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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Explains his lack of knowledge concerning Ayr and the areas surrounding somerset.

What lack of knowlege is that? Who gives a crap about jabba, it's full of junkys and aint the nicest of places. I certainly know who u are and the area surrounding you ;) No one likes u :lol:

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And thats it in one sentence. No matter how Tedi the sleekit w**k trys to twist it or how many pointless links he posts the long and short of it is Rangers were liquidated and its assits sold to Sevco,

A team in blue was kept playing at Ipox for the benefit of those who wished to line their pockets.

That's the one thing people in power see the ibrox horde as. A cash cow. They'll say any old pish to protect that

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Do people actually go and watch colt teams though? I can understand if it's cheap then there will be local fans that can't afford to go to Ibrox or wherever the main team is playing but would say Brechin fans go to watch Brechin vs Rangers colt team and see it as a big game of football?

Thanks for the reply.

To be honest I don't know how they'd fare as far as attracting an audience would go but both Rangers and Celtic are big enough clubs to field these teams. How did the attendences fare when we had a reserve league? I'd imagine crowds roughly the same maybe a tad bigger. Then you could factor in all your fans who are normally seen wandering about provincial town centres and retail parks on match days, some of them might show an interest seeing as how they don't know the way to Glasgow. I am not digging at you guys who do follow your team, just the ones specified.

My opinion is that colts would work but there are other issues like teams waiting for a chance to get into the SFL, the vast opposition from fans of all teams and other wee niggles.

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And thats it in one sentence. No matter how Tedi the sleekit w**k trys to twist it or how many pointless links he posts the long and short of it is Rangers were liquidated and its assits sold to Sevco,

A team in blue was kept playing at Ipox for the benefit of those who wished to line their pockets.

johnny, no matter how the Tedi's of this world shout "Foul" over what you stated above I must agree with your statement entirely.....

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Who else is arguing but fans?

Ah wait a minute now, are you really Peter L and does that make me Charlie G and all this chatter on P & B will be used at some future yet to be announced tribunal on the continuation of Rangers Football club?

Your some boy i'll give you that.

I wish you all the best in your future (fruitless) protestations :)

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johnny, no matter how the Tedi's of this world shout "Foul" over what you stated above I must agree with your statement entirely.....

They can call foul all they like mate. I love this response from a hearts fan to someone like Tedi who claims to be one of the sensible ones :blink: Ted of course refuses to read it as it consists of fact and truths regarding his club/company.

Jesus Christ.

And you describe yourself as a reasonable-minded Rangers fan? You are,

quite literally, deluded - the definition of a delusion being a fixed

belief which continues to be held in the face of all evidence to the


Please stop this idiotic drivel about Rangers being hard done by in some

way. Sorry, but not on this planet. You wonder why everyone was so down

on Rangers? Could it be because you had been lording it over the rest

of Scottish football (Celtic excepted) for decades, whilst cheating

financially on a staggering scale to ensure your position could never be

threatened? Everybody likes to see a bully get their comeuppance, and

Rangers were one of the biggest bullies in football history.

Having been found out, Rangers then showed zero remorse (still haven't,

in fact) and have continued to behave with unbelievable arrogance even

as their club collapsed around them. Had it not been for the utter lack

of humility shown by the club, other people might have been more

sympathetic, but that's the Rangers way, isn't it?

Then the unthinkable happened - you actually went bust. And contrary to

what you appear to think, every authority in Scottish football

immediately began to do everything in their power to ensure that you had

as soft a landing as possible. Administrators are supposed to act on

behalf of the creditors, to get them the best deal possible. That's

almost the exact opposite of what happened in your case. The company's

largest assets (Ibrox and Murray Park) were not sold off to the highest

bidder to pay off the creditors. Instead, they were placed out of the

creditors' reach by selling them to NewCo for a derisory sum (about

£4.5m, IIRC - when Ibrox alone had been valued at £100m in Rangers' own

accounts!) This was allowed to go unchallenged. Was there a fire sale of

players? No. In fact, Green threatened legal action against players who

exercised their right to leave.

