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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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KDS - Celtic forum - and the most popular subject is :bounce3 a staggering 30,000 views every day, if only they could convert that into bums on seats :lol:


The thread i noticed on that was their media watch one, where they scrutinise every aspect of the media to search for conspiracy theories. One of them even counts how many words Rangers get in the printed media compared to Celtic :lol: And they've already deleted two previous media watch threads :)

P.S Norman won't be happy about his beloved KDS being mocked.

Edited by bennett
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Ambition to be a club whose success is gained by the exploitation of sectarianism and bigotry and by cheating and intimidating is ambition that I'm glad my club doesn't have.

I have no personal need to follow a team which wins all the time. I'll leave that to the lower socio economic groups. :D

Good for you, now f**k off.

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The thread i noticed on that was their media watch one, where they scrutinise every aspect of the media to search for conspiracy theories. One of them even counts how many words Rangers get in the printed media compared to Celtic :lol: And they've already deleted two previous media watch threads :)

Yeh, its amazing how similar they are to The Rangers fans.

2 cheeks of the same arse. ;)

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Rangers lost a 15 point lead before it had things on it's mind . The three years prior Rangers spent a dam sight more than 30% of their income on wages(They will have to pay the going rate on Tax these days as well) and even then Rangers only won the league by a few points each year. Will Servco with their thrifty wage cap and no european money be able to compete?.

looking at Celtics books I can't see were their Board have never cut it's cloth financially so why would this change.

Debunking time

9 point lead actually, when games in hand were taken into account so lets stick to the truth here. Things were already unravelling then, another lie.

Rangers did pay the proper tax rate, thank you very much.

A few points per season against a team with a larger squad and supposedly better players, thanks again.

We'll do fine with our wage cap, there is no need to have wages as high as they were and Celtic are already downsizing too.

European football will come again and no team can count on that money every year anyway.

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The thread i noticed on that was their media watch one, where they scrutinise every aspect of the media to search for conspiracy theories. One of them even counts how many words Rangers get in the printed media compared to Celtic :lol: And they've already deleted two previous media watch threads :)

P.S Norman won't be happy about his beloved KDS being mocked.

Please tell me you're joking about this,bennett.

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Debunking time

9 point lead actually, when games in hand were taken into account so lets stick to the truth here. Things were already unravelling then, another lie.

Rangers did pay the proper tax rate, thank you very much.

A few points per season against a team with a larger squad and supposedly better players, thanks again.

We'll do fine with our wage cap, there is no need to have wages as high as they were and Celtic are already downsizing too.

European football will come again and no team can count on that money every year anyway.

You have to win 'games in hand'...........the lead was 15.

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Yeh, its amazing how similar they are to The Rangers fans.

2 cheeks of the same arse. ;)

Cap these wind ups of yours are so cringey that even Magee wouldn't touch them with a barge pole mate.

Still it's giving me a laugh on a crappy sunday mornign i suppose.

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It would only have truly been 15 if the points were safely in the bag, they weren't so it was a 9 point lead.

:blink: wtf??????

How did we manage to get a 15 point lead in the 1st place? ;)

'Cos we were poor :) (Tedi sees reality bennett)

Edited by wunfellaff
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If only you had shown some at school Tedi. The level of your ambition is revealed by your grammar.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Dhensboy the former special forces NCO, the IT expert, the accountancy expert, the legal expert, the expert stockbroker, infact i doubt there is anything that young Dhensboy isn't an expert in :lol:

Reach for the stars ;)

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Debunking time

9 point lead actually, when games in hand were taken into account so lets stick to the truth here. Things were already unravelling then, another lie.

Rangers did pay the proper tax rate, thank you very much.

A few points per season against a team with a larger squad and supposedly better players, thanks again.

We'll do fine with our wage cap, there is no need to have wages as high as they were and Celtic are already downsizing too.

European football will come again and no team can count on that money every year anyway.

I responded to a post which said Celtic had a 4 point lead so why was this not given as a 7 pont lead if this is the way points are to be calculated from now on? After ReCalculating the 2008 league ponts using your new method I would like to congratulate Rangers on the league title that year as will as making it to the EUFA cup final.

Rangers were liquidated owing Tax for Flo so how is that paying the proper Tax?

Look back to the PreMcCann era this is what hapens when one side of the old firm out spends the other year on year.

As for Celtics financial state you can see they are doing when the audidited accounts come out I am sure they will look a dam site better than Sevcos if they ever get round to releasing any.smile.gif

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I think you are adding to much weight to the financial aspect = guaranteed success, this is simply incorrect

In England Man Utd are the most successful club and they spend a lot of money, they do not however spend the most money in that league

Celtic`s failure in the 90`s and followed by relative success (6 championships out of 8) was down to mainly poor managers, followed by MON and then Strachan who were obviously better than their predecessors, the financial gap between the 2 clubs has never been that great

Your are also off on your Secvo crap again and by the way Rangers never made it as far as the EUFA final :rolleyes:

I think you are probibly right however going by the fact Sevco has a poor manager they will still be fecked for years to comesmile.gif

Edited by Umbungo1874
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