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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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"This is the naked truth about Thomson. How long did it take him to find all this articles. Anyway, I have no problem with Traynor, he called as it was, in his own opinions. We know he's not a bluenose but more importantly that he was and is impartial.
This only confirms the agenda from the hacks that live hundreds of miles away and stir the pot.
My message to Thomson and Gobblegiver is simple. Come out of your London and Donegal bunkers and come up here with your 'Mhedia campaign'! Then you might have some credibility! If not your health of course!"

Fucking lol, seems like the delusion is far from running out at Sevcoville. Excellent. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I wish Sir Craig Whyte would stop drip feeding us these gems through AT, just get it all out now and put them right out of their misery.

Will nobody think of the poor creditors who were left penniless by whytes actions..

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Will nobody think of the poor creditors who were left penniless by whytes actions..


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Seems this story will not die


Rumors abound that he has signed a 4 year deal.

I reckon this will see alexander leave now, giving Bell a couple of seasons in the SFL to get used to playing for Rangers.

Plus it makes Norman look like a even more of a fud.

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What do you think of Thomson's piece on Traynor Bennett?

A bit of a let down, i was hoping for something we could finally use which showed a clear connection between Whyte and Greena and co (see earlier post). Not some pish about Jim bloody Traynor.

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A bit of a let down, i was hoping for something we could finally use which showed a clear connection between Whyte and Greena and co (see earlier post). Not some pish about Jim bloody Traynor.

That might be still to come, if it exists.

I'm delighted that Traynor has been shown up and I hope there is more. When someone is as arrogant as he is, in every way, it's fantastic when they are forced to squirm. I don't care if he works for Rangers now, in fact - as someone else said - it would have been good if this had come out while he still worked at the Record and BBC.

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On Traynor's reply:

Regardless of whether he was or wasn't instrumental in exposing Whyte's dodgy dealings, it is completely and utterly irrelevant to Thomson's piece.

Do we read it as,"I was only looking for a job at Rangers and letting them proof read my articles before I knew that Whyte was a crook."?

That's alright then Jim.

The man is sinking.

Yeah that's the way I read the text message bit....hiya mr cgraig sir I can leave ma job anytime you want and il be ready to squirm at your feet soon as love you bye love you watp!

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This is sooooooo fucking comical with Chuckie down under :lol: Chucky goes as far as to say he was trying to buy Rangers PLC as early as last year in February ? :blink: Was it not Millar at that point ? Chucky says he never lies ! :wacko::lol: Chucky taking the English FA to court ! and many more pieces of comedy I can't list but read for yourselves FFS this guy has went the extra mile to even more stupid in the public domain. :lol:


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This is sooooooo fucking comical with Chuckie down under :lol: Chucky goes as far as to say he was trying to buy Rangers PLC as early as last year in February ? :blink: Was it not Millar at that point ? Chucky says he never lies ! :wacko::lol: Chucky taking the English FA to court ! and many more pieces of comedy I can't list but read for yourselves FFS this guy has went the extra mile to even more stupid in the public domain. :lol:


Slow down and try that again.

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Wait a minute!

Traynor, shown up for being an arse licking mouth piece and positive PR machine for Craig Whyte?

This isn't the same traynor who issued that statement last week is it?

And he was working for the Record, that's the paper that the jake ex journalist blogs about being a pro Celtic paper?

And this was going on, a couple of weeks before rangers went into admin?

But! Traynor says he was responsible for exposing Whyte!

This is off the radar!

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This is sooooooo fucking comical with Chuckie down under :lol: Chucky goes as far as to say he was trying to buy Rangers PLC as early as last year in February ? :blink: Was it not Millar at that point ? Chucky says he never lies ! :wacko::lol: Chucky taking the English FA to court ! and many more pieces of comedy I can't list but read for yourselves FFS this guy has went the extra mile to even more stupid in the public domain. :lol:


  • The Future

I won’t work after Rangers – this is the most satisfying job I have ever had.

I like this bit.

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