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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The reddie was an accident? ... a bit harsh given the shyte Bennett and his comrades post on here.

If he makes it up to me I'll retract comment on my last post. My 2x cousins are Killie fans (going to game with them tonight - not sure who they're playing though) and they'd rip my head off if I suggested otherwise. Heat of the moment. I not really bothered about the rep thing, which is just as well as I seem to attract red dots like some sort of skin complaint

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bit.ly/1hN7zBC Tomoblog

Alex Thomson's blog

Red, Whyte and blue: the Rangers saga continues

Just when you thought it was all over

It may no longer be panto season, but the curtain never seems to drop on the Rangers Show no doubt that is just how the lawyers and accountants want it.

This morning comes a call from the Craig Whyte camp. For some time now the word in Glasgow is that the disgraced former Rangers owner has been having some colourful discussions with people there concerning his ongoing claim that he still owns the club.

I simply relate to you what was said to me today and you can make your own judgement about it.

My source insists, vigorously, that Craig Whytes claim to own the Rangers assets is alive and well and we should all expect significant movement in the legal case in the next few weeks.

The source insists the previous transfer of assets under the then boss Charles Green has no legal basis and will be contested openly in the near future.

Many had rather assumed Mr Whytes claim over Rangers, already set out in a lengthy legal document, was dead in the water or lacked the necessary funding. Not so, according to the source who says the claim that Mr Whytes ownership of the club absolutely extends to Ibrox site, the training ground, the players, the entire entity as it stands.

There is no question about that, he continued. The ownership of Rangers by the Sevco company of which Craig Whyte is a director is beyond question.

No doubt many around Ibrox will just laugh this off, and they may or may not be right in so doing. But with the club asking players to take pay cuts, times remain financially critical at the club. So the timing of Mr Whyte is as unwelcome there as it is deliberate.

So, somewhat taken aback by all this, I asked how Mr Whyte would see all this actually working out in the real world.

The scenario unfolded to me would be a legal merger of the disputed camps laying claim to Ibrox under the banner of Craig Whytes Sevco and no doubt a new share offer.

Since he has been banned from Scottish football for life and is as near as one can get outside North Korea to being a Non-Person in Scottish football terms, a degree of caution might be advisable in all this.

I understand, for instance, that Mr Whyte believes the ban would not hold up in court for a second, were it to be so tested. Many may choose to differ with that sentiment.

As ever, it totally depends upon where you stand and like I say, I put this out and its for others to judge. Though one thing appears certain, the Craig Whyte Claim has not gone away.

- See more at: http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/red-whyte-blue-rangers-saga-continues/7119#sthash.UfSvUvnM.dpuf

Edited by Kdy
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His source is probably Philip McGillivan who has been tweetering about this all week, it's all getting a bit tiresome now and even AT seems to be just going through the motions here.

Yeah, boring!!!

Nothing to see here, move along please.

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Yeah, boring!!!

Nothing to see here, move along please.

And that's the truth of it.

I welcomed Alex Thomson's involvement in 'The Rangers' Saga' when he started. He seemed to offer a fresh, insightful and dispassionate voice. However, he made a total cnut of himself by endorsing Phil Mac Giolla Bhain’s woeful expression of self-loathing and envy.

Thompson is now firmly part of the problem: that agenda-ridden farrago that passes for journalism in Scotland. The only decent, non-partisan hack is/was Tom English.

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And that's the truth of it.

I welcomed Alex Thomson's involvement in 'The Rangers' Saga' when he started. He seemed to offer a fresh, insightful and dispassionate voice. However, he made a total cnut of himself by endorsing Phil Mac Giolla Bhain’s woeful expression of self-loathing and envy.

Thompson is now firmly part of the problem: that agenda-ridden farrago that passes for journalism in Scotland. The only decent, non-partisan hack is/was Tom English.

So we're just playing shoot the messenger are we?

BTW, what is the agenda of the "farrago that passes for journalism in Scotland."?

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As much as we would all welcome it, I just can't see The Hero making a return to this story, I fear his chapter is finished.

I think that's one area where Charlie Chuckles was true to his word, it looks like he did a fine job of shafting the MBB with the Sevco Scotland/5088 switcheroo.

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Speaking of hacked accounts, Benny the Viking caught using another alias on the Wallace transfer thread :o:lol::lol: :lol:

If you mean 'Dryhorce', he's a regular on the Tartan Army section and nobody could make him up mate, believe me. Go check some of his work, there's fkg tons of it. He starts a new thread for every thought he has. :o

Benny claimed to have placed his first ever post in the Tartan Army section but his 8 other posts in it would suggest otherwise and he is talking out his arse and fucked up major.


My first post in this part of the forum.

We may see a few articles like this coming up in the next few days, then see him go for an undisclosed fee and then we may have Jack Irvine spinning it as the best piece of business ever.

Aye Benny it sure was your first post :1eye .

eta oops the search function went wonky there :( .

In the search function type bennett as author and highlight the tartan army ramblings forum and then as posts and press search now to see his 8 other posts in that forum.

Another edit to post I did fcuk this up slightly ! well big time :lol: . These things happen you know :) , but we get there in the end :thumsup2 .

Edited by hellbhoy
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So we're just playing shoot the messenger are we?

