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If you cant answer the questions just say so. I ve been away for a few days and just wondered why Scotlands first minister allowed a Scottish club being treated differently to pass without any comment

Thought it was the company, nothing to do with "the club"?

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So the dead club left no taxes unpaid?

That is what you are saying. Correct?

Sorry Bing. When I thought I was dealing with rational people I forgot about you. That is not at all what I am saying and how you gain that from my post is beyond.

Seeing as I mentioned, 'fellow bears' it's good to see you join in. We always kent who your big team was.

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Sorry Bing. When I thought I was dealing with rational people I forgot about you. That is not at all what I am saying and how you gain that from my post is beyond.

Seeing as I mentioned, 'fellow bears' it's good to see you join in. We always kent who your big team was.

We are regarded simply tax-cheating scum.

There is no way to argue against it rationally

Yep, how did I think you were saying Rangers were not tax cheating scum.....foolish me.

I blame my stoopidness on my long association with the dead club :)

Not easy for us Bears, that had investments in a club, then watched it die, whilst usurpers try to claim 'continuity' and not give the value back to the correct company for the assets they stole.

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Green and grey hoops... oh the bantz.. tell us more about rolls royce and sevco. :blink::lol:

Oh goodness, Jonnybhoy. Yer dander is fairly up tonight. Come on, regale us with more of your wit and erudition. Seems ages since we had some of your insightful and acerbic good humour.

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So reading through the last page i've learned that HMRC apparently acted correctly throughout this sorry episode.

Leaking confidential information to celticminded bloggers is acting correctly.

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I have never claimed it was malice, monomania or any other daft ideas at play, dunno why you feel the need to go down this path with me.

My argument has always been that companies will always try to exploit loopholes in order to avoid paying tax, if this is done legally then I really have no problem with it, HMRC should be looking to close these loops if they are too advantageous, again I have no issue with this, however to then try to retrospectively apply punishments after the horse has bolted is simply wrong. This is what HMRC tried to do and this is why they lost, it seems to me your anti Rangers bias is not allowing you to see this extremely simple logic.

Okay, let's assume for argument that you're right here. Who knows? You may be.

If, as you're saying, HMRC based their case on attempting to bust you with "retrospective punishments" and thought they could slip this past the court on the sly without anyone noticing, this would be both a major schoolboy error and a career-ending balls-up.

It'd be such a massive balls-up that really, it can't conceivably happen unless clever people in senior positions at HMRC were basically acting out of sheer spite. Further, it'd be such a massive balls-up that any half-competent judge should've spotted it at the very first hearing, a decade ago, and at every