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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Guest Kincardine

Grim stuff.

I'm afraid I'll have to conclude that you support the actions of your fellow bigots.

You quoted me as saying, "Shameless deflection".

I didn't.

I have this basic assumption that people are happy to engage in honest dialogue. I should have stepped back after Henrick's comment.

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The gap at the top of the SPL is 4 points, with almost 50% of the games played, nothing in those stats that makes me think that Rangers would not be able to compete

Ally McCoist makes me think you won't be able to compete. :lol:

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33% should still give us a wage of around 2 - 3 x what the other SPL teams (apart from celtic) are spending, quite happy with that

You did not answer how you think the corporate investors will get their money back. I don't think many Rangers fans will be happy playing second fiddle to Celticbiggrin.gif

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So you're not willing to offer an explanation as to why your fellow supporters have indulged in a vile and vindictive bigoted crusade over a small article in a programme?

It's a pre-emptive warning for the sacking of Montrose when we return. My pitch-fork and flaming torch are ready.

Fatwa issued. Burn the witch!

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Either by selling shares or recieving dividends on profits, same as any other investors i suppose

As I said to the Falkirk fan any team with a wage budget of 2-3 times yer average SPL side should be able to compete in a leage with only 4 points seperating the top 2 teams at the half way stage, nothing in that stat would suggest otherwise

What a load of pish a team with a smaller budget normaly can be competitive up to the turn of the year then suspentions and injuries take there toll and the team with the bigger budget pulls away. Going by your thinking Elgin being only 3 points behind Rangers at this point in the season will push them all the way.

Edit to add Last year Rangers could not compete while not paying Tax so why would they be able to spending a fraction of that budget.

Edited by Umbungo1874
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To add to your list

I think Rangers had more than a few things on its mind last year, you won (by default) well done, the 3 years prior to that then we also managed to compete (and win) tell me which club had a higher wage bill?

Celtic cannot hide from financial reality either, this years CL money will just paper over the cracks, your domestic attendances are simply not upto supporting the wage bill that your club has, eventually your club will have to cut its cloth financially

Rangers lost a 15 point lead before it had things on it's mind . The three years prior Rangers spent a dam sight more than 30% of their income on wages(They will have to pay the going rate on Tax these days as well) and even then Rangers only won the league by a few points each year. Will Servco with their thrifty wage cap and no european money be able to compete?.

looking at Celtics books I can't see were their Board have never cut it's cloth financially so why would this change.

Edited by Umbungo1874
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From KDS – here is the whos who of the FTT

Alright, here’s the ready reckoner – see if your favourite orc is written up in the FTT(T) document! There is some doubt over anyone with a question mark, but that’s a best guess.


Red – MIH Goon – Former Chartered Tax Advisor

Yellow – MIH Goon

Turquoise – Tax advisor at PWC, advised Klos

Green – Colin Mitchell – MIH Goon

Grey – Blair Morgan – Agent/Solicitor to McCann, G. Rae

Crimson – Trustee

Silver – Jorge Lera – Agent to Novo

Blue – Donald Wilson – MIH Goon

Black – David Murray – Sub-Trust (ST) #1

N/A – Graeme Souness – ST #2 (not mentioned in the document, but we haven’t forgotten you, Graeme)

Violet – Alex McLeish – ST #29

Burford – John Greig – ST #40

Indigo – John McClelland – ST #46

Magenta – Andrew Dickson (It’s not Alastair Johnston, as the dates don’t match)

Scarlet – Martin Bain

Elgin – Campbell Ogilvie (Dates/roles match, non-player with EBT)


Eversham – Stefan Klos – ST #? (A ton of evidence)

Ipswich – Barry Ferguson – ST #? (As above)

Winchester – Fernando Ricksen – ST # ? (Dutch, termination of contract discussed)

Coventry – Arthur Numan/Lorenzo Amoruso? – ST #5 (v. early number, sought indemnity, which is common amongst foreigners, esp Dutch)

Purple – Neil McCann – ST #13 (works in media, client of Blair Morgan, even the departure date from Rangers to another club (Soton) fits)

Gold – Vidmar? – ST #15 (didn’t access EBT funds, Assistant with an age group national team – about the only candidate that fits)

Skegness – ? – ST #38 (no further info, and no numbers around his number to try and work out an era)

Ely – Tore Andre Flo – ST # 43 (ton of evidence)

Norwich – Dan Eggen – ST #47 (dates match, small sum, signed from Spanish club, though not sure why his number is out of order in the chronology)

Newark – Bert Konterman? – ST #52 (Dutch lawyer, paid to leave. Aside from being paid to leave, interchangeable with the next person)

Lichfield – Ronald de Boer? – ST #56 (Dutch, but not paid to leave – doubt the **** would have had to give him a top-up to join a rich Qatari club)

York – Kevin Muscat? – ST # 61 (fits the chronology, paid a large %age through the trust, matching with Muscat’s 1m for 1 season, paid to leave)

Manchester – Egil Ostenstad/Paolo Vanoli – ST # 62 (paid 20k to leave – most likely Egil)

Berwick – Jean Alain Boumsong – ST #63 (documents seized by police (!) paid to leave)

Bristol – Jesper Christensen – ST #64 (Foreigner, sought indemnity, trust established to pay him to “return to” [Denmark] (par 107 of judgement))