Then we come to the question of where NewCo would play, and the shameful

shenanigans that went on to try to prevent them from having to follow

the rules. As a new club, NewCo should have had to apply to join SFL3,

like any other new club would have to. But instead we were treated to

the spectacle of the SPL and SFA seriously considering reinserting them

into the SPL and pretending nothing had happened. It's hardly surprising

the fans of other clubs were screaming blue murder - the authorities

had thrown away their own rule book and were making things up as they

went along, because this was Rangers, and the usual rules don't apply to

OF clubs.

Fortunately, sanity prevailed and the SPL clubs voted against this

madness, which really and truly would have made Scottish football a

laughing stock around the world. Then the focus went on to the SFL, who

were pressurised into putting NewCo into SFL1 - for which there was even

less justification than keeping them in the SPL, since the latter is a

separate body. But this failed too, amid dire predictions of doom and

apocalypse (which have failed to ensue). So NewCo went to SFL3.

Then we started to get this nonsense about 'we've been punished enough'.

Complete twaddle. You weren't punished AT ALL for anything you did. The

'demotion' was anything but - instead of having to reapply to the SFL,

you were allowed to keep OldCo's membership and bypass the application

process. It was doing NewCo a favour. The only 'punishments' dealt out

to Rangers were a miserable fine, a transfer ban which was carefully

arranged to cause a minimum of inconvenience (it didn't start till you

had already signed players for this season, and will end just in time

for you to register players for next season!) and a requirement to pay

'football debts', which was trivial in comparison to the series of

favours you had received.

Then the new season began, with Rangers in Div 3, but still owning Ibrox

and Murray Park, still having much of their squad, still having all

their coaching staff, having made virtually nobody redundant, and

claiming somehow to be both a new club (hence debt free) and an old club

(hence with all the Rangers history). No attempt has been made to

challenge this at all. Next thing we know, 'Rangers' - who are supposed

to have gone bust and returned as a new entity - are signing players

from SPL clubs and paying them bumper SPL wages to play in SFL3.

Is it any wonder that your club are resented? The scale of the heist you

have pulled off is breathtaking. You were cheating, you were found out,

you went bust, and yet you have been allowed to carry on as if nothing

had happened. Your 'punishment' has been a slap on the wrist at best.

And despite all this, you honestly think you have been mistreated! If

Hearts go to the wall, do you think we will get ANY of the special

treatment you did? Not a chance in hell.

I read (and commented) on that post. Although lengthy he does get across IMO what all Non Old Firm fans think of them. Best post EVER!!

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I read (and commented) on that post. Although lengthy he does get across IMO what all Non Old Firm fans think of them. Best post EVER!!

Of course the fact that the whole post is full of inaccuracies and outright lies matters not a jot to the haters.

The way Rangers were treated was disgraceful but the precedence has been set.

The outside world cannot believe that the footballing authorities have been allowed to treat a member club in this way...invent punishments which are proven in court to be illegal but still go against the law of the land and force the club into accepting them.

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Still nobody has answered if it so easy to seperate the "company" from the "club" why didn't David Murray simple do this. he could have started a new company debt free and liquidated the old company?


why didn't Craig whyte offer to buy the "club" debt free without the company?

Why didn't The Blue Knights offer to buy the "club" debt free without the company?

Why didn't Bill Miller offer to buy the "club" debt free without the company

Why didn't Charles Green offer to buy the "club" debt free without the company?

Why didn't the administrators mention this was possible while looking for a buyer?

Why didn't anyone in the media mention this was possible?

Why did Charles Green say he needed a CVA to save the history?

Doesn't anyone find it a bit strange why none of this came up until after the "company" went into liqudation and Charlie Green bought the assets?

Are we to believe both Charlie (an experenced businessman who was only it in for making a quick buck remember) and Jim are wrong when they said liqudation was the death of the "club"

Bit of a coincidence, don't you think?

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Of course the fact that the whole post is full of inaccuracies and outright lies matters not a jot to the haters.

The way Rangers were treated was disgraceful but the precedence has been set.

