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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You know Ragers fans are struggling for relevence when they start bringing up attendences. After all what else are they going to resort to after being pumped out of every cup, and look like winning the league after spending 100 times more than there nearest rivals.

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You know Ragers fans are struggling for relevence when they start bringing up attendences. After all what else are they going to resort to after being pumped out of every cup, and look like winning the league after spending 100 times more than there nearest rivals.

You would think the supposed biggest team in the country would fill their ground every week.


Edited by AUFC90
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Insulting somebody from the comfort of an internet forum is about as weak as it gets.

If that is your sport then find somebody else to play keyboard hard man with.


Would you like me to go and repost some of the slanderous, defamatory shite you and your Amigos have posted about me?

You are absolutely hopeless at debate, Tedi, as your position does not have the strength of conviction. (OrcSpeak: you know your club died, but must defend it nevertheless). That is a fact.

You are a stupid, memory-challenged, ignorant (5 stars), innumerate (addition problems), fan of a dead club. Could be classed as insulting, more likely than not with a pretty strong basis in fact.

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Would you like me to go and repost some of the slanderous, defamatory shite you and your Amigos have posted about me?

You are absolutely hopeless at debate, Tedi, as your position does not have the strength of conviction. (OrcSpeak: you know your club died, but must defend it nevertheless). That is a fact.

You are a stupid, memory-challenged, ignorant (5 stars), innumerate (addition problems), fan of a dead club. Could be classed as insulting, more likely than not with a pretty strong basis in fact.

Sure why not, so we can laugh at them again.


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It's a simple enough question... Have Celtic ever been beaten fairly?

Rangers haven't won fairly all season. Better refs = not a level playing field. Try putting up with the shit that graces somerset every week

Aye we've pure cheated an aww rat all season :blink:

Edited by bennett
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Jesus H Christ what a whalloper Lennon is.

Now they've started intimidating foriegn refs as well as Scottish ones.

Has Celtic ever been beaten fairly?

Every f**king time you lot get beaten, it's always someone else to blame :lol:

It's a simple enough question... Have Celtic ever been beaten fairly?

Yes or no...

And our No.1 A*rshire bigot appears for the evening. I wonder what team are the subject of Whataboutery Bennett's first THREE posts?

Obsessed, I tells ye!


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You do understand what INDEPENDENT means?

Lord Nimmo Smith defends impartiality of panel looking into Rangers alleged use of EBTs

Lord Nimmo Smith, the Scottish High Court judge in charge of the independent investigation set up by the SPL to look into the charge that Rangers may have failed to disclose Employee Benefit Trust payments to players from 2001-11 – in breach of the rules – has issued a strongly worded defence of the impartiality of his panel, which also includes two QCs, Nicholas Stewart and Charles Flint.

The statement you quoted was written By Lord Nimmo who is charge of a commision that was appointed by the SPL but is 100% independent of them, the SPL have 0% to do with that statement, they had no input into it whatsoever.

Are you getting this?

The word by kinda gives it away, also if you read the numerous sections concerning BIAS


OK you stupid orc B@stard ! answer this ! where did Lord Nimmo get his imformation before giving his opinion ? you have failed to answer this question for months.

I supplied to you that the SPL gave Nimmo a draft which then became his remit on chairing the commission to which is on the first page of the fucking document.

The remit is basically a binding contract between Nimmo and the SPL but Nimmo only agreed to it after reading the SPL's draft which eventually became Nimmo's remit of fairness and impartiality to which the SPL had included into the draft before the commission approved.

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OK you stupid orc B@stard ! answer this ! where did Lord Nimmo get his imformation before giving his opinion ? you have failed to answer this question for months.

I supplied to you that the SPL gave Nimmo a draft which then became his remit on chairing the commission to which is on the first page of the fucking document.

The remit is basically a binding contract between Nimmo and the SPL but Nimmo only agreed to it after reading the SPL's draft which eventually became Nimmo's remit of fairness and impartiality to which the SPL had included into the draft before the commission approved.

Mr Angry is losing the plot :lol:

His keyboards must take one hell of a punding when he's on here :)

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I've spent the last half hour catching up on this thread and it's been pretty shit.

I really wish people would give the new club/old club stuff a rest. Both interpretations are at once absurd and perfectly feasible.

We've got a terrific anniversary to reflect on, possible title stripping to look forward to and Traynor imploding. Why,oh why are we engaging in such unwinnable and irrelevant discourse?

FWIW, I reckon Tedi's behaved with some of that dignity his team's lacked in dealing with it all.

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Mr Angry is losing the plot :lol:

His keyboards must take one hell of a punding when he's on here :)

There you go wumming again Benny putting words and emotions into peoples posts that aren't actually there.

Tedi can't understand what the remit actually is and must be googling like fcuk to find a scrap of relevance he's right and I'm wrong.

It's pretty fucking clear in page one of the SPL commission's remit that Nimmo and the SPL agreed on the draft before Nimmo made a public statement on the draft come remit.

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