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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Both entirely different situations.

Hearts and Dunfermline fans did nothing apart from turn out in numbers prior to administration, all the money they raised prior to administration was wasted.

Both Hearts and Dunfermline had neutral administrators.

Dunfermline achieved a 0% CVA

Hearts were bailed out by Ann Budge, with merely a promise to get that money back over a period of time.

So totally different that it's hardly worth doing anything round Ibrox way, it seems. I guess there's nothing to do but keep your hand in your pocket and get back to issuing statements, with maybe a bit of showing the red card to liquidation at the eleventh hour, then.

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Both entirely different situations.

Hearts and Dunfermline fans did nothing apart from turn out in numbers prior to administration, all the money they raised prior to administration was wasted.

Both Hearts and Dunfermline had neutral administrators.

Dunfermline achieved a 0% CVA

Hearts were bailed out by Ann Budge, with merely a promise to get that money back over a period of time.

I think you should go on a post deleting safari, it looks like you are going to be quoted quite a lot in the foreseeable fututre. Maybe take a break from the BRALT again?

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Hey this is all win win. All of the possible outcomes are hilarious, all the P&D prediction are coming home to roost. The very best Rangers fans can hope for now is for their club to emerge from the other side battered broken and hopeless. If they are lucky, very, very lucky.

not sure where this "Rangers are doooooooooomed" stuff is coming from?

they will carry on lurching from one crisis to the next for a good while yet. Even if they hit Insolvency 2 they will not be thrown out of the league, the utter abhortion that is the "Livingston" Franchise has been through two admins and come out the other side still a league club, as have Dundee. It could be argued that this is the first real administrative test of the new SPFL structures in the event that Sevco do hit Insolvency 2, but the precedents of the old SFL and SPL are hardly encouraging, and its largely the same faces administrating the merged league..

The company may change, the theatre set may change, the identities of the greedy shysters may change, but The The Rangers won't disappear. They will always regenerate, like a shit Dr. Who.

That aside, I can see a pisspoor Championship season ahead next year, a 4th or 5th placed finish, and a mutinous and rapidly dwindling fanbase similar to the Wallace / Greig eras of the early 80s, with Super Salary finally given his jotters.

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not sure where this "Rangers are doooooooooomed" stuff is coming from?

they will carry on lurching from one crisis to the next for a good while yet. Even if they hit Insolvency 2 they will not be thrown out of the league, the utter abhortion that is the "Livingston" Franchise has been through two admins and come out the other side still a league club, as have Dundee. It could be argued that this is the first real administrative test of the new SPFL structures in the event that Sevco do hit Insolvency 2, but the precedents of the old SFL and SPL are hardly encouraging, and its largely the same faces administrating the merged league..

The company may change, the theatre set may change, the identities of the greedy shysters may change, but The The Rangers won't disappear. They will always regenerate, like a shit Dr. Who.

That aside, I can see a pisspoor Championship season ahead next year, a 4th or 5th placed finish, and a mutinous and rapidly dwindling fanbase similar to the Wallace / Greig eras of the early 80s, with Super Salary finally given his jotters.

You see what I mean bears? No matter how you see the future for Rangers, it' hilarious.

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1000 ST renewals = doing nothing and continually digging into ones pocket, you are at it :D

Looking at the 120 day thingy you are going to have to adjust your maths.

1000 ST renewals = admin for club

With RIFC being the biggest creditors to RFC ltd anything the administrators decided goes to a creditor vote, I wonder.....

Chucky parcelled you lot up nicely. All the wee bits separately wrapped and easily split.

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That covers the kitman and his assistant sons salaries for the year............good effort.

That covers the kitman and his assistant sons salaries for the year............good effort.

You are getting mixed up. Tedi believes that lack of season ticket sales is good for the club. It will force admin, allowing Rangers to sack half their workforce and force the spivs out. It will not play into the spivs hands at all, never.

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You are getting mixed up. Tedi believes that lack of season ticket sales is good for the club. It will force admin, allowing Rangers to sack half their workforce and force the spivs out. It will not play into the spivs hands at all, never.

And who does the Club owe the money too that would need to be agreed re the CVA?

The company :D , aye they will get shot of the spivs when the corpse has been drained of the last drop.