The outside world cannot believe that the footballing authorities have been allowed to treat a member club in this way...invent punishments which are proven in court to be illegal but still go against the law of the land and force the club into accepting them.

There is only really about ten people on this thread care,the outside world is going about it's business not giving a damn.

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I read (and commented) on that post. Although lengthy he does get across IMO what all Non Old Firm fans think of them. Best post EVER!!

Of course the fact that the whole post is full of inaccuracies and outright lies matters not a jot to the haters.

The way Rangers were treated was disgraceful but the precedence has been set.

The outside world cannot believe that the footballing authorities have been allowed to treat a member club in this way...invent punishments which are proven in court to be illegal but still go against the law of the land and force the club into accepting them.

Absolute nonsense. I am not one of the "haters" that some The Rangers fans like to demonise. The way Rangers were treated was mainly of their own doing and, like some The Rangers fans your anger is misplaced. If it was not for the football authorities breaking then rewriting their own rules, not only would Rangers be dead, The Rangers would never have been born.

Ungrateful wretch

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Absolute nonsense. I am not one of the "haters" that some The Rangers fans like to demonise. The way Rangers were treated was mainly of their own doing and, like some The Rangers fans your anger is misplaced. If it was not for the football authorities breaking then rewriting their own rules, not only would Rangers be dead, The Rangers would never have been born. Ungrateful wretch

No it's not, it's spot on. You're not a fan, all you care about is attacking another team and that is hate.

Do you ever post about your own team? Do you f**k, it's Rangers, Rangers and Rangers with you.

Have a nice day.

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No it's not, it's spot on. You're not a fan, all you care about is attacking another team and that is hate.

Do you ever post about your own team? Do you f**k, it's Rangers, Rangers and Rangers with you.

Have a nice day.

Sheep shaggers for you. There biggest hero is a player who ruined the career of a Rangers player. Utterly pathetic club who nobody cares about.

I actually forgot about there lot until the other day, non entities.

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The footballing authorities bent over backwards to ensure there was a team for Rangers supporters to watch.

They are ungrateful as f**k and even have the audacity to claim that they were mistreated. :lol:

Who should we be grateful to? :lol:

Those that handed us an illegal transfer embargo aye?

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Absolute nonsense. I am not one of the "haters" that some The Rangers fans like to demonise. The way Rangers were treated was mainly of their own doing and, like some The Rangers fans your anger is misplaced. If it was not for the football authorities breaking then rewriting their own rules, not only would Rangers be dead, The Rangers would never have been born. Ungrateful wretch

No it's not, it's spot on. You're not a fan, all you care about is attacking another team and that is hate.

Do you ever post about your own team? Do you f**k, it's Rangers, Rangers and Rangers with you.

Have a nice day.

I've been a season ticket holder at Aberdeen for 17 years so yes I am a fan.

I don't hate The Rangers. I just have a different opinion from yours. To hate something you have to care.

Feel free to check all my posts and count how many are about the death of Rangers or The Rangers.

You and Tedi's problem is that there is nothing in your life apart from Rangers and The Rangers. Sad really.

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Who should we be grateful to? :lol:

Those that handed us an illegal transfer embargo aye?

Those that allowed your team to kick a fucking ball this season.

I hope you are having a good season and you should enjoy every moment of it.

You are lucky it's even happening.

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Who should we be grateful to? :lol:

Those that handed us an illegal transfer embargo aye?

Those that allowed your team to kick a fucking ball this season.

I hope you are having a good season and you should enjoy every moment of it.

You are lucky it's even happening.

Mikey, they'll never get it and if they ever do they would never admit it.

Once great giant reduced to begging. It irks them as they KNOW they could not save their team and had to rely on others to save the scraps

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I've been a season ticket holder at Aberdeen for 17 years so yes I am a fan. I don't hate The Rangers. I just have a different opinion from yours. To hate something you have to care. Feel free to check all my posts and count how many are about the death of Rangers or The Rangers. You and Tedi's problem is that there is nothing in your life apart from Rangers and The Rangers. Sad really.

Yeah mate you don't care about Rangers right enough ;)

Away and flush your napper down the lavvy.

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