Shoot the messenger? Yup, that's partly that we're playing Have you a problem with this? The message has to have a credible messenger and, frankly, Thomson made a right arse of himself.

BTW, what is the agenda of the "farrago that passes for journalism in Scotland."?

Self-aggrandising in the main. Deluded Thomson thought to hitch his star to the failed social worker and should, thus, be stripped of any declaration of objectivity.

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bit.ly/1hN7zBC Tomoblog

Alex Thomson's blog

Red, Whyte and blue: the Rangers saga continues

Just when you thought it was all over

It may no longer be panto season, but the curtain never seems to drop on the Rangers Show no doubt that is just how the lawyers and accountants want it.

This morning comes a call from the Craig Whyte camp. For some time now the word in Glasgow is that the disgraced former Rangers owner has been having some colourful discussions with people there concerning his ongoing claim that he still owns the club.

I simply relate to you what was said to me today and you can make your own judgement about it.

My source insists, vigorously, that Craig Whytes claim to own the Rangers assets is alive and well and we should all expect significant movement in the legal case in the next few weeks.

The source insists the previous transfer of assets under the then boss Charles Green has no legal basis and will be contested openly in the near future.

Many had rather assumed Mr Whytes claim over Rangers, already set out in a lengthy legal document, was dead in the water or lacked the necessary funding. Not so, according to the source who says the claim that Mr Whytes ownership of the club absolutely extends to Ibrox site, the training ground, the players, the entire entity as it stands.

There is no question about that, he continued. The ownership of Rangers by the Sevco company of which Craig Whyte is a director is beyond question.

No doubt many around Ibrox will just laugh this off, and they may or may not be right in so doing. But with the club asking players to take pay cuts, times remain financially critical at the club. So the timing of Mr Whyte is as unwelcome there as it is deliberate.

So, somewhat taken aback by all this, I asked how Mr Whyte would see all this actually working out in the real world.

The scenario unfolded to me would be a legal merger of the disputed camps laying claim to Ibrox under the banner of Craig Whytes Sevco and no doubt a new share offer.

Since he has been banned from Scottish football for life and is as near as one can get outside North Korea to being a Non-Person in Scottish football terms, a degree of caution might be advisable in all this.

I understand, for instance, that Mr Whyte believes the ban would not hold up in court for a second, were it to be so tested. Many may choose to differ with that sentiment.

As ever, it totally depends upon where you stand and like I say, I put this out and its for others to judge. Though one thing appears certain, the Craig Whyte Claim has not gone away.

- See more at: http://blogs.channel4.com/alex-thomsons-view/red-whyte-blue-rangers-saga-continues/7119#sthash.UfSvUvnM.dpuf

Is that Thommo back to the top of ra enemies list again :huh: .

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Benny claimed to have placed his first ever post in the Tartan Army section but his 8 other posts in it would suggest otherwise and he is talking out his arse and fucked up major.


Aye Benny it sure was your first post :1eye .

eta oops the search function went wonky there :( .

In the search function type bennett as author and highlight the tartan army ramblings forum and then as posts and press search now to see his 8 other posts in that forum.

Another edit to post I did fcuk this up slightly ! well big time :lol: . These things happen you know :) , but we get there in the end :thumsup2 .

Another one for special agents Mulder and Scully to sort out.....

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Oh dear me, another day on the BRALT, another nightmare for our resident lying little stalker inadequate.

Nice to see you reference me earlier on, bennett - that was a lovely surprise, I didn't think you'd even noticed me posting here. You creepy little bastárd.

As for my thoughts on your former Business Partners - arseholes who abuse the influence they have in the Scottish game and fúck around with the fixture list for their own benefit. Probably the same feelings as any other decent person. Any reason you decided to C&P an entire article about two Premiership clubs into a thread devoted to your laughable "institution"?

No jealousy, though - unlike you lot, remembering the days when the old rangers could write their own calendar because they were "representing Scottish Football". Now all you can look forward to is postponing games against Forfar because Ally's squad is "depleted". :lol:

Oh, and as for what DhenBhoy said above: Anyone who doesn't think you're a lying fúcker really hasn't been paying attention.

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And that's the truth of it.

I welcomed Alex Thomson's involvement in 'The Rangers' Saga' when he started. He seemed to offer a fresh, insightful and dispassionate voice. However, he made a total cnut of himself by endorsing Phil Mac Giolla Bhain’s woeful expression of self-loathing and envy.

Thompson is now firmly part of the problem: that agenda-ridden farrago that passes for journalism in Scotland. The only decent, non-partisan hack is/was Tom English.

Funny how Phil has been regularly ahead of media on Rangers , he was the first to say rangers would go in to administration , the first to say liquidation was inevitable, the first to say Whyte was a assets stripper , and Green was a front man , and now Whyte still has a legitimate claim...

But hey! Let's trust Jacks payroll media laptop loyalists instead.

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Another one for special agents Mulder and Scully to sort out.....

You better get onto them quickly then and get someone to decipher this post too just in case :1eye .

Life is just one big game to you Benny isn't it ?, you just spend your life pissing other people off so that it amuses you somewhat.

Oops was more than ten words there you'd better get onto Bletchley Park now before you implode mentality because that single celled neuron you call a brain might intellectually blow up through a thought process overload.

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