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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'll argue the point before I resort to silencing posters by grassing. I'd much rather morons like you are free to confirm their bigotry and stupidity on a public forum.


As you so regularly do.

Evidence of my bigotry please fuckwit?

Sent from my C5303 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Give it a rest Bendy, you're fooling no-one with your mock outrage. Bennett is regularly criticised for being a proven liar and an obnoxious shit nothing to do with his sexuality, if he is to be believed.

If only you cared as much as how your new club was being run as you do about laughably attempting to point score.

Aberdeen Fud - I've one response to your shite - you can have it back with interest. Imagine you having the neck to call another poster obnoxious :lol:

If you cared as much for your own club you wouldn't spend all your time talking about Rangers - not that I don't understand the fascination with our greatest of clubs. I share it.

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You're right.

May I suggest some sort of protest? If you could gather some of the least attractive people in the country and get them to wave banners indicating that BBC stands for biased, bigoted and corrupt, I fail to see how you wouldn't be taken seriously.

Good shout Monkey but can Radio 4 be excluded from the protest? I would pay me license fee just to tune in to Radio 4.

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Whit ?

Celtic are a selling club. Everyone , apart from a couple of ex soviet state clubs, some middle east ones, and PSG , are selling clubs.

You think rangers international are in their bracket ? :D

Ffs, man u sold ronaldo, and that paid for the interest on their debt for one fecking year. Though unlike rangers international , they could tap a fiver without going to payday loans.

You must have read a different post to the one i actually posted.

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And yes beermonkey I would also prefer if you did not use slurs on people's sexuality as an insult.

And cricket is the mutt's nuts. :ph34r:

Good shout and just the proper way folk should respond on here rather than getting all defensive.

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It's all over this thread. 'fuckwit'.


Ohh - that cut bad  :lol:

Actual evidence please Moron? You don't have any as I don't make bigoted posts.

Sad times when false accusations is all you have left.

Its never too late to grow up you know.

Sent from my C5303 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Evidence of my bigotry please fuckwit?

Sent from my C5303 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Someone with stronger arithmetic or more time on their hands than me(i'm looking at you here HB ;) ), can work out how many ST's were sold just to pay Mather's salary.

Off to play Tennis, expect to return to the usual serving of denial and deflection.

How did the Tennis go Wullie? Did you squeeze a few sets in between posting on here?

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I suspect there is too much fury for many to spot that.


How are you doing, anyway, Stoned?  I didn't chat to you for ages. How's your team looking for the new season?  Have you changed the squad much?

Not too bad Kincardine mate, not seen many preseason matches due to a new job ashore. Caught the ICT v Brora match, typical preseason stuff. We've signed the usual handful of lower league English players and I'll be happy if we have unearthed one or two gems amongst them.

From the reports I've read or from talking to folks who have made matches Charlie Christie's boy looks like he will do a job for us but might be a wee bit young yet.

Bumped into a few of the Rangers squad up here after they played Brora, they stayed in Dornoch for a couple of days. Very impressed with the way they spent time with the local kids, playing golf with them and having a kick about on the beach. even making time for the Celtic supporting youngsters. My son also got to meet one of his old heros, Ian Black, the cheeky wee shite even told Blacky he was wasting his career with Rangers and was crap last season. All taken in good spirit though.

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Not too bad Kincardine mate, not seen many preseason matches due to a new job ashore. Caught the ICT v Brora match, typical preseason stuff. We've signed the usual handful of lower league English players and I'll be happy if we have unearthed one or two gems amongst them.

From the reports I've read or from talking to folks who have made matches Charlie Christie's boy looks like he will do a job for us but might be a wee bit young yet.

Bumped into a few of the Rangers squad up here after they played Brora, they stayed in Dornoch for a couple of days. Very impressed with the way they spent time with the local kids, playing golf with them and having a kick about on the beach. even making time for the Celtic supporting youngsters. My son also got to meet one of his old heros, Ian Black, the cheeky wee shite even told Blacky he was wasting his career with Rangers and was crap last season. All taken in good spirit though.

What no bigotry!!!

Could your lad not have taken some time out and shown Black how to the pass the baw or tackle without giving away a booking?

