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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I understand that.....but call this old fashioned but King (& the supporters) run the Club within its means?

I know I know!......not really the Rangers way is it!

It would be nice to see a bit of restraint shown, but, I couldn't really see it.

The "vocal majority" wouldn't stand for it, such is the nature of the beast.

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He did not receive a penny, It was declared as income purely for tax purposes, I explained this on another thread.

If he had received a penny from oldco, then their would be paperwork from oldco to back this up, it would be shown in the accounts as a cost (these are all available online), there is no such entry in any of the accounts, the only entry is his initial investment.

So basically, he lied then?

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He did not receive a penny, It was declared as income purely for tax purposes, I explained this on another thread.

If he had received a penny from oldco, then their would be paperwork from oldco to back this up, it would be shown in the accounts as a cost (these are all available online), there is no such entry in any of the accounts, the only entry is his initial investment.

Who said it was via. DeidCo ?

Murray Sports Laundromat might be a place to look.

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Of course he did.

So dodgy eyes isn't the only trait he has in common with craigy boy?

But hell, the union of fans trust him and want to take advantage of his hard stolen cash, so he must a gem of a lad.

Proper rangers man! Too f*cking true he is.

All's bright and rosy down on the farm.

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I've not been on here that much recently - Should the recent rejection of a prospective buyer for Leeds due to tax evasion be of any concern to someone who has pled guilty to tax offences in South Africa ?

Nedski, Dave Glib could be a bigger war criminal than Pol Pot, Stalin and Hitler combined and 'The Corruptogoons' at the GFA would still grade him as Persil.

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'Rangers accounts show that in December, at the time of the agm, cash in the bank was down to £3.5m – despite the club coining in more than £22m from a shares launch 12 months previously.

And of that £3.5m a sum of around £1.7m – a scheduled payment from kit suppliers JD Sports – was “not immediately available as working capital”.

Which meant Rangers may have been unable to pay February’s wage bill had emergency money not been raised.

And now Somers admits to new fears for the future unless rebel fans back down on threats to support would-be saviour Dave King by placing their season-ticket money in a ringfenced account' Daily Record.


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Lets remember the ST money, sponsorship, telly money the bulk would be after June.

£21 million of shares SPENT

£9 million of ST money SPENT

£3 or 4 million of sponsorship SPENT

Thats over £30 million spent in a year that's incredible

How could they possibly even be thinking about any transfer targets, far less "premier league title-winning " players? Where is that money going to come from?

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Mr Somers acknowledges how vital season ticket cash is and the need for the board to build trust with the fans. What better way to do that than to give security over vital club assets - Ibrox and Auchenhowie - to the fans in return for that much needed income? The board have publicly stated that they have no plans to use these assets for any other security, or a sale and leaseback, and so there is no impediment to them agreeing to the terms of release.

For the avoidance of doubt, there is no plan to drip feed season ticket money on a game by game basis. The proposal is simply that season ticket money is paid in a lump sum, prior to the start of the season, in return for security over club assets. This will allow fans to be safe in the knowledge that no matter what happens the club’s assets will be in good hands.

Is appears to me, that the UoFs don't realise that it is the company that owns the assets, the club is (as all Sevconians opine) some un-dead, ethereal spirit that hovers around the company, but is most definitely NOT the company when it comes to matters of profit/loss/assets and LIABILITIES.

To claim that the club owns the assets would be to suggest that it had some form of corporate structure and legal personality (such as say an incorporated company). Surely no-one would ever suggest such a thing!

I hope the erm.......... Union of Fans is sending itself an admonishing letter, and I hope to see a redaction soon!



Edited by aDONisSheep
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His words were;

“I’ve lost £20m in Rangers already and I’m happy to lose another £30m as I love the team. I don’t want to be arrogant but it might be easier for me to lose £30m than it is for some fans to afford season tickets."


"But I would say I would probably have to put in £30m of the £50m over the period of time. And I could probably get other people to put in £20m."


‘Would I be willing to invest £30m despite what happened previously? Of course. Sure.’

Seems to be 'over a period of time' is the telling phrase.

Ive said it before, Why doesnt he put his £30m in a trust then and prove its ready to be used?

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I do not think he has ever said he will invest the whole £30M in one chunk to be fair, he has said 'over time'

But I agree £10M into a trust would be a good start, certainly beats statement after statement.

Now that Dave Glib is back in Seth Efrika with his tail firmly between his legs, it will be interesting to see what his next 'statement' (assuming there is one forthcoming) actually contains.

Possibly something along the lines of "Due to unforeseen family affairs / business commitments in Seth Efrika, it is with a heavy heart that I must unfortunately step away from the crack pipe any further involvement in duping you gullible poodles into giving me your season book dosh. I am sure that Minty, Charles and wee Craigy the incumbent spivs who make up the present board will do a sterling job of putting The The Rangers International Football Club (2012) plc back on the road to putting those timmy bassas fae the East End where they belong etcetera, etcetera.......Awra' best Berrz"

Yours in Bigotry,

Dodgy Dave Mk.2

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Dave is no angel, there is no getting away from tax cheating past, however I get the feeling that those wanting /preying for him to stay away are mainly on the other side of the fence.

In different circumstances I would certainly agree but when you are stuck between a rock and a hard place you will take the best of the bad options.

I wonder how many of the outraged folk on here use companies like Starbucks, Amazon, Google, Vodafone, Subway etc?

1 in 4 of the top UK companies apparently pay no tax but you see very little outrage over this..

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