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It's taken me a while to catch up on this thread, after all the glory hunters jumped aboard on Friday.

I have to say that I'm absolutely gobsmacked by the contents of the review - I really am.

I'd anticipated something pretty spin- ridden, but I'd also expected something with a bit more volume and... well, seriousness and maturity. We get given the dreadful, but widely known financial picture, as well as some probably accurate conclusions about chances being squandered. However, it's accompanied by fanciful short term aspirations, alongside plans that amount to a child's Christmas wish list, with no detail about how to implement them.

The most remarkable bit however, concerns the fact that STs can't be purchased with cards. It's obviously humiliating, but it's more materially disastrous for the board. Nobody is now able to renew out of apathy, or not getting round to acting. Paying is going to be more difficult, both practically and financially.

I now see little chance of big numbers renewing. There would need to be a critical mass of those doing so, to make the others follow suit and I'd imagine that's a bigger figure than will be reached.

Where does that leave fans? They either do nothing, or jump in with King, hardly a risk-free option. I honestly feel a bit sorry for some of them and that doesn't usually happen with me.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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The tax guys in South Africa are now chasing Mr. King for his previous 12 years tax returns, which are still to be submitted and nothing paid to date.

Reports in the South African press last weekend indicate that the tax authorities there are losing patience with Mr. King, and seem to feel he is reneging on his promise ( at trial ) to submit his outstanding tax returns for the past 12 years. These remain outstanding despite his lawyers' promises of these being submitted " expeditiously ". Given past experience the amount required to be paid will be very substantial or it will be back to the courts again.

:whistle :whistle :whistle :whistle

"Rangers International Football Club plc has been advised that the stock market would question moves for him to be appointed a director."

:thumsup2:lol: :lol: :lol::thumsup2

Where did this come from and is it current?

If so, it seems that the options for fans are contracting further.

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Where do you think it came from?

According to good ol' George on the Swamp, the Vatican, Lawell and Opus Dei....

George Goudie

Cosgrove. Thomson. Spiers we're watching. Oh yes!

Join Date: 15-07-2012

Location: Better Together Great Britain!

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Tarrier volunteer rephorters & blhoggers for other clubs. Can we make it backfire?

It's been going on for years now.

Although I wish clubs would purge their volunteers and eject the rhepublican aghenda driven scum, part of me thinks "go on - do your fcking worst - cause when we are back on top - we are going to shit on you all from a great height and I cannot wait!"

We know that if clubs dig deep they will find links to terrorist lovers at the Glhitter Dhome infiltrating their forums and blogs - it is the gypsies and trhamps magnificent obsession.

But Clubs either can't or won't. The opus dei savellites have 'hiding in full view' down to a fine art whipping up an almost sexual fervour of hatred directed at The Most Successful Club in the country. Hell - they even worked for our club under a previous regime.

We should use the poisonous bile for our Club they have so effectively regurgitated (a putrid ooze of lies that the neutral has willingly swallowed) to our advantage - any ideas how?

''Any ideas how?'' :D :D

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And who does the Club owe the money too that would need to be agreed re the CVA?

The company :D , aye they will get shot of the spivs when the corpse has been drained of the last drop.

I think that Rangers' fans problem lies with their perception of the club. They are approaching the problem from a fans point of view rather than that of a businessman. They do not know their enemy, they thought the enemy was the other fans for long enough. They are being played now, as they always have been, as they always will be, glorious.

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One of your earlier taunts to try to humble us P&DS was that of obsession, now it's patently obvious that we are obsessed with the comedy, how do you guys feel that your own obsession with the subject has seen next to no rewards? Granted you have two new titles (gratz), you also came fucking close in the challenge cup (unlucky) but other than that all your pain, all the humiliation, all the pointless rising to the bait on P&B was for nothing. You have paid for villas in France, appartments in Monaco, super cars, filthy women, so many shirts they have to be worn in triplicate and more.

What are you left with? They've even left you to kill off the monster yourselves. Strangle the life out of it, cut off it's oxygen, don't buy season tickets!

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Where do you think it came from?

From your response and Bennett's decision to award it a greenie, I'm guessing it was a 'tic blog or some such. A straightforward answer to enable me to try and judge it's reliability or otherwise for myself, would be appreciated though.

Stop being so bloody defensive.

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