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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Oh, there's news, Kincy - your club can't use debit/credit card facilities because of that nasty Mr King - or is it because the business is untrustworthy? Believe who you want - the BoD or the institutions who assess credit worthiness - it would appear that, even if the fans want to buy STs, then they will have to pay in one shot, in cash.

Your cohorts, of course, would rather make shit up about non-rangers posters.

Did you not throw a hissy fit when non Killie fans tried to discuss Killie a few days ago?

Dry yer eyes....

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You aren't taking this very well, are you?

Me, i'm loving your ongoing meltdowns.....


The only meltdown happening at the moment is at ibrox. You, however, as for the last two years and more, choose to ignore what's happening at your own club.

When shit happens at Killie, I tend to post a wee bit more on threads and fora pertaining to them. In between, I'll point and laugh on here, and pop in and out of other threads, other fora, other sites and other subjects. Sometimes, I'll do this simultaneously. As you obviously know, the number of times you think it's important for everyone to know where I've been active. You creepy wee stalker.

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Did you not throw a hissy fit when non Killie fans tried to discuss Killie a few days ago?

Dry yer eyes....

No. I said, sarcastically, that it was a shock to see Lex on a Killie thread*. If that's your definition of a hissy fit, you're not cut out for grown-up company. By which I mean post-puberty.

*A statement often made when he shows up on threads about Killie. Just my turn this time round, I suppose.

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Hey TK, did you manage to get up for Sandy`s farewell party?

Had a right good go at winding up oor Johnny earlier, almost had the same effect you have on him, just not quite.

So cute, pawing about for Kinky's approval. One of the reasons Kinky has respect about here is that he's his own man and secure enough in himself not to look for praise. Shame that others are so weak.

I am sure Kinky enjoys your lapduggery though.

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Hey TK, did you manage to get up for Sandy`s farewell party?

Teds, I flitted yesterday so no, sadly. I've been spending an hour looking through the tributes to him and have been greetin. I started to post on one of the tribute threads but got choked. Not sure why, exactly. Maybe a couple of reasons:

1. Jardine was a top bloke and a very classy player. He played in the first Rangers league game I went to see - same as you and No 8 mentioned in another thread. Almost 800 games for us and I wager he didn't break sweat once. He seemed to have chilled water in his veins and always remained calm.

2. There's something of an 'end of an era' feeling. I can't see us producing folk like Sandy again. Certainly not with the spivs in charge. This makes me incredibly sad.

Had a right good go at winding up oor Johnny earlier, almost had the same effect you have on him, just not quite.

:lol: I'll scroll back and have a laugh. Oor Johnnybhoy really does get his drawers in a fankle.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Is the UoF actually a fifth column of celtic fans? They seem determined to pitch "their" club into the fire

Ed, it does often seem that way. I am nervous about the way Wallace is being targeted. I think he's a decent bloke trying to do a job in horrifically difficult circumstances. I think the UoF are choosing the wrong target.

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No. I said, sarcastically, that it was a shock to see Lex on a Killie thread*. If that's your definition of a hissy fit, you're not cut out for grown-up company. By which I mean post-puberty.

*A statement often made when he shows up on threads about Killie. Just my turn this time round, I suppose.

You were having meltdowns throughout that thread lol

I'm still laughing at you :-)

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Exactly and long may it continue. Waste not your sympathy stoney, any sane and reasonable person would have seen long before now, that neither this club nor it's predecessor is/was worthy of their support. It is institutionally sick and is a magnet for the most appalling type of human. It took me till the time my balls dropped and voice broke to see the light but anyone who - like Tedi - has got to middle-age without so doing, is beyond help and deserving of no sympathy. Fk em.

Oh I think I would far rather be where I am in life than consumed with the level of hatred you frequently display.

You have my deepest sympathy.


About mid way through it and at no point ever felt as low as that daft sheep fan thankfully.

and aye I supported Rangers then, I still support Rangers now and I will support Rangers until I become a statistic of the deadpool.

I don't feel low. I think you have seriously misinterpreted my post my young man. I'm also in no way consumed with hate. I'm on a particular thread of a particular forum giving a particular opinion based on my particular feelings relevant to such. As I have pointed out, I have been in the 'cauldron of hate' and decided - as a rational, reasonable and not of a particularly low IQ human - to leave and not return. You have decided to stay and that tells me all I need to know of you.

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Fails to comprehend .. "I wonder what they mean" ... you really are thick as pigshit.

Seeing as no one apart from you is posting about them, you'll have to enlighten people about them.

Where did you hear about them etc...

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I first started following Rangers in the late 70`s early 80`s, we were not up to much back then either, did not stop me enjoying a game of fitbaw though, if I go to the odd game next season then that is what I will be paying for, no different than what you do when you can be arsed going.

As for the spivs, when there is no more money to be had they will do what spivs do and move on.

Tedi, it was either the late 70's or early 80's :unsure2: For me it was the late 60's and I continued to follow follow into the 70's and then, I grew a pair, looked around and thought ''This isn't about supporting a football team'' and walked away. Man up son, go watch a football team and enjoy it for the right reasons.

Edited by Apache Don
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