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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Protesting too much, methinks. Gaunnae go with them? Then we might have a chance to concentrate on the football.

You'll need to put up with The Bhoys in Green until new horizons confront The Bhoys in Green WKR. That doesn't look as though it will happen soon, but who knows what tomorrow holds, we can all dream. And if that dream does finally come true for everyone, both Celtic and non-Celtic fans Will hear The Bhoys louder than ever before due to their numbers growing back up to 60,000 capacity crowds almost every home match win lose or draw. However, the coming engineered Global Economic Collapse may lead to the

of everyone on earth and that may prevent our dream from becoming reality. mad.gif

The following are 21 signs that the global economic crisis is about to go to a whole new level....

#1 Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer says that the global economy is "awfully close" to recession.

#2 It was announced last week that the unemployment rate in Greece has reached an all-time high of 25.1 percent. Unemployment among those 24 years old or younger is now more than 54 percent. Back in April 2010, the unemployment rate in Greece was only sitting at 11.8 percent.

#3 The IMF is warning that Greek debt may have to be "restructured" yet again.

#4 Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg says that it is "probable" that Greece will leave the euro, and that it might happen within the next six months.

#5 An angry crowd of approximately 40,000 angry Greeks recently descended on Athens to protest a visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel...

From high-school students to pensioners, tens of thousands of Greek demonstrators swarmed into Athens yesterday to show the visiting German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, their indignation at their country's continued austerity measures.

Flouting the government's ban on protests, an estimated 40,000 people – many carrying posters depicting Ms Merkel as a Nazi – descended on Syntagma Square near the parliament building. Masked youths pelted riot police with rocks as the officers responded with tear gas.

The authorities had deployed 7,000 police, water cannon and a helicopter. Snipers were placed on rooftops to ensure the German leader's safety.

#6 The debt crisis is Argentina is becoming increasingly troublesome.

#7 The government debt to GDP ratio in Italy is expected to hit 126 percent this year. In Greece, it is expected to hit 198 percent. In Japan, it is expected to hit a whopping 237 percent.

#8 Standard & Poor’s has slashed the credit rating on Spanish government debt to BBB-, which is just one level above junk status.

#9 Back in the year 2000, the ratio of total debt to GDP in Spain was 192 percent. By 2011, it had reached 363 percent.

#10 Record amounts of money are being pulled out of Spanish banks, and many large Spanish banks are rapidly heading toward insolvency.

#11 Manufacturing activity in Spain has contracted for 17 months in a row.

#12 It is being projected that home prices in Spain will fall by another 15 percent by the end of 2013.

#13 The unemployment rate in France is now above 10 percent, and it has risen for 16 months in a row.

#14 There are signs that Switzerland may be preparing for "major civil unrest" throughout Europe.

#15 The former top economist at the European Central Bank says that the ECB has fallen into a state of "panic" as it desperately tries to solve the European debt crisis.

#16 According to a recent IMF report, European banks may need to sell off 4.5 trillion dollars in assets over the next 14 months in order to meet strict new capital requirements.

#17 In August, U.S. exports dropped to the lowest level that we have seen since last February.

#18 Economics Professor Barry Eichengreen is very concerned about what is coming next for stocks in the United States...

"I’m worried that stock markets in the United States in particular have gotten ahead of economic growth"

#19 During the week ending October 3rd, investors pulled more than 10 billion dollars out of U.S. mutual funds. Overall, a total of more than100 billion dollars has been pulled out of U.S. mutual funds so far this year.

#20 As I wrote about the other day, the IMF is warning that there is an "alarmingly high" risk of a deeper global economic slowdown.

#21 When shipping companies start laying off workers, that is one of the best signs that economic activity is slowing down. That is why it was so troubling when it was announced that FedEx is planning to get rid of "several thousand" workers over the coming months. According to AFP, "its business is being hit by the global economic slowdown".

For even more signs that the global economy is rapidly crumbling, please see my previous article entitled "The Largest Economy In The World Is Imploding Right In Front Of Our Eyes".

So is anyone doing well right now?

Yes, it turns out that QE3 is padding the profits of the big banks in the United States and making the wealthy even wealthier just like I warned that it would.

According to the Washington Post, QE3 is helping the big banks much more than it is helping consumers. Is this what the Fed intended all along?...

JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, the nation’s largest mortgage lenders, said Friday they won’t make home loans much cheaper for consumers, even as they reported booming profits from that business.

Those bottom lines have been padded by federal initiatives to stimulate the economy. The Federal Reserve is spending $40 billion a month to reduce mortgage rates to encourage Americans to buy homes. Instead, its policies may be generating more benefits for banks than borrowers.

So exactly how much has QE3 helped out the big banks? Just check out these numbers...

Revenue from mortgages was up 57 percent in the third quarter compared with the same period last year at JPMorgan and more than 50 percent up at Wells Fargo.

But should we expect anything else from the Federal Reserve?

The American people are trusting the Fed to protect our economy, and yet they cannot even protect their own shipments of money. In fact, the Fed recently lost a large shipment of new $100 bills.

Or perhaps could letting people steal money from their own trucks be another way that the Fed is trying to "stimulate the economy"?

Stranger things have happened.

In any event, the truth is that the U.S. economy and the U.S. financial system are unsustainable from any angle that you want to look at things.

We are drowning in government debt, we are drowning in consumer debt, Wall Street has been transformed into a high risk casino where our largest financial institutions are putting it all on the line on a daily basis, we are consuming far more than we are producing, there are more than 100 million Americans on welfare and we are stealing more than 100 million dollars an hour from future generations to pay for it all.

Anyone that believes that we are in "good shape" does not know the first thing about economics.

Sadly, the U.S. is not alone. Nations all over the globe are experiencing similar problems.