Cardiff – Gavin Rae – ST #65 (Agent is Blair Morgan, so most likely a Scot, paid a large %age through trust)

Inverness – Nacho Novo – ST #72 (Ton of evidence)

Selby – Dado Prso – ST #73 (Paid a large %age through trust, paid bonus through trust, sums match amount listed by BBC, ST # fits chronology)

Dundee – Zurab Khizanishvilli – ST #76 (Foreigner, indemnity, paid large % through trust, sums match amount listed by BBC, ST # fits chronology)

Newport – Alex Rae – ST #79 (Dates match, fits chronology, sums match)

Carlile – ? – ST #81 (Paid part wages through EBT)

Whitehaven – ? – ST #82 (Paid part wages through EBT)

Birmingham – Marvin Andrews – ST #87 (Paid large % through trust, fits chronology)

Bath – Sotirios Kyrgiakos? – ST #88 (Higher profile player, paid large %age through trust, fits chronology, paid to leave)

Glastonbury – Thomas Buffel – ST #91 (Dutch lawyer (by this point all the Dutchmen were exhausted, and Buffel was ex-Feijenoord), fits chronology)

Doncaster – Julien Rodriguez/Olivier Bernard – ST #92 (Paid wage+CL bonus through trust, fits chronology, process of elimination)

Dorchester – Alan Hutton?/Peter Lovenkrands? – ST #95 (Paid CL bonus through trust – Hutton/Lovenkrands are tough to fit anywhere, TBH)

Warwick – Bob Malcolm? – ST #96 (Most likely old “FTP”, given he was the only one to have a trust opened for a CL bonus and then be paid to leave)

Hampstead/Highbury – ST #97-98 (Un-used, most likely opened for the likes of Hemdani and Fanfan, but these players were paid bonus through payroll)

Camden/Islington/Kensington/Balham/Brixton – Chris Burke, Federico Nieto, Ian Murray, Steven Smith, Kris Boyd ST # 103-108 (these guys were eligible for CL bonuses and we know they had EBTs for small sums. I suspect Boyd’s contract was upgraded in 05-06 and then EBT funds were then thrown in on top of the bonus money, giving Boyd a larger sum)

Beverley – ? – ST +109

Maidstone – Sasa Papac – ST # 112 (One of the last 2 trusts still active late in the piece)

Guildford – Steven Davis – ST #113 (as above)

To be continued…………

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I however still post on RM :ph34r: and Dingwall is getting ripped on the RST share thing, so much so he is even admitting to having a s/t now :lol: , the latter pages are a good Sunday pick-me-up http://forum.rangers...pic=243806&st=0 (Dingwall is ''Fury'' btw, I think)

Good that some bears still see a funny side..posted by 'Guardian'

I'm posting this to publicise the GNM Trust.

Under this scheme, fans will be able to invest blocks of £50 in Guardians New Mercedes Trust.

None of the money will go to Guardian or Mercedes, but will instead go to a dealer.

In return, fans will receive a nice Mercedes brochure and a share in the running costs.

Fans will not own the mercedes, nor will they be entitled to drive it, or travel in it, and it will remain the property of the GNM Trust.

Guardian, the spokesman for the trust says "I anticipate a huge takeup of these shares as fans will be delighted to raise the £150,000 to fund my purchase and make me a Merc Owner."

Following the success of this offer, I intend starting the EB Trust. The EBT will be set up to sell shares in the Erskine Bridge.

Edited by wunfellaff
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I however still post on RM :ph34r: and Dingwall is getting ripped on the RST share thing, so much so he is even admitting to having a s/t now :lol: , the latter pages are a good Sunday pick-me-up http://forum.rangers...pic=243806& st=0 (Dingwall is ''Fury'' btw, I think)

Good that some bears still see a funny side..posted by 'Guardian'

That blogger Chris Graham (or some similar name) posts as Fury elsewhere so it's likely he's Fury there as well.

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That blogger Chris Graham (or some similar name) posts as Fury elsewhere so it's likely he's Fury there as well.

Thankee sir, knew it was familiar. Confusing as some posts suggest it is and some don't...... still entertaining :)

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This level of obsession is hard to comprehend, how does the average tic mind work?

Dunno as I am closer to your mob :D , wouldn't find it interesting 'to do' but I do find it interesting 'to read'. Should never have been code names used anyways.

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KDS - Celtic forum - and the most popular subject is :bounce3 similar level as P & B :rolleyes:

So, you are saying that one cheek of the arse's most important topic is the fate of the other cheek?

Who would have thought it.

Its hard to comprehend really, why fans in Scotland would be so interested in the demise of one of the clubs that has dominated, cheated, robbed and intimidated the rest of Scottish football for so long...

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33% should still give us a wage of around 2 - 3 x what the other SPL teams (apart from celtic) are spending, quite happy with that

As Rangers are basically in a 2 team league with Celtic, that is a bit like a St. Mirren fan being happy that his club is outspending every club in Scotland, except for the other SPL clubs... :1eye

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Not my fault your team has a complete lack of ambition ;)

Ambition to be a club whose success is gained by the exploitation of sectarianism and bigotry and by cheating and intimidating is ambition that I'm glad my club doesn't have.

I have no personal need to follow a team which wins all the time. I'll leave that to the lower socio economic groups. :D

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