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How did the Tennis go Wullie? Did you squeeze a few sets in between posting on here?

You dullard.

During your "holiday" Aberdeen bud and monkeytennis play MarioKart online with the Wii .

Takes minutes.

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Bendarroch, the original 'homophobia' thing was based on a post I made yesterday over here:


What I was trying to say was: Let's talk about sport rather than ourselves, seeing as cricket is great and The Cricket thread is one of the best extant P&B threads.

Beermonkey said "Nah...That's for poofs." and then Apache Don agreed.

OK so the comments weren't the best. What I SHOULD have done was sent them both a wee PM to say something like, "Revise your casual homophobia" and I am sure both would have agreed. With 20/20 I should have done that.

What I don't want is their poor use of language to create a big drama and for we Rangers fans to make capital out of it.

I think the best way out of this is for me to send a wee note to both posters and agree they can use better words in the future.

Escalating this is wrong.

Firstly, yesterday is far from the original example of homophobia on this thread.

Secondly - you shouldn't have to apologise for the posting content of others on here. It's not your responsibility. And whilst I have no intentions of escalating matters, I'm always going to point out the hypocrisy of twats who think nothing of slaughtering Rangers supporters for anything at all whilst defending their right to hate themselves.

The hounding and marginalisation of Bennet, for example, is fucking shameful.

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Good shout Monkey but can Radio 4 be excluded from the protest? I would pay me license fee just to tune in to Radio 4.

I share your concern here Kincardine - I too am a fan of R4.

I really don't think we can go making exemptions though. What you fail to recognise is quite how bigoted and anti-Rangers the BBC is from top to bottom.

The Today Programme, What the Papers Say, Friday Night Comedy, Just a Minute, all of these are made by people appointed by Lawell to bring down our greatest of clubs. If you can't see that Kincardine, I find myself wondering about you and your motives too.

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Benny, most of the kids up here don't understand bigotry, anything bigotted coming out of them is borne through ignorance and repeating shite they hear from central belters.

As for showing Black the ropes, my son is twelve years old and I've taught him not to bully wee lads.

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The hounding and marginalisation of Bennet, for example, is fucking shameful.

Misspelling his name would marginalise him....

A- bennett hasn't been hounded on here.

B- the vicky piss take is nothing to do with his sexuality.

C- any daggers his way are to do with his posts.

D- you assume he is homosexual I presume ? He could be a straight danish girl for all I know.

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Not too bad Kincardine mate, not seen many preseason matches due to a new job ashore. Caught the ICT v Brora match, typical preseason stuff. We've signed the usual handful of lower league English players and I'll be happy if we have unearthed one or two gems amongst them.

From the reports I've read or from talking to folks who have made matches Charlie Christie's boy looks like he will do a job for us but might be a wee bit young yet.

Bumped into a few of the Rangers squad up here after they played Brora, they stayed in Dornoch for a couple of days. Very impressed with the way they spent time with the local kids, playing golf with them and having a kick about on the beach. even making time for the Celtic supporting youngsters. My son also got to meet one of his old heros, Ian Black, the cheeky wee shite even told Blacky he was wasting his career with Rangers and was crap last season. All taken in good spirit though.

:lol: Good reply. Have a Charles.

Black was shite last season. Well done your wee man. Buy him a fish supper and I'll send you a fiver on PayPal.

Hope you post more often. We missed you.

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I don't pay attention to speculation in the media, if anyone takes what the media says as the truth then they really are gullible. I'm not saying it's true or it isn't but until it comes from Rangers I'll reserve my judgement on it.

How's the casino and Hoverpitch going, wee man? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I share your concern here Kincardine - I too am a fan of R4.

I really don't think we can go making exemptions though. What you fail to recognise is quite how bigoted and anti-Rangers the BBC is from top to bottom.

The Today Programme, What the Papers Say, Friday Night Comedy, Just a Minute, all of these are made by people appointed by Lawell to bring down our greatest of clubs. If you can't see that Kincardine, I find myself wondering about you and your motives too.

Shit. The Burton/taylor thing was a 9 start.

See ya's.

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