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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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As long as i can remember, celtic's colours have been green, white, and yellow/gold. Away kits, that kinda thing, bear this out. And yes, they do plug the oirish shite.

As long as I can remember, rangers' colours have been red,white and blue, and yes, they plug the "quintessential" shite.

Both of them know where their money comes from, and continue to pander to their knuckledragging support. The rest of know this, and are frankly disgusted by the clubs' lip-service to campaigns set up to eradicate the problem.

Now, what's the connection between rangers and orange?

Your lot had that choice a couple of years ago, Ted. Clean slate just ready for new tales and history to be written, remember? But that wouldn't have got Charlie his chateau, would it?

A straight choice between some sort of integration into the game as "just another club", or getting it right up the "enemies of rangers" on the journey "back". I don't think there was ever a chance of the voices of reason being heard, do you?

I seem to remember you being pretty free with the "No Surrender" malarkey, as well. Distancing yourself from that shite rather than having a sectarian/not sectarian squabble over the phrase might have lent more weight to your current "look at me being a reasonable fitba fan" stance.

We've been down this line before, little one. Memory problems? I well remember the furore over celtic's kit - which to one outside of your wee "us 'n' thame" bubble would be akin, on first sight to our lads showing their Uruguayan/Chilean sympathies when they came on the pitch.

Oh, and I seem to remember that your Mr Avocaat was adamant that that NTL top was tangerine, not orange. Until he decided it was a tribute to rangers' (unaffordable) Dutch contingent.


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Surely no self-respecting club would countenance such obvious pandering to the "unacceptable minority" element of their support?

Oh, hang on...


I've still got that shirt Norman, still fits too :)

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It will be existing shareholders only and cherry picked ...

Existing share-holders will be given the first option on the new issue.

However, the various fans groups will surely put pressure on to be allowed to by shares through the UOF 'Trust Fund' - laughable concept though it is.

And who is the trustworthy character behind that?

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Existing share-holders will be given the first option on the new issue.

However, the various fans groups will surely put pressure on to be allowed to by shares through the UOF 'Trust Fund' - laughable concept though it is.

And who is the trustworthy character behind that?

It'll be aimed at existing shareholders, who will have the option to over subscribe, basically meaning that anyone who doesn't take part will have their holding diluted, and some folk will have theirs increased.

Clearly as the big hitters have decided to go with this, they will be taking up their share(And probably elect to over subscribe, expecting that they will pick up shares from those who take no part). That means the rest will either have to do the same, or wind up with a smaller stake and less influence.

Edited by Ross.
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you will be when picking up soap for Dave King in Barlonnie

Sent from my iPhone 6c


Close but no cigar..


Notice the colours?

It's getting set up nicely for when the spivs are caught fleecing all your cash to make them fell at home!


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I used to post on a site used by Barcabhoy and I can confirm he is an attention seeking fud.

Like most of these Celtc bloggers they showed their true colours during the reconstruction debacle when they blindly backed their club against the wider interests of Scottish Football.

That said he's right about the SFA, but every man and his dog(whistle) can recognise it as decrepit organisation not fit for purpose.

Nail on head, AB. Anyone who thinks that there is some kind of alliance between celtic fans and the rest of us is deluded - as would be the case were we happily posting on the BCALT. Any single-team site, forum or blog is going to attract those fans who find it difficult to view life without their (insert team colours here) specs on. It's simply more pronounced with the Ugly Sisters, as you have to contend with the rest of the "package" as well.

The SFA? Like (seems to me) most sporting governing bodies, an old-pals organisation dedicated to enriching its members by exploiting those who give it a reason for existing. Ogilvie et al are jealous of Platini and Blatter not because of their power to promote the game, but because they get better junkets and freebies. Scum, the lot of them.

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Actually I do, because I have a travel portal in the cat litter! Bennett you are just a hater And doubter!

Sent from my iPhone 6c

Is the new iPhone 6 not due for release in September?

How come you got one, .....have you been done?

Edited by CityDave
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and do you not think Scottish football would be more welcoming to our clubs if we just forgot about all this loyalist / protestant and Irish Catholic nonsense and remembered we are 2 Scottish football clubs in the 21st century?

honestly it is all bollocks.

History tedi, you know that thing you hold so close to your heart? Don't try to keep the good stuff and ignore the bad stuff.

Rangers fans had the chance to move on and embrace a new club without any ties but being remembered for bigotry and sectarianism was the choice.

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The SFA? Like (seems to me) most sporting governing bodies, an old-pals organisation dedicated to enriching its members by exploiting those who give it a reason for existing. Ogilvie et al are jealous of Platini and Blatter not because of their power to promote the game, but because they get better junkets and freebies. Scum, the lot of them.

Seems like you're jealous of Ogilvie and chums getting better freebies and junkets than you union reps....

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Seems like you're jealous of Ogilvie and chums getting better freebies and junkets than you union reps....

Seems like you're really stupid. Unlike your constant stream of drivel, however, I can back this argument up.

Sent from my jPhone 1 (next-gen)

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We are all individuals stoney with individual choices, fans of both clubs have the choice to move on, many have and I applaud them many, still hold onto notions of orange and tricolour tops and use excuses like heritage for doing so. My point is that this 'heritage' no longer means anything in today's society, especially with regards to football, it is outdated and there simply is no excuse for holding onto it.

Painting us all with the same brush is neither reasonable or in anyway truthful.

From the club that's just brought out a Union Jack top.

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