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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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could maybe be studying accountancy ? does not mean he is an accountant .

I had thought was what he meant as well at first until he actually claimed it was his job:

Florentine_Pogen, on 16 May 2014 - 12:57, said:snapback.png

Could you expand on that Max ? I don't do accounts but maybe you can help me out. Cheers.

It's strange how people on here expect you to answer all their questions when they don't even show human decency when speaking to you.

Is this an interview because you've still not told me what age you are, whilst you're mocking my job too it'd be nice if you would tell everyone what it is you do, so we can come up with a wee nickname or something equally hilarious!

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I agree that you will always get this on an internet forum, by their very nature they are populated by trolls, however there is still a certain amount of reasonableness and good humour displayed by some, yet others are completely devoid of it, I know which ones I prefer having discussions with.

Your certainly come across as one of the more reasonable posters even though it is clear what side of the fence you sit.

No doubt, at the end of the day I could say x y and z but I don't know all the facts because no one does, so I don't see the point in getting so riled up when people put their point across.

Unless I have concrete proof who am I to tell then they they are wrong.

Even if I think some people are talking guff they are entitled to their opinion.

Edited by thehoss
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It's been widely reported that he lost it all

There was a south African article which at first looked like it claimed he earned profit from it but that looks like it's been taken out of context.

Sure but I mean reported by whom?

Does he have contacts in media who could leak favourable stories to curry favour.

Who knows.

And don't get me wrong he could have lost it all.

But you have to admit that the whole he put in 20m before and lost it is always touted in articles.

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Is it a crime to change your mind, we football fans are an emotional bunch, we love our club and this causes us to take different view on things as events unfold, of course this is something you will never know anything about.

Maybe you should read some of your fellow swallow swallowers' comments on this thread regarding a poster who has decided to walk away and follow a team with less baggage.

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The proof that he invested the 20 Million is right their in the accounts, all of which are available on-line, there was also a stock exchange announcement which detailed his investment and a shareholding shown in every set of accounts.

There is not a single audit-able scrap of evidence that he ever received a penny of that money back, despite all the accounts being available online. There was a much misunderstood piece from a South African source which was picked up on because it had the word income, but in effect this was an attempt by King to class the purchase of Rangers share as income for tax purposes, he did not receive any income, if he did it would be be either in Rangers or MIH accounts.

Fair enough, was just something I always wondered.

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You have to remember all that is left on this thread are a few extremely bitter and twisted individuals whose whole life is consumed by Rangers, the post counts on their own club threads paint a picture, they are simply not interested, almost all of the posters that were decent and put forward decent discussions left ages ago mainly down to these four or five nutjobs.

Let's bury this nonsense. It really is a poor stick to beat us with, saying that we post on here more than we do on threads concerning our own clubs. In the main 'our own clubs' are properly and well run and so generate less major discussion points, outwith the actual football matches themselves.

Supporters of other clubs post on here because it's a thread dealing with the biggest ever story to hit Scottish football and concerned one of our biggest clubs and now it's subsequent replacement. I can't speak for others but I regularly contribute to threads concerning my own club and those of others and I keep an eye on the Tartan Army and Scottish Indy Ref forums too. Aberdeen's season has ended - unfortunately a week earlier than I'd have liked - and although we have a 2014-15 thread on the go, there isn't much to report on/discuss at moment.

We have been reflecting on the past season and debating which players we should be keeping from the out of contract list (Robson,Anderson & Low have just been re-signed and Vernon, Magennis, Weaver and Tate released btw) and what positions need strengthening. That's all there is, oh and a wee concern over whether West Brom might move for McInness. This will be the case with most of our well run clubs ie no big scandels. There's a bit more chat about Hibs, Dundee Utd & St Johnstone for obvious reasons.

The thing about this thread is it's not really about football and covers a whole load of issues that hold interest and can greatly influence Scottish football as a whole. It covers topics like corruption within our governing bodies for example. Another reason for higher post counts on this thread, can be attributed to the need for a lot of repeating content of posts, rearranging the order of the words etc until said content of the post is finally understood, by those of 'little grasp'.

