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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I suppose so but after all that has happened do you really see the two teams on an even footing again?

I think you guys are destined to be runners up for many, many years to come.

Assuming they can get past the likes of Dundee Utd first. They've had two stabs at it in their history, and I believe they've won neither.



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my honest opinion is that I am sick to the back teeth of the shite going on from boardroom mess to pish on the field. will I renew : yes , I cant not , I just cant

Feel your pain. Feel your hurt. Feel your disappointment.

Karma. Is. A. Bitch.


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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I suppose so but after all that has happened do you really see the two teams on an even footing again?

I think you guys are destined to be runners up for many, many years to come.

realistically the way things are the now it would probably be about ten years before we can even begin to challenge celtic. but funny things happen in football al the time there is nothing to say that once rangers are back in the prem and a more lucrative buy that someone wont come in and invest. and I am not talking some sort of Sikh here I am talking about a reasonably wealthy person because realistically that is all that is needed in Scotland. just hopefully if it did happen past mistakes would need to be learnt from . but if it took ten years of tight budgets and mediocrity for us to get back to a level footing and not just a quick investment that could lead us back up shit creek without a paddle then I would have to accept it.

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Wouldn't the director have to show where the money being loaned came from though? I would have thought 'selling' stuff that never actually existed for cash to customers who can't be traced would be more effective

Its not about tracing the customers though, its about the paper trail of the "goods" coming in and out of the company. All of that would have to be forged. There are, undoubtedly, easier ways of laundering money.

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I just don't know the ins and outs of why the current board are so disliked. Fortunately you and forever blue have answered, although at least he didn't need to throw a dig in at the end.

If I was backing whoever would do the most damage then it would be the convicted fraudster all the way for me. Definitely the greater of 2 evils.

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"Again, I would say that in 140 years, the club's gone into administration once; I don't think it would survive a second one."

FFS Sandy - how could administration possibly affect the 'club' ... it's a totally separate entity after all :wacko:

Aye, I noticed that as well.

Sandy, it's dead easy. The club is some ethereal being that is not of this world.

It can exist as the SAME entity under two guises at one and the same time (see RIFC2012(IL) and Sevco Scotland/5088 Ltd trading as The Rangers Football Club).

It is not encumbered by the machinations of law or legal status.

Although it can it seems, have legal personality (when being discussed by the Union of Fans wishing to hold security over the 'club's'(sic) assets) but does not hold legal personality when having to pay debts due to face-painters etc.

It has a separable history which can be bought for less than £1 (courtesy of Charlie 'Chuckles' Green) but that history does not include liquidation or the racking up of massive debts (that is the old companies history and not to be confused with the other-worldly club)!

I think we can now close the thread.



Edited by aDONisSheep
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Rangers manager Ally McCoist will "react accordingly" to whatever Graham Wallace's 120-day review of the club will highlight, denying that he is worried about the outcome.

The review of business operations will be released on Friday, with a number of frank and candid revelations expected to be made.

But McCoist seemed relaxed about such an outcome, insisting that he doesn't know what to expect from Wallace's findings.

"I wouldn't say I'm worried," insisted McCoist. "We’ll react to what happens in terms of what we can and cannot do.

"Worry is something that’s been with us for the last couple of seasons so we’ll just have to wait and see what happens and react to it accordingly."

After revealing on Wednesday that he is set to sit down with Wallace this week to thrash out his budget for next season, McCoist reiterated his plans.

"I’ve got meetings planned today and tomorrow, so I will probably be better informed by close of play today and tomorrow," he continued.

"Hopefully [the review] will be a continuation in moving the club forward. I think the team has definitely moved forward in the last 2 seasons. We got the important part done, which was to get out both leagues.

"We’ve got a little bit of work to do with a couple of games left, but we’re really looking forward to next season which will bring up new and fresh challenges."

The futures of several Rangers players remain unresolved with the season coming to a close, with the 120-day review leaving McCoist in limbo over his plans for next season.

But the 51-year-old confirmed that discussions will be opened with his squad once the outcome of the review is known.

"It’s of paramount importance that we start speaking to our own players about the club and their futures here. And obviously the next step will be planning for the squad for next season.

"The most important thing is that we inform our own players of our plans for next season."


And I'm sure most Sevco supporters will also "react accordingly" when Wallace's report card is made public.

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Rangers manager Ally McCoist will "react accordingly" to whatever Graham Wallace's 120-day review of the club will highlight, denying that he is worried about the outcome.

I have a vision of Ally climbing the perimeter fence at Murray Park tomorrow, disappearing off into one of the nearby fields, and then....................*bang*

Edited by Johnny van Axeldongen
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Rangers' finances are 'fragile' warns shareholder Sandy Easdale


Quote "the club won't survive another administration." FYI Sandy, it didn't survive the first one.

Oh dear, force the newco into admin and the club will be taken into the countryside, shot in the back o' the heid, it's hands and feet removed and the rest buried in a shallow grave.

Go ahead bears, withhold your money, I dare you.

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Oh dear, force the newco into admin and the club will be taken into the countryside, shot in the back o' the heid, it's hands and feet removed and the rest buried in a shallow grave.

Go ahead bears, withhold your money, I dare you.

lol....my current FB profile pic..


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They have done nothing to cut costs, why do they need 120 150 days, they could have just cut costs earlier.

We'll that's not strictly true, your overpaid primadonnas near had a melt down when Wallace asked them to take a 15% pay cut. They refused, now the sharks own the car park and Edmiston House.

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