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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That's the way, Bennett. Carry on with the defamation and save me the trouble. Are you and the other Amigos really as thick in real life as you present on here?

I know you're a clever bhoy Norman, i know.

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There you go wumming again Benny putting words and emotions into peoples posts that aren't actually there.

Tedi can't understand what the remit actually is and must be googling like fcuk to find a scrap of relevance he's right and I'm wrong.

It's pretty fucking clear in page one of the SPL commission's remit that Nimmo and the SPL agreed on the draft before Nimmo made a public statement on the draft come remit.

Just give it up mate, it's way over your head.

You'll end up smashing another keyboard at this rate.

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You are clearly loosing it;

Not one word in that whole document was written or penned by the SPL, the document was written by Nimmo to defend the impartiality of the commision.

Impartiality from what?

The SPL....................

To suggest that it was supplied by the SPL as a draft is ludicrous beyond belief.

I wish what your saying was true mind you, the QC representing Rangers would be having a field day.

SEE TEDI ! you just proved how thick you are ! it's on the first page of the document and was drafted with the help of the SPL's lawyers.

It was on the JPEG I posted earlier and couldn't be more plain that the SPL produced a draft that Lord Nimmo read and agreed on therefore it's his remit.

“We must of course operate within the terms of our remit, and apply any rules

which are applicable, but in reaching our final determination of the Issues,

and in making any incidental decisions, we shall exercise our own judgement,

on the basis of the evidence which is adduced, in accordance with the

principles of natural justice, and unfettered by the influence of the Board

or of anyone else.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ what do you think when Nimmo claims his remit but will exercise his own judgement ? and explain what the remit is Tedi ? is it a legally binding contract between the SPL and Lord Nimmo ? remember the SPL has asked Nimmo to rule upon what the SPL has given Nimmo as evidence THE FUCKING REMIT MORON.

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You are clearly loosing it;

Not one word in that whole document was written or penned by the SPL, the document was written by Nimmo to defend the impartiality of the commision.

Impartiality from what?

The SPL....................

To suggest that it was supplied by the SPL as a draft is ludicrous beyond belief.

I wish what your saying was true mind you, the QC representing Rangers would be having a field day.

Losing. It's losing.

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Would you like me to go and repost some of the slanderous, defamatory shite you and your Amigos have posted about me?

You are absolutely hopeless at debate, Tedi, as your position does not have the strength of conviction. (OrcSpeak: you know your club died, but must defend it nevertheless). That is a fact.

You are a stupid, memory-challenged, ignorant (5 stars), innumerate (addition problems), fan of a dead club. Could be classed as insulting, more likely than not with a pretty strong basis in fact.

Not long after I registered, I noted a few posts declaring (in words to the effect) that The Rangers fans posting on here, were fairly reasonable, well balanced human beings. I took this on board but have since found, that it is in fact complete and utter shit. The 3 amigos, WTF!

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I've spent the last half hour catching up on this thread and it's been pretty shit.

I really wish people would give the new club/old club stuff a rest. Both interpretations are at once absurd and perfectly feasible.

We've got a terrific anniversary to reflect on, possible title stripping to look forward to and Traynor imploding. Why,oh why are we engaging in such unwinnable and irrelevant discourse?

FWIW, I reckon Tedi's behaved with some of that dignity his team's lacked in dealing with it all.

Good point, well made. I've spent an hour to get to the current page (well if that's still 2786 by time I type this). and don't think I would've missed anything had I just went straight to the last.

Actually, your last line could do with amending.

Edited by Apache Don
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This is it Monkey, you know its obvious that you have zero love for my club nor most of its fans, I dont know all the reasons but some of them I would probably agree with, I have no doubt we could speak for hours discussing it and still probably not agree on much. However not once in all the time I have been on this forum have you ever dished out personal insults against me to aid your debate, I hope I have always afforded you the same courtesy.

Listen Ted - I reserve the right to lay into your club whenever I please, and even criticise the character of a collective fan base (inasmuch as there is such a thing) when I see fit. Obviously, I'll also enjoy arguing with individuals I disagree with. Sometimes I'll win; sometimes I'll make a tit of myself - it's the nature of such pointless discussion.

You know I can't stand Rangers - you know I've a particular distaste for fans from outside of Glasgow who back them and you know what pleasure I've taken from Rangers' ills.

The point is however that it's merely a pastime for us and that this site only works if we get lots of alternative views on this.

Personally, I look forward to the posts from you, No8, Bearwithme, Bennett and The Kincardine.

Insults have a place and I'm not above issuing or receiving them. They're best avoided though when people are prepared to discuss issues.

Long live P&Bers - that means all of us.

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You are completely ignoring the reasons why Nimmo released a statement to push home the fact his commision is impartial and independent from the SPL, in fact its obvious you do not have a clue what an independent commision is.

See you didn't answer my question again Tedi ! the remit has on record that the SPL supplied a draft to which the commission agreed too and then became their remit.

So I'll ask you again ! where did Nimmo get all his imformation when making his statement on Rangers FC ?

A, From thin air ?

B, He already had a vast knowledge and insight into Scottish footballing rules & regulations and clubs inner workings ? even though he obviously does not.

C, Charles Green & co gave Nimmo all his info ?

D, The SPL supplied Nimmo with detailed info on Rangers FC ?

E, He phoned a friend ?

Tedi when you sign a contract is it already drafted for you too sign before you even get the job or other ?.

Nimmo met with the SPL and was shown a draft that was drafted long before Nimmo even remotely agreed to chair the commission,he read it and agreed to what the SPL drafted in the document and then he released it later as his remit.

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You are completely ignoring the reasons why Nimmo released a statement to push home the fact his commision is impartial and independent from the SPL, in fact its obvious you do not have a clue what an independent commision is.

What a clueless idiot you are at times Tedi.

Before Nimmo agreed to chair the commission the SPL made it clear that any commission would be fair and impartial so that Rangers fans couldn't claim it was a kangaroo court and a fix to rob the club of titles.

They the SPL went as far as to ask Nimmo to chair the commission and had written into the draft how impartial and unbiased Nimmo was to be and Nimmo then agreed because the remit plainly states that the verdict/ruling would be free of SPL influence or anybody else's influence.

This whole commission ruling has come about because of how fecking paranoid Rangers have become about losing titles.

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