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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The boy is an idiot. If he could string two complete sentences together, without an error, it would be an achievement. He makes Tedi look like a literary genius, which is no mean feat.

Edit: Which is the reason he's on my ignore list. Thanks for quoting that outstanding piece of literature; I'll sleep well tonight.

^^^^^ puts people on ignore , talks about them so they cant reply?

if dhense could string two complete sentences together without mentioning rangers , that would be a serious acheivement.

He didn't mention rangers or sevco in that whole five sentence post. Thanks for not making us wait before proving his point.

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What's the chances of Dave King using the fans ST money to buy shares? How much got paid into that account?

No chance. It's not his money to do so, and is there not a motion in place which prevents this.

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No chance. It's not his money to do so, and is there not a motion in place which prevents this.

Was there? I wasn't being flippant and genuinely don't know........I'm on about the ST boycott money and not the monies paid to the Club for ST just to clarify btw.


Seriously? None of the Rangers fans boycotted buying their ST with the Club and paid into the account set up to be used as "leverage" to gain assurances over the Clubs assets?

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That is not how the scheme worked, nobody paid a penny, it was merely a pledge by credit card should security over the assets be granted. As this was never achieved not a single penny was taken from any fan.

ok cheers.....wasn't aware that this was the case.

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The only money paid in (nominal amount) would be for operating costs by the directors/shareholders. So it's hard to tell are they boycotting or just walking away, since there is no real commitment from the fans as they don't trust Dodgy Dave either.

In fairness to Rangers fans that's one hell of a rock & hard place to be in.

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Their only option is to starve the board out (unless they want them to remain) but until the fans unite it will never happen.

Celtic were lucky in that the Kellys did not have the cash or stomach for a such a bitter war ...

Mr King has the cash .. but he's not frittering it away, he needs mugs investors cash before he'll step forward.

The spivs have this sewn up bar a full scale boycott ... even then I believe they have a Doomsday plan to cover such a scenario.

It couldn't happen to a better set of fans ... I doubt anyone feels sorry for them, bar their own support.

Out of interest.....what plan do you think they have for such a scenario?

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Everything that happens at The Rangers on the park is a joke.

Everything that happens at The Rangers off the park is a joke.

Please wait until after the World Cup to implode, it will give us something to laugh at between the Brazil experience and the start of the season.


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So, have I got this right?

Rangers supporters aren't buying season tickets so as a fall back the Rangers board expect them to buy shares? :blink:

You've got to admit, as a master plan, it's brilliant. It's the work of a genius!

Breathtakingly simple - what could possibly go wrong?

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All that would remain of Ibrox is the facade ...

Well, Laxey do own a controlling stake in this rather intriguing business:


About groupCeltic Property Developments S.A. is a holding company that controls a group of subsidiaries concentrated on development projects in the market segment of offices and apartments.

The Company’s activity consists in purchase of lands, on which it constructs apartments or offices, and in purchase of existing real properties with a potential for creation of additional value by change of their intended usage, increase of their standard or optimisation of their area. The Company has offices in Warsaw, London, Milan and Budapest.

The Company’s main market is Warsaw. It also possesses commercial Hungary. So far, the main role in the Capital Group’s business has been played by the offices segment, but at present the Company is concentrated on residential activity, mainly realisation of its key project in ursus, a district of Warsaw

ursus m (genitive ursī);

  1. a bear
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Has anything been announced about the UTTT? Just curious.in case I have missed it.

HMRC are involved in four other cases against David Murray's former companies, all EBT related:

Murray Group Holdings Ltd, Murray Group Management Ltd, the Premier Property Group Ltd and GM Mining Ltd

all trundling their way through the system - could be a while I'd say!

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