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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You're struggling mate and may now wish to perform one of those changes of heart, like you offered over the Easdales.

Are you now seriously suggesting that to support Celtic is to hold extreme political views, akin to those harboured by Nazis?

You've backed yourself into a corner by defending a careless initial remark that I know doesn't truly reflect your outlook, so it would maybe be best to say so, in the interests of acquiring some kind of grip.

***FAO No8!!!!***

Now, I'm still fairly new to this. Things like collating posts from different pages and threads, is currently beyond my ability. The above post from MT, relates to your pish poor stuff from last night and indeed, is very good advice. Draw breath, reflect and heed his well intentioned advice and do get a grip. What is it about rangers fans and contrition and humility. Alternatively, carry on down the path of 'British Patriot', 'AWRA', '54 Titles...' etc Mind you, there are some who think you're all one and the same anyway. Not me, not yet.

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***FAO No8!!!!***

Now, I'm still fairly new to this. Things like collating posts from different pages and threads, is currently beyond my ability. The above post from MT, relates to your pish poor stuff from last night and indeed, is very good advice. Draw breath, reflect and heed his well intentioned advice and do get a grip. What is it about rangers fans and contrition and humility. Alternatively, carry on down the path of 'British Patriot', 'AWRA', '54 Titles...' etc Mind you, there are some who think you're all one and the same anyway. Not me, not yet.

A polite grown-up warning which a fair few could take note of. During the days of the big sulk after a massive breakdown and a pathetic alias (Vicky and ) Bennett's Domestic problems and subsequently safari, some of them appeared to have dialled up the idiot factor as if to fill a vacuum of stupid. Thankfully for them, they're back now and can re-shoulder the role of Board Cretin.

I'm not sure No.8 has received the memo yet. ;)

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This has no relevance to the thread.. please stick to Rangers big administration, if possible.

Did you mention this before? Perhaps when the killie & sporting wing fans were arguing about poppygate? When another 'killie' fan was explaining his poor choice in candidates for best man material? The opus dei discourse?

This train wreck left the rails long before I ever arrived.

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Nah, you're drunk man. Same MO? Maybe. Same wife? No fkg way, that would just be insane, right? British Patriot married to an Irish Catholic. Hmmm...You know, if I only had a fiver for every time, someone accused of being a bigot, has responded with... ''Bigot? me? My wife's a catholic'' or ''my mother's a catholic''. Has anyone noticed, that it's never,

''My father's a catholic''. :rolleyes:

Mine was.

Mine too ;)

Just checking but even though I'm sure you 2 know the point being made, your response may confuse some of our other readers. ;)

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Just checking but even though I'm sure you 2 know the point being made, your response may confuse some of our other readers. ;)

I think you'll find, Don, that most of my posts confuse certain of our fellow P&Bers. A title which, for some reason, they use as a term of belittlement while posting on P&B.

Go figure.

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You just made that up.

and I regard your post as bigoted.

No I did not. It is often the response of people accused of bigotry, to cite a defence of ''my mother was a...'' or ''my wife is a...'' and in all the times I've heard the like, I have never heard anyone say ''my father's a...''. It is always a female relative they use and of course, it is often not true.

As for you regarding my post as bigoted - it's on previous page for anyone who wants to check, I can't take quotes from different pages yet - well, I'm just not qualified to do anything about rationalising your thought process. Sorry.

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I red dot you often because you are a bit of a roaster and post pish.

The Truth hurts you is the truth. Such as this.

1. Your new club has yet to play in the top league of Scottish football. If your new club manage to avoid suffering the same fate as your old club (LIQUIDATION due to bankruptcy) before it has the opportunity to reach the top league, your new club will eventually reach that height. This will be due only to the fact that your new club presently have the ability to spend hugely significantly more on its player, coaching and management squad in the lower leagues than its opponents do and for no other reason.

2. If/when your new club reaches the top league it will be forced to live within its financial means unlike the old club which had an unlimited overdraft from the Bank of Scotland with David Murray as guarantor on all borrowings. There will be no banks, MIM, EBT's, Dave Kings, Joe Lewis's, ENIC, Ticketus's, etc, funding your new club with several hundreds of millions of pounds sterling to chase the dream that ended in a nightmare for your old club.

3. The £20million that your new club Rangers International FC raised from institutional investors by way of the recent share issue will all be gone if/when it reaches the top league due to operational costs of running Ibrox Stadium, maintenance and refurbishment, and those investors will also be wanting money back from their investment with interest. The vast majority of the club shares are owned by men who have no love at all for the club, they are in it purely for personal profit.

4. This is not the late 1980s/1990s and the club in Glasgow's east end is not in financial dire straits as it was back in those days during the years in which your old bankrupt club equaled 9IAR but failed to win the European Cup that their city rivals won. They have the biggest football stadium in Scotland, it's much more modern than Ibrox Stadium and their club is majority owned and run by extremely wealthy businessmen who have a real love and passion for the club itself. I suspect that both they and the clubs supporters will relish any challenge that the new Rangers throw at them in the near future.

5. Your old club is dead forever - http://www.pieandbov...ynor/?p=7498579

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How do you know it is not true? why does it even bother you?

It makes no difference what religion my father is, you however are suggesting it does, which makes you a bigot.

I said 'it is often untrue' and find out generally by chance, through someone who knows the moron personally. It doesn't bother me one way or the other, I just find it interesting that it is an often used defence by people when confronted over their extreme views.

Your second sentence, shows that you have not understood the post at all - and I did type it really slowly too -

Your assertion that I'm a bigot, is frankly just laughable, given my own personal background. Ask one of your smarter chums to work that out for you. I'm not really one for playing the personal insult game on here, so don't take this the wrong way but the problem with using this type of medium for discussion, is the continued bouncing between age-groups and intellect levels.

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***FAO No8!!!!***

Now, I'm still fairly new to this. Things like collating posts from different pages and threads, is currently beyond my ability. The above post from MT, relates to your pish poor stuff from last night and indeed, is very good advice. Draw breath, reflect and heed his well intentioned advice and do get a grip. What is it about rangers fans and contrition and humility. Alternatively, carry on down the path of 'British Patriot', 'AWRA', '54 Titles...' etc Mind you, there are some who think you're all one and the same anyway. Not me, not yet.

I'll ask you again....What overtly bigoted post?

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