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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It does but only two of the ones in the States are accurate. The one in the east of the USA, the two in asia and the two in Ukraine seem to be British companies and Google has got confused :huh:

A division of the company I work for is owed £312 by them.

Indeed it says Glasgow city council is based in Michigan, USA

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By jove, I think they're fucked!

Are you really, finally convinced at last Drooper? 'Cause if you are then I think it must be time to get out the jelly and ice cream! So many times in the last couple of months I've been convinced liquidation would happen, but then tempered myself after reading your sobering thoughts. The day has finally come! :D

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Ah of course...party at Mount Florida. But yes, any party should rightfully involve the two Glasgow clubs who've had to put up with all the shit in their city over the years. It must be horrific to have every degenerate mutant in Scotland descend upon your city for an old firm game every few months. And this comes from a Fifer... :lol:

Aw shucks wub.gif I didn't think anyone cared.

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My God just having the briefest of reads through that release.....just a laughable mess....of the few intersting points I've seen so far..........

The Playing Staff are by nature typically those with the highest salaries. Therefore in order to achieve the necessary cost reductions, the vast majority of the first team squad would have been made redundant, retaining only a small number with the highest transfer values. This would have resulted in a detrimental effect on the team‟s performance for the remainder of the season, which in turn would have reduced the SPL prize money to be received

So basically even now run with a squad way beyond their means to achieve a higher finish cheating other teams out of a potentially higher prize.

As at the Appointment Date, the Company had cash at bank of £3,373,170 which was held at Bank of Scotland plc. These funds have now been transferred to the Administration bank account to assist in funding the ongoing trading operations.

Despite the huge list of poor buggers desperate to get payment for their legitimate businesses they're going to use what they have to plough into further financing a failing business still losing money,

As at the Appointment Date, the Company was owed £3.8m from other football clubs in respect of deferred transfer fees which will fall due over a period of time up to 31 May 2014. The Joint Administrators may seek to accelerate receipt of these monies.

:lol: That just takes the biscuit when you see what they owe others and don't give a monkeys

The Joint Administrators‟ time costs for the period 14 February 2012 up to and including 31 March 2012 totals £1,199,356.

So what it's costing for these clowns to run things is basically the £1M a month reductions they made in running costs mainly from the salary cuts. For the period of this report, 14 February 2012 to 30 March 2012 trading revenue totals £1,020,234. So their monthly income only pays for the administators ....so debt is just going up despite the cuts?

Could this be construed as trading while insolvent? What are the rules governing this while a company is under administration?

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Aw shucks wub.gif I didn't think anyone cared.

Going by the "mah grandad supported..." rule applied by most Old Firm fans, I'd actually be a Queens' Park fan given that my great grandad lived by Mount Florida back at the start of the 20th century. I've only been to Hampden once against Queens' and we won the league that day, so I have a wee soft spot for them!

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Chick was a bitter wee fucker on sportsound. Question asked about whether journalists were asking the right questions and Spence and Forsyth were pretty straight. Chick just rages into all these bitter, bitter anonymous people on social media who dont have a clue. Well Chick, not everyone is bitter because of who you are. They are bitter because you are a patronising c**t who has spent fuckin weeks telling us that the ball is on the slates without rangers. WELL HEAR THIS CHICK. WE WOULD RATHER NOT HAVE RANGERS OR ANY OTHER CLUB THAT FUCKED OFF AND LEFT A DEBT OF £134m WHILE EVERYONE ELSE LED A HAND TO MOUTH EXISTENCE BUT PAID THEIR WAY. Sorry to have to shout but it is time these c***s got the message and stopped trying to tell us what is good for us. Stop operating at the "eating carrots helps you see in the dark" level.

I never really minded Chick Young before all this kicked off. Now I think he's actively terrible at his job. The lengths to which he's gone to stick his head in the sand are incredible.

I don't even think he's really a Rangers fan - I think he's just so committed to the way things have been done in the Scottish game that he reflexively leaps to their defence at every opportunity.

As far as I'm concerned he's lost all credibility.

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Floating charges etc held against assets are also only held against the value of the floating charge, i.e. if Agent Whhyte has a floating charge against Ibrokes for £20m and the asset is sold for £25m, then £5m goes into the creditors pot. Conversely, if the players are sold for £20m and (presumably) no floating charge is held against them, then £20m goes into the creditors pot.

Regarding the value of the assets - I wonder if it's squeaky bum time in Grant Thornton's office yet.

Most tellingly, if they are liquidated, shares in Lyons are likely to head Northward (figuratively speaking)

I doubt there's a football club in Europe whose assets are in any way a fair reflection of their market value. Player asset prices bear no relation to reality, amortisation is done in linear form (which makes little sense) and everyone overvalues their stadium. I'm convinced that if these figures were rectified across the professional game, dozens of clubs would be insolvent overnight.

Edited by Swampy
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He didn't have any in the first place.

As I said, I regarded him as mostly harmless before this - a journeyman, who did a job, and was fairly good at it. I didn't look upon him as a Pulitzer Prize winner or anything. But this is just so far beyond the pale that I can't listen to him anymore.

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