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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sorry, I should have said any other retail business. Not denying laundering money isnt, relatively, easy in some types of business, but the example given was awful

If you're going to do it on an industrial scale, it would still be problematic. Banks have a duty to notify the authorities if they suspect some of the actions their customers undertake (see Shah v HSBC).

In addition, the law holds the senior management and directors (for both companies and auditors etc) now have an oversight role, for detecting things such as money laundering and are held accountable (See Habib bank).

As for bookies, well small time owner-operated entities may find it relatively easy to conceal cash transactions, but larger entities would fall foul Anti-Money Laundering regs as well as gaming board controls.



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Right so he did not say dominate then, he said he wanted Rangers (a club with 40-50k regular punters to merely compete with another club with 40-50 regular punters), oh aye can see why some would get upset at that.

I don't think anyone is upset. You are splitting hairs over what exact wording was used but then that is typical of your approach. I don't think such hair splitting was necessary and gave an opinion why. Nothing for anyone to get upset over. FWIW I doubt he was hoping to compete with Celtic but would rather be dominating over them but again that is only an opinion.

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Right so he did not say dominate then, he said he wanted Rangers (a club with 40-50k regular punters to merely compete with another club with 40-50 regular punters), oh aye can see why some would get upset at that.

Celtic are/will be on another planet to Rangers financially.

Do Sunderland fans think they should compete with Chelsea because they have similiar crowds?

Edited by MikeyWellFan
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If you're going to do it on an industrial scale, it would still be problematic. Banks have a duty to notify the authorities if they suspect some of the actions their customers undertake (see Shah v HSBC).

In addition, the law holds the senior management and directors (for both companies and auditors etc) now have an oversight role, for detecting things such as money laundering and are held accountable (See Habib bank).

As for bookies, well small time owner-operated entities may find it relatively easy to conceal cash transactions, but larger entities would fall foul Anti-Money Laundering regs as well as gaming board controls.



Indeed, although it would be naive to think it doesnt go on.

I would have thought the easiest way to launder money through a football club would be in the form of directors loans

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Indeed, although it would be naive to think it doesnt go on.

I would have thought the easiest way to launder money through a football club would be in the form of directors loans

Wouldn't the director have to show where the money being loaned came from though? I would have thought 'selling' stuff that never actually existed for cash to customers who can't be traced would be more effective

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Can someone give a quick summary of what the current board have done wrong? Haven't they largely inherited this mess and are trying to sort it out? Wallace probably stretched things a bit asking for 120 days to write 'we're fooked' on a piece of paper and hasn't answered the question about bonuses but what else?

Or is it just because the current board want to run a prudent club which spends within its means that gets the berrz frothing at the mouth?

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Easdale's comments were about using a fear factor to get supporters along to buy season tickets,

disgraceful considering the supporters have stuck with the club throughout the hard times

no respect at all, just sees the support as a faceless cash cow and have no time for them.

like someone said early the bod are self serving and don't have the best interests of the club at heart

dave king's and the union of bears position will strengthen because of this

Looks like one and the same thing.

Dave King? It would be so refreshing for Rangers fans to get behind someone who isn't a convicted tax cheat or are you not that bothered?

Is the main priority for RIFC to get on a stable footing for the future or the 1st ever fixture with Celtic in the top League?

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Can someone give a quick summary of what the current board have done wrong? Haven't they largely inherited this mess and are trying to sort it out? Wallace probably stretched things a bit asking for 120 days to write 'we're fooked' on a piece of paper and hasn't answered the question about bonuses but what else?

Or is it just because the current board want to run a prudent club which spends within its means that gets the berrz frothing at the mouth?

I am awaiting the result of the 120 day review before I make a judgement , both sides have their pros and cons . but even if it is negative as everything is making out to be . if the board tell us tomorrow here is the shit we are in and here is our clear plan to try get us out . and if cuts are what is needed then I want to see them start taking place asap , and not be some slow lingering sidestory of meetings etc. from playing staff to management to board level. however if all we get tomorrow is negativity with no talk about any sort of plan and just a begging for ticket money I will be a very unhappy bear.

my honest opinion is that I am sick to the back teeth of the shite going on from boardroom mess to pish on the field.

the rangers support is so splintered at the moment It is unbelievable you have the pro board pro ally , the pro board ally oot, ally oot board oot , board oot pro ally etc etc groups and it is an absolute mess.

despite all this will I renew : yes , I cant not , I just cant

Edited by forever_blue
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EPL TV money makes a huge difference in England, it is completely insignificant here, you really cannot compare, also Chelsea have a Russian billionaire willing to underwrite huge losses, it really is a daft comparison.

I suppose so but after all that has happened do you really see the two teams on an even footing again?

I think you guys are destined to be runners up for many, many years to come.

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