't a charity either.

No, not a charity, but (potentially) an almighty YES to being a bigger, more corrupt , more anit-competition, more underhand and more black ops company than Rangers couild dream of being.

The latest allegations re On-digital and the code hack, leading to the virtual financial collapse of the English lower leagues for their financial gain and wiping out effective competition are stuff that Sir Mint would be proud of, if found true.

And I for one quite believe Sky are capable of that.

Football is nothing but a cash cow and they couldn't give a shit, especially abbout North of the border.

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Its around 42 days till the season ends.

Once a CVA is proposed.

- 14 days notice for creditors meeting

- a period of time where they vote and pass a CVA

- 28 days later admin ends

Its not possible for Rangers to be out of admin by season end.

Also the big tax case.

I wonder if Rangers can start selling players now to raise funds to keep the club going ?

The player would not be able to play for the new club until the start of the next season but this could be an option for them.

The longer this goes on the closer they get to pre season where clubs survive on season ticket money. However they

cant sell any season tickets till they are out of this mess.

Scottish journalists don't have a clue as they seemed to reckon recently that it was looking

up for rangers.

I think you're giving them too much credit. The vast majority are no more than sports hacks, simply writing what they're told to and documenting the events at the football match they happen to be covering. There is very little in the way of investigation, evaluation or analysis on show here.

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If the rAngers sell players before the end of season, surely Lord Whyte of Govan will just pocket the cash?......

Tee hee, I love that venture capitalist.....

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If the rAngers sell players before the end of season, surely Lord Whyte of Govan will just pocket the cash?......

Tee hee, I love that venture capitalist.....

All assets are in the hands of the receivers. Whyte wouldn't get a penny.

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Things should be clearer soon;

  • Wednesday April 4th is the date for 'final best bids'

I can exclusively reveal the timetable for the period going forward. My mole in the offices of the administrators advises;

  • Wednesday April 11th is the date for 'very final best bids'
  • Wednesday April 18th is the date for 'last best bids'
  • Wednesday April 25th is the date for 'late best bids'
  • Wednesday April 32nd is the date for 'best bids of people who previously withdrew from the process'
  • Wednesday April 39th is the date for 'interesting final best bids that haven't yet been considered'
  • Wednesday April 46th is the date for 'final second best bids'

I would continue but I'm not sure how many days there are in April.

It's really hotting up. :rolleyes:

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Things should be clearer soon;

  • Wednesday April 4th is the date for 'final best bids'

I can exclusively reveal the timetable for the period going forward. My mole in the offices of the administrators advises;

  • Wednesday April 11th is the date for 'very final best bids'
  • Wednesday April 18th is the date for 'last best bids'
  • Wednesday April 25th is the date for 'late best bids'
  • Wednesday April 32nd is the date for 'best bids of people who previously withdrew from the process'
  • Wednesday April 39th is the date for 'interesting final best bids that haven't yet been considered'
  • Wednesday April 46th is the date for 'final second best bids'

I would continue but I'm not sure how many days there are in April.

It's really hotting up. :rolleyes:

I heard bids are suspended till the autum,, when the new show of ...Rangers has got Bids ...comes on..when we all get a chance to vote .

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