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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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''Support the team not the regime''

How is this achieved by not attending matches?

Should be some interesting explanations on this one, Don, seeing as this is one of my major crimes according to the P&B loyal.

(Second-hand slogan, as well - I've got a t-shirt from the NAPM campaign which I'll happily sell to one of the hordes of berrz in Sheffield Mansfield. For charity, of course ;))

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Do the union of fhans actually believe the board care what they think?

I'm not even sure if they think.

Looking at the amount of money the Horde have thrown at the new club over the last couple of years, and the amounts that some reckon may have saved the old club, there's something I'd like some of them to answer:

Don't you wish you'd listened to some of the concerns raised over what was almost a decade before rangers died, instead of dismissing everything as propaganda and the product of an anti-rangers agenda?

From the outside, it appears that a fraction of what has been thrown at the new club could have saved the old, if only the fans could have united before and forced transparency from the club way back when (S)DM was shuffling his ( :lol:) millions around various group subsidiaries.

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"ibrox 1972" going to reveal the numbers they have deposits for ? Or are they just full of Kingys' hot air and rhetoric ?

What a clusterfuck.........again.


I can't wait to compare the figures that both sides come up with - which of the bald men will claim victory in Comb Wars?

If nothing else, we can get back to pointing and laughing at rangers, which is after all why we're all here.

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You know, it appears to me, that we could be about to experience a season, where the horde will actually be bragging about how low their attendances are. :lol:

No8 says -''We only got 10,210 for the Raith game and I'm hoping we'll have a couple of thousand less for the visit of Falkirk. Great stuff lads.''

Tedi says - ''Aye, would be a fantastic achievement to get below the 10K mark.''

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I can't wait to compare the figures that both sides come up with - which of the bald men will claim victory in Comb Wars?

If nothing else, we can get back to pointing and laughing at rangers, which is after all why we're all here.

Pretty sure neither of them will come out and difinitively state numbers other than deliberately ambigous phrases of the day like "encouraging.." or "considerable support..." etc

Two bluffers trying to out-bluff eachother with feck all in their hand hoping the other will simply fold. Problem for Union of Fuckwits is the Board have all the chips, the cards and the table belongs to them.

Kings' silence here is absolutely deafening.....and I think he may well be hoping for the crash of The Rangers to try and pick through the wreckage for another cut-and-shut job.

"Rangers Then, The Rangers Now, The Glasgow International Springbok Rangers Forev......... a bit"

Edited by GreenockRover
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Have they considered merging with Celtic yet? It's the only way they'll ever see their team lift the top division title again.

Oh, that would be fucking hilarious, if a tad far-fetched. There's been a lot of unbelievable shit going on around this clusterfuck, though, and only one team obviously suffering the berrs' absence, so who knows?

If their Sisters' income drops, and Lawell wonders how to fill all those seats, there's a massive market there for gloryhunters who just want to see shiny things. If they start talks now, they could get it agreed by, say, next Good Friday?

Glasgow United. Got a nice ring to it, and might even give Thistle a meaningful rivalry!

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Do not think I have ever suggested I would not attend matches, I have been pretty consistent that I would pay and attend game by game, however I do firmly believe that the best chance of forcing change is to starve the club of cash and for this reason I may well revise that to away games only, not decided yet.

There have been many well organised protests, the various fan groups with the exception of VB are also united and have issued many well worded statements, so far these have failed to have any effect.

The club is not for sale and the shareholders will not sell (for a sensible market value) nor will they accept investment by the way of share dilution.

The fans (who are just ordinary folk with limited resources) are doing as much as they can IMO, what other changes would you suggest?

Go watch Hearts :lol:

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Do not think I have ever suggested I would not attend matches, I have been pretty consistent that I would pay and attend game by game, however I do firmly believe that the best chance of forcing change is to starve the club of cash and for this reason I may well revise that to away games only, not decided yet.

There have been many well organised protests, the various fan groups with the exception of VB are also united and have issued many well worded statements, so far these have failed to have any effect.

The club is not for sale and the shareholders will not sell (for a sensible market value) nor will they accept investment by the way of share dilution.

The fans (who are just ordinary folk with limited resources) are doing as much as they can IMO, what other changes would you suggest?


Drop all pretentions to any historical link and let the spivs and gangsters sit in their empty stadium and watch them try to salvage any of their "investment" (which will be from loaned funds from somewhere of course). Give them their massive white elephant and let it drown them.

Start again elsewhere. Start small, forget Celtic, build steadily for the future knowing that a considerable fanbase exists as the new club gets stronger and laugh endlessly at Easedale and Co as they implode with rage amongst eachother?

Just theorising for ya ;)

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You know it's bad news when both the board and the union of fans put out equally woeful statements to the point where you can't distinguish which group are worse.

The union of fans are pointless, they seem to think they have a voice but they clearly don't.

If they were as powerful as they thought they would have made some headway with this mob.

Oh and while all this banter is going back and forward on this thread boring us all to tears how about this idea.

The thread gets shut until some concrete news is released not blog posts and hearsay, then the mods open it up and it can commence.

This back and forth based on old news and utter guff posted on twitter /blogs is brain rot.

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On 2 May 2013 the Daily Telegraph reported that, following a loss of £8.8 million in the first quarter of 2013, Metro Bank's pre-tax losses had exceeded £100 million in less than three years since its launch, but the bank states these are planned for[9] and "a result of its growth initiatives".[4] In an interview with the Financial Times, Hill said the bank was "...in line with the business plan to rapidly grow this company,” he added. "Our primary goal is to expand the business . . . and profit certainly will come."

You couldn`t make it up...

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