The global economic crisis is just beginning and it is going to get much, much worse.

I hope that you ready.



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Guest Kincardine

The SPL commission won't see the EBT scheme as tax avoidance :Pit will simply be cheating

And here is justice.

Now sane people would say, "The SPL commission won't see the EBT scheme as tax avoidance" since that isn't their remit and they aren't there to judge anything to do with tax".

Interesting insight into the mind of tha average Tim Celtic fan though, Hellboy. Nice to see how little understanding you have - despite your many posts.

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As long as this kangaroo court continues in business then Green can count on my support against the corrupt SPL authorities, this tribunal is simply corrupt, there is nothing fair about it.

You'll not catch me defending anything about the SPL, but I'm not clear on where the 'kangaroo court' stuff comes from.

It's independent isn't it and it's comprised of pretty eminent individuals? The FTTT outcome doesn't mean that Title Stripping Commission disappears, as the questions examined in each, though related, are not the same.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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what about it?

The rules were not applied Tedi................. accounts for instance, The Rangers were ''elected'' to Div 3 , ie promoted to

Them and everyone else including you and i may all find ourselves in the same bread queues very soon. ph34r.gif

Read some other parts of the forum, that would be a step up for me :)

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Wun, that's an odd post from you. We've exchanged views before and what you say surprises me. I have no issue with what has happened. I have said more than a few times, "We deserve all we got" and I'm not defending us on that issue.

I am sort-of sticking up for Chuck but also challenging Dhen's use of language. We just have to tone down the hyperbole. Taking issue with The SFA et al is just not 'dragging Scottish football through the mud'.

I am forced to admit that a large number of Kincardines writing today, on this thread and others, has been reasoned and fair. From that I have to deduce we have in our midst one of the very the top percentile of orc. A kind of super orc, which has laces rather than velcro and uses cutlery. If your kind were just a little bit smarter and a little less gullible, you could be their king.

However you snuck in a nasty wee bit of the party line and I won't let it slide. What exactly is it that you 'got' ?

10point penalty for oldco. Given.

Demoted as punishment Preferentially placed in Div 3

Year long signing ban Laughably short single transfer period suspension, starting after you'd picked up enough mercenary crocks and thugs to see you through.

That's it. Stop playing the conciliatory card, "we took our punishment like stoic, brave, rangers men", when you have received nothing like an appropriate punishment. And in fact you have gotten away with an obscene amount of debt and so far at least, all that cheating. Tic Toc

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You been Verichipped yet mucker?! huh.gif

:unsure: I am technically ''homeless'' and couldn't give a shoite.........................

I am 45 years of age and if the World ends when I die I would have a chortle.

SS-18 I thought you were older than 12?

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I am forced to admit that a large number of Kincardines writing today, on this thread and others, has been reasoned and fair. From that I have to deduce we have in our midst one of the very the top percentile of orc. A kind of super orc, which has laces rather than velcro and uses cutlery. If your kind were just a little bit smarter and a little less gullible, you could be their king.

However you snuck in a nasty wee bit of the party line and I won't let it slide. What exactly is it that you 'got' ?

10point penalty for oldco. Given.

Demoted as punishment Preferentially placed in Div 3

Year long signing ban Laughably short single transfer period suspension, starting after you'd picked up enough mercenary crocks and thugs to see you through.

That's it. Stop playing the conciliatory card, "we took our punishment like stoic, brave, rangers men", when you have received nothing like an appropriate punishment. And in fact you have gotten away with an obscene amount of debt and so far at least, all that cheating. Tic Toc


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Guest Kincardine

It's independent isn't it and it's comprised of pretty eminent individuals? The FTTT outcome doesn't mean that Title Stripping Commission disappears, as the questions examined in each, though related, are not the same.

They are, though, pretty similar and it would be a huge rid neck if The SPL court (which has only been formed through malice) reaches a different conclusion to The FTTT.

I actually can't see how you can separate the two.

What's more, given that The SPL is volunteering its own demise and sees no future for itself then I think there's no justification for continuing with this apart from hubris.

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And here is justice.

Now sane people would say, "The SPL commission won't see the EBT scheme as tax avoidance" since that isn't their remit and they aren't there to judge anything to do with tax".

Interesting insight into the mind of tha average Tim Celtic fan though, Hellboy. Nice to see how little understanding you have - despite your many posts.

Exactly ! it's a commission to rule upon whether Rangers cheated by financial doping by using EBT's and using side contracts to pay players effectively cheating and not competing on a level playing field.So why would they go into tax avoidance methods ?.It's quite simple really either Rangers cheated by breaking the registration rules paying players monies/bonuses out with their obligated associate contracts or they didn't.

Everything would appear to be pointing to cheating at the moment.But I will not rule out they will get a favourable outcome after the BTC verdict.

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:unsure: I am technically ''homeless'' and couldn't give a shoite.........................

I am 45 years of age and if the World ends when I die I would have a chortle.

SS-18 I thought you were older than 12?

That is understandable when considering the hardship that you have put yourself through Wunfella, you and Albert would have made very good associates! tongue.gif

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Guest Kincardine

I am forced to admit that a large number of Kincardines writing today, on this thread and others, has been reasoned and fair. From that I have to deduce we have in our midst one of the very the top percentile of orc. A kind of super orc,

Please do not try to patronise me. There are many reasonable Rangers fans on this forum so get to f**k with your faux sycophancy.

Oh and the 'tic toc' jibe? I'd reckon Father Time is nearer your club than mine.

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Guest Kincardine

Exactly ! it's a commission to rule upon whether Rangers cheated by financial doping by using EBT's

Hell, you know this isn't true. I will give £100 to a charity of your choosing if the phrase, "financial doping" is used in any meangiful way.

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