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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So tell me Stephen, have you had a reply to this yet?


Comprehension skills letting you down again Tedster? Even if I was one of those guys it was Davy who sent the email, not Stephen.

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see how charlie bhoy :D has bought this and that and more,how come the rangers dont have a badge on the strips ? serious question.

probably been explained earlier,but time is short and all that.

The players of the new club have something much shinier on their strips than the players of the old cheating liquidised tax-dodgers ever had. They have something that the players of the old club never had ... Irn Bru SFL Division Three Sleeve Patches! smile.gif


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Got to laugh at chuckie Green and "we bought the history" aided and abetted by the mainstream media including the half wit of a chair on Clyde tonight, what history did you buy chuckie? the tax dodging? the fielding of non eligible players history of the club? nah he didn't like that very much, BUT, he bought the titles and cups and bicycle so the new club must have won them :D

There is a Rangers, it's currently being liquidated and will be no more, chuckie set up a different club and bought the assets murray park, Ibrox, the trophy room, the new club never won these trophies, Rangers did.

I actually blame the footballing authorities for not saying what we all know, Rangers will be dead shorty, along with their history...they are too terrified to upset the peepil, they apparently were tuped over to the new club along with the players :D

SFA/SPL what arses

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I am sure those hamsters attend more Killie games than you WKR



exactly as the SFA define it

'We are pleased to confirm that agreement has been reached on all outstanding points relating to the transfer of the Scottish FA membership between Rangers FC (In Administration), and Sevco Scotland Ltd, who will be the new owners of The Rangers Football Club

List the companies yourself, I am not your gofer

That is not a definition.

It is a paragraph in which the word, "Transfer" is used.

Are you a goldfish?

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Only a fan of Celtic would do this. Absolutely typical muppetry.:rolleyes:

Still believe Caledonian Fc are alive and well brainbox?

It's little wonder Davy and Steph feel the need to act on your behalf.

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I am sure those hamsters attend more Killie games than you WKR



exactly as the SFA define it

'We are pleased to confirm that agreement has been reached on all outstanding points relating to the transfer of the Scottish FA membership between Rangers FC (In Administration), and Sevco Scotland Ltd, who will be the new owners of The Rangers Football Club

List the companies yourself, I am not your gofer

The SFA is the governing body of Scottish Football - not a dictionary.

I, and at least one other poster, have asked for a definition of the word "transfer". You can't do it. You simply can't, because it blows your latest comfort blanket to shit. You quite simply don't have the balls to admit you've fucked up - again. Or are we going to be treated to another "reveal" in a week or so, when you crow about sucking all the folks on here into your carefully laid trap?

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So where's the proof of us only selling 2 million worth of shares? It's easy to come on the internet and make up rumours as that's what it is. You would have thought people would have learned from previous rumours that were doing the rounds on the internet, the BTC ring any bells?

There is no proof.

The story and figure has, however, been carried by Keith Jackson and now STV news.

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So where's the proof of us only selling 2 million worth of shares? It's easy to come on the internet and make up rumours as that's what it is. You would have thought people would have learned from previous rumours that were doing the rounds on the internet, the BTC ring any bells?

take it up with STV it was on the six oclock news.just passing on the info for those without a TV

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In the last 16 of the champions league, the league title handed to them on a plate but they still talk about Rangers :lol: words fail to desrcibe how bitter and twisted Celtic fans are and along with the clubs of other teams in Scotland who seem to have a hard on for Celtic these days.

Or maybe it's just because it's really, REALLY, funny?

There's that bit at the bottom of your post:-

"If you're no wan o us, u must be wan o them.

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So where's the proof of us only selling 2 million worth of shares? It's easy to come on the internet and make up rumours as that's what it is. You would have thought people would have learned from previous rumours that were doing the rounds on the internet, the BTC ring any bells?

"Ask not for whom the bell tolls - it tolls for rangers". I can see us having to use the word "Pyrrhic" again before long. Where the f**k have you been hiding?

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In the last 16 of the champions league, the league title handed to them on a plate but they still talk about Rangers :lol:words fail to desrcibe how bitter and twisted Celtic fans are and along with the clubs of other teams in Scotland who seem to have a hard on for Celtic these days.

Aye you fail everytime you drop THE from them

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In the last 16 of the champions league, the league title handed to them on a plate but they still talk about Rangers :lol: words fail to desrcibe how bitter and twisted Celtic fans are and along with the clubs of other teams in Scotland who seem to have a hard on for Celtic these days.

I think most decent football fans are disgusted by the behaviour and cheating of Rangers FC, this new club seem to be going out their way to take advantage of that cheating

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