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Ranger’s statement in response to the requistioners

“”THE board notes the comments made by a group of businessmen and minor investors led by Mr Jim McColl.

“We would make the following points:-

“Rangers have not been contacted by the SFO and are completely unaware of any investigation.

“There has been no lack of financial transparency, quite the opposite. We have been through a full blown IPO with financial due diligence. Interim and full year accounts have been produced earlier than AIM deadlines and in accordance with the rules and we have an unqualified audit report

“Corporate governance under a previous chairman was nowhere near the high quality of corporate governance that is now in place. The club now has a new, professional board who will deliver the highest standards of corporate governance.

“The outflows of cash include a large amount of exceptional running and salary costs that were inherited from the previous board , costs that were initiated by Malcolm Murray when he was Chairman.

“Despite this, the Financial Director Brian Stockbridge has addressed planned expenditure from facilities, made substantial savings on security by bringing it in-house and making it a revenue generating centre and saved substantial amounts from the catering contract this season.

“We can only assume that confidential information that an ex employee leaked to the requisitioners was in relation to the payments to certain shareholders that was looked at by two sets of lawyers and the nomad at the time and then subject to an additional specific review.

“It will have escaped nobody’s attention that Mr McColl and his colleagues are appearing at a fans forum in Glasgow tomorrow evening and today’s statement appears to be a rather crude attempt to garner support for their cause.”"

* moves popcorn to front of cupboard*

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Who'd have thunk it ..

What's that I hear, Dhense? The Scottish fitba authorities are also investigating your filthy support over that 'innocent' H block banner. UEFA, too, don't care much for the anorexic ex-terrorist it seems.

That's a nightmare of a club you follow - but 'all welcome' you say'? 'Harmony' you say?

Pedro never got your message it seems: "The club don't want it, our manager and our team don't want it, our supporters don't want it and the football authorities don't want it - it has to stop

Is that right, Pedro - and what size of jumpers do the goon brigade wear to the games?

Filthy, filthy club.


Edited by Bendarroch
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What's that I hear, Dhense? The Scottish fitba authorities are also investigating your filthy support over that 'innocent' H block banner. UEFA, too, don't care much for the anorexic ex-terrorist it seems.


That's a nightmare of a club you follow - but 'all welcome' you say'? 'Harmony' you say?


Pedro never got your message it seems: "The club don't want it, our manager and our team don't want it, our supporters don't want it and the football authorities don't want it - it has to stop


Is that right, Pedro - and what size of jumpers do the goon brigade wear to the games?


Filthy, filthy club.



Plenty of other threads where that's being discussed you ignorant fuckwit.

This one's about your vile company.

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Rangers, serious fraud investigations and all the hu ns (I was brought up and christened a proddy so I feel as such I can use that word in the same way my traveller mates can call each other tinkers without fear of reprisals) want to chat about is the scummy banners across the city?

Deflection is all you need.

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Rangers, serious fraud investigations and all the hu ns (I was brought up and christened a proddy so I feel as such I can use that word in the same way my traveller mates can call each other tinkers without fear of reprisals) want to chat about is the scummy banners across the city?

Deflection is all you need.

Most Rangers fan would be happy if fraud investigations were to be fruitful......

No deflections.

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Ranger’s statement in response to the requistioners

“”THE board notes the comments made by a group of businessmen and minor investors led by Mr Jim McColl.

“We would make the following points:-

“Rangers have not been contacted by the SFO and are completely unaware of any investigation.

“There has been no lack of financial transparency, quite the opposite. We have been through a full blown IPO with financial due diligence. Interim and full year accounts have been produced earlier than AIM deadlines and in accordance with the rules and we have an unqualified audit report

“Corporate governance under a previous chairman was nowhere near the high quality of corporate governance that is now in place. The club now has a new, professional board who will deliver the highest standards of corporate governance.

“The outflows of cash include a large amount of exceptional running and salary costs that were inherited from the previous board , costs that were initiated by Malcolm Murray when he was Chairman.

“Despite this, the Financial Director Brian Stockbridge has addressed planned expenditure from facilities, made substantial savings on security by bringing it in-house and making it a revenue generating centre and saved substantial amounts from the catering contract this season.

“We can only assume that confidential information that an ex employee leaked to the requisitioners was in relation to the payments to certain shareholders that was looked at by two sets of lawyers and the nomad at the time and then subject to an additional specific review.

“It will have escaped nobody’s attention that Mr McColl and his colleagues are appearing at a fans forum in Glasgow tomorrow evening and today’s statement appears to be a rather crude attempt to garner support for their cause.”"

* moves popcorn to front of cupboard*

Jack Irvine telling the Orcs what they want to hear ;)

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Fhud and the mask that keeps on slipping.

'Fuckwit' Aw diddums wee man - did someone mention nasty stuff about 'RA sulk :lol:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ incapable of navigating a football forum. :1eye

Just for once, let's hear what you've got to say about your own pathetic excuse for a football club. :)

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Absolute, arrant nonsense. As ridiculous a non-argument as we Rangers supporters have come to expect from a variety of plastics and diddies as they pass the chips on their shoulders around.

Who knows how we ever managed to compete pre or post EBT's. Must be the stuff of magic.

One fact beyond dispute, and when we do return to the top league, we will be the only club offering genuine competition for the title. Something your club of no ambition at all is singularly failing to do.

Not that you are alone - there is no club in Scotland other than Rangers prepared or even aiming to offer a challenge let alone show a desire to do so. Every single one of the current top league clubs have rolled over and only play to see who is least worst.

Right Bendarroch, I'm going to afford you the courtesy of not treating the above post remotely seriously.

You know that the only way other clubs could challenge Celtic at all in the League would be to embark on suicidal spending. Ambition doesn't come into it and Rangers have done more than anyone to totally discredit the notion in a football context anyway. You're clearly at it here, because you're not actually that stupid.

FWIW, I actually agree with you in the argument with Dave about Rangers always being miles behind. If they survive into the top flight, Celtic will have an edge due to European money, but Rangers' income would immediately dwarf everyone else's. Their use of EBT s in the past doesn't offer proof that they couldn't live without them under their new guise.

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