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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Insulting somebody from the comfort of an internet forum is about as weak as it gets.

If that is your sport then find somebody else to play keyboard hard man with.

I will take it then that you cannot address the rest of the post and this deflection is your best attempt?

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I will take it then that you cannot address the rest of the post and this deflection is your best attempt ?

Gotta hand it to you Sailor.... your determination to try and educate and enlighten the unable and unwilling are meritorious indeed.

When exactly do you think it will begin to have negative effect on your own health ;) ?

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Like I said, that's part of your interpretation of it.

Employees are individuals and have rights.

That's where the club company thing falls down as far as the oldco newco debate goes on your side. These players were employees of the company but registered to the club. The SFA panel is not concerned with employment law but is concerned with the SFA's articles of association and according to them your new club did not inherit the rights to those player's registrations from the old club, even though they share the same number.

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I think i made it pretty clear what my position regarding debating with you is, we can either debate or you can throw insults around when you are not getting your way, sorry we cannot do both ;)

You do not have the intelligence to do either Tedi.

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Gotta hand it to you Sailor.... your determination to try and educate and enlighten the unable and unwilling are meritorious indeed.

When exactly do you think it will begin to have negative effect on your own health ;) ?

I spent 20 odd years frying my brains with chemicals, I think I can handle a few dimwits. ;)

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That's where the club company thing falls down as far as the oldco newco debate goes on your side. These players were employees of the company but registered to the club. The SFA panel is not concerned with employment law but is concerned with the SFA's articles of association and according to them your new club did not inherit the rights to those player's registrations from the old club, even though they share the same number.

Well, I'd be interested to see a statement from the SFA (or the panel it set up) about the "new club" and the "old club", as opposed to your interpretation of the matter or a rather woolly media report.

The "you're deid" brigade are constantly worrying away looking for some sort of "magic bullet" like this i.e some relatively minor matter that will somehow prove something big. I ain't seen it yet.

Edited by Bearwithme
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You do realise that it is facts which determine real things like history. History is being rewritten all the time Tedi as facts are unearthed. History is written by whoever has the biggest voice at the time but is revised as facts are unearthed, so to speak. For example until the past month it was accepted that Richard the third had a withered right arm, this was factually inaccurate and has now been revised after the discovery of his remains.

Aye, all of him was withered.

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As I said your good at being an internet hard-man, when you get angry.

Its enough for me to laugh at.

Another comprehension fail Tedster, I am mocking you, I am not acting hard and threatening you, I am not playing the internet hardman.

Like I said matey, you are just not good enough.

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Of course that is bullshit, why insult someone on an internet forum when you would not do it face to face, never really understood that point.

Anyway as I said, trading insults is not my thing, I wont get dragged down to that level.

I am stating the truth, if you find it insulting that says more about you than it does me. Sorry dude.

ETA, your "come say it to my face" stance shows you to be more of an internet hardman than I ever will be. If you want a battle of wits I'll start an account for my 12 year old boy, he's about your third division level.

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Youngsy is right but i think he's getting a bit carried away about it tbh, I'm not alone and I'm not likely to start a terror group so just take it as words man. I've yet to meet a Rangers fan since it happened that isn't raging at all the clubs, the SFA/SPL whoever. Ill bet there are bears who are from Gorgie hoping Hearts go bust and bears from Motherwell seeing their home town club struggling and are glad about it it makes me sick. Right from the off the officials of the club started making enemies out of the rest of Scottish football so apache Son has a point also. It started that way but to settle the argument youngsy is more right than yourself apache don.

Jack D and Coke,i'm not getting carried away on this by any means,i personally just have the opinion that anyone who states they are an enemy of a football club,any club,is being a bit pathetic,not just yourself but any person. It's a sport not a war,people should remember that.

Aye fair do's man. Sometimes you type stuff and its not till someone else takes it all out of context and maybe thinks your salivating in rage about something that you realise how easily you get misunderstood. Rangers and a lot of their fans really piss me off then is that better?

Edited by Jack D and Coke
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You have no idea what the truth is, you are attempting to force your point of view across, failing, getting frustrated by your own admission and resorting to insults, its actually quite funny but also all a bit sad.

LMAO, Tedi I know you'd love to think of me bashing the keyboard raging at your comprehension failures but in all honesty they just make me laugh. This thread is all about mocking former Rangers fans, about pointing out the obvious and giggling like school girls as we watch you either deflect from the truth or just totally ignore it. This is prime time entertainment and it's all at your expense. If you don't want dragged into trading insults don't post in the thread because it's the oxygen you lot provide that keeps us going.

In all honesty if it was not for you lot I would not have cared less whether you were the same club or not but every time evidence pops up to prove you are not the same club I get a little rush knowing you will be here to mock, you, youngsy, Bendy, Benny, you are all top class entertainment. If you were not so serious you could have made a fortune in films or on TV. In a way it's tragic and I really should not mock the afflicted but it's just too much fun. ;)

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Is this a two way street, ie do you have the same opinion on anyone Rangers connected who spouts the enemies line?

The part of my post which states;any club, should answer your question.

FFS guys even the thread about this on Rangers media picked up on the significance.

The club started an arbitration process, that arbitration process lay with the club, it was a part of the club. An independent panel who are there to provide a neutral view on the SFA's rules did not accept that there was a transferance of that part of the club, it can then be assumed that if one part of the club was not transferred then no other part of the club was transferred.

Tedi, you chastised me for name calling but your lack of intelligence is not name calling, it is fact.

EDIT- youngsy, the action will not continue, as you put it. new Rangers are to petition the SFA in a new action under the same clause, 99, of the articles of association. You Rangers fans really are a confidence trickster's wet dream.

SS you'll need to remind me what action you're on about because for the life of me i can't find any post over the last two days in which i've directly conversed with you.

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Now, about that arbitration?

Meanwhile, back in the real world of plastic...


Are Alberto Undiano Mallenco's windaes about to be panned in?



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