In summary - Properly run FC = nothing to see here The Rangers FC = Awe ffs! What next? :lol::lol::lol:

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So now you want to speak to me like a normal human being? That's cute.

I genuinley don't understand your first question. I've not offered any evidence other than this is my opinion. A logical train of thought can lead you to where i am right now but there's not conclusive evidence.

Very simply though considering you're at least trying to speak now, hedgefunds don't care about sentiment, they care about money. The UOF have shown that there is not trust in the current set up. The London investors will not be happy the way things are going, why would they be? They're after money and the main source of money is boycotting. I believe/hope that Margarita/BPH will sell up to King shortly. When that happens (if it doesn't feel free to bring up all these posts and have a go, genuinely i'd deserve it!) the rest will follow with what they've made before King ousts them anyway.

Putting the club into admin won't happen when there's King's investment waiting, they couldn't claim we're skint when King is willing to underwrite a share issue, it would be illegal for them to do so. The sale and leaseback scenario is not as easy as leaving now, just think how much money they've all made from 1p shares and such already. They've already made a killing, it's easier for all parties to leave now with what they have. Of course that's an ideal scenario for me, one which i think will happen.

Of course, King has already stated that he will not buy anyone out. I think he put it like ''I will not put a penny into the pockets of these people, I will only invest in new shares, so the cash goes to the club''.

Of course he is not widely known for his honesty, so who knows.

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The proof that he invested the 20 Million is right their in the accounts, all of which are available on-line, there was also a stock exchange announcement which detailed his investment and a shareholding shown in every set of accounts.

There is not a single audit-able scrap of evidence that he ever received a penny of that money back, despite all the accounts being available online. There was a much misunderstood piece from a South African source which was picked up on because it had the word income, but in effect this was an attempt by King to class the purchase of Rangers share as income for tax purposes, he did not receive any income, if he did it would be be either in Rangers or MIH accounts.

What, he declared additional income for tax purposes :unsure2: I'm no accountant but I know that can't be right.

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You really are a sensitive wee soul aren't you? Most adults have a thicker skin which is what led me to believe you were a youngster in the first place, but never mind, since I can see it upsets you I'll stop. Regardless thanks for expanding on your theory. Looks like wishful thinking to me and I really can't understand why you have so much faith DK but likewise feel free to give me pelters in a few weeks should you be correct.

No i'm not sensitive at all tbh. Probably is leaning towards the wishful thinking side! I have faith in him as he is a fan who has previously spent 20M.

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You claim that you want to discuss things with people and then come on and post this? :rolleyes:

DK is not going to invest Money in Rangers, if he were going to he would have done it by now. Personally I don't think that he has the money. Your opinion is that the club can be bought for £6m - what is this based on? Even just a little calculation would be good, I am sure that the club could be bought for 60m, 50m, 40m as this would give everyone a profit, but £6m????

How many 1p shares did the current shareholders received? Who is the largest shareholder in the club? What price did they pay for their shares?

Maybe if you did some background work before posting, you may actually post some factual information instead of, in my opinion, utter nonesense.

Your first line is a topper mate.

You don't think he has the money to invest? :lol:

BPH/Margarita's shares could be bought for £6M

I probably have "done more background work" than yourself. Yeah i've always stated it's my opinion rather than factual information.

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You want to bury nonsense by posting a lot of nonsense, interesting strategy.

There are hundreds and hundreds of posters on P & B that support other clubs, yet find plenty to of things to discuss that do not concern Rangers, when this whole shitstorm started this thread attracted a lot of discussion, now however most have understandably moved on, what we have left is mainly a few manic obsessives that are really not that interested in football or their own clubs and in reality spend their existence thinking about Rangers, I am not saying this accounts for all BRALT posters, we still have a few reasonable guys who you can have a decent discussion with and a bit of banter, these guys are also visibly active in other areas of the forum, but please do not confuse yourself with one of these reasonable types, while not the worst you are definitely in the obsessive mentalist camp.

^^^ Basically confirming the last sentence of my final paragraph. On this occasion though, I can't be assed re-arranging any of the words for you :P PS I couldn't find any, let alone ''a lot of'' nonsense in my post, like I said ''little grasp''.

Edited by Apache Don
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