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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Are you going to produce and post this damning homophobic post ?,or are you just being a fanny because you can ?.

HBQC CA PHD requires the hard evidence or I will hold you in contempt of court and accuse you of perjury :angry: .

Here's a clue - the WKR posted the proof he sought himself. After loudly claiming not to have a fucking clue what I was on about and demanding to see the proof. We can only wonder how he managed to suddenly 'know' what I was referring to when he revealed all with no assistance from anyone.

It's a only few posts back, Hellish, so don't be a lazy c**t.

Edited by Bendarroch
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I have no great interest in cricket but I like the test matches. Moreover, The Cricket thread on P&B is brilliant. The blokes there love their sport and are knowledgeable. My wager is that it's the best thread on the whole forum - apart from, maybe, the 'new weans' thread.

Does Benny post a lot on the cricket thread ? :ph34r: .

Cricket to me is as exciting as watching paint dry,and in my opinion baseball is way better a spectator sport.

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I have no great interest in cricket but I like the test matches. Moreover, The Cricket thread on P&B is brilliant. The blokes there love their sport and are knowledgeable. My wager is that it's the best thread on the whole forum - apart from, maybe, the 'new weans' thread.

Fair enough - can we talk about cricket, then, or new weans, or.. well anything that doesn't involve oil and fúcking?


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Fair enough - can we talk about cricket, then, or new weans, or.. well anything that doesn't involve oil and fúcking?




































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Just to clarify for Williesmouse et al is an abreviation for the latin phrase et alii (masculine plural) et aliae (f) or et alia (n) meaning 'and others'

Good man, Stoney. Now if you want to join The BRALT Grammar Polis tell the hoi polloi (another shibboleth) the difference between IE and EG.

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Here's a clue - the WKR posted the proof he sought himself. After loudly claiming not to have a fucking clue what I was on about and demanding to see the proof. We can only wonder how he managed to suddenly 'know' what I was referring to when he suddenly revealed all with no assistance from anyone.

It's a only few posts back, Hellish, so don't be a lazy c**t.

Is this the new deflector mode for ra bears ?,seek anything of any resemblance towards homophobia and use it as a stick to beat the P&D's with ?.

I do wonder how many of the resident P&B The Rangers supporters would go to a match with Benny ???,actually has any of the resident P&B bears gone to a footy game with Benny or are they way too homophobic to go with Benny because their masculinity would take a huge dent at Ibrox beside a homosexual squealing "wahay boys get tore right into their arses".

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Here's a clue - the WKR posted the proof he sought himself. After loudly claiming not to have a fucking clue what I was on about and demanding to see the proof. We can only wonder how he managed to suddenly 'know' what I was referring to when he revealed all with no assistance from anyone.

It's a only few posts back, Hellish, so don't be a lazy c**t.

Fúck off, Bendarroch, the grown-ups are talking now. I'll give you one more chance -

QUOTE the post you're upset about.

EXPLAIN which bit upsets you

LISTEN to sensible people telling you you may have been, how does it go, not entirely right.

Two out of three should do.

Sorry, alii: little fucker just won't shut up. Carry on, he'll soon be off back under his stone.

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Good man, Stoney. Now if you want to join The BRALT Grammar Polis tell the hoi polloi (another shibboleth) the difference between IE and EG.

Naw it's alright, I thought williesmouse knew what he was talking about and responded as such, I'm starting to think he's no going to invite any others now though. I'm not really into daisy chains so I'll give it a miss.
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Rangers: New twist as boardroom battle continuesThe group seeking to gain entry to the Rangers board deny agreeing to a "vote of confidence" in the current regime.


The poor poor wee lambs it seems that no one knows anything and are lying totally bare faced to each other :) ,let the battle commence ! again :lol: .

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Good man, Stoney. Now if you want to join The BRALT Grammar Polis tell the hoi polloi (another shibboleth) the difference between IE and EG.

Simple, that one.

IE is Internet Explorer, the browser of choice for those who think Microsoft know best.

EG is an Engineering Geologist.

I assume you wanted definitions for:

i.e. - id est, or "that is"

e.g. - exemplia gratia, or "for example" (literally, "example given")

Christalawdy, this is turning into some day on the old thread.

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Simple, that one. 


IE is Internet Explorer, the browser of choice for those who think Microsoft know best.


EG is an Engineering Geologist.


I assume you wanted definitions for:


i.e. - id est, or "that is"


e.g. - exemplia gratia, or "for example" (literally, "example given")


Christalawdy, this is turning into some day on the old thread.

I suppose it had to be demonstrated, qed. ;)

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I'll be going on my new laptop I got today in a bit, Norris. So I'll not be making any f**k ups.

Hows the fresh installation going there he he,I'll bet you'll be there for hours and hours waiting for it to be fully updated so you can make a complete cnut out of yourself without the mobile phone excuse :) .

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This was dealt with before the latin lessons and orgy invites, the stars are unofficial and unawarded therefore it is not within the gift of any Scottish footballing authorities to force their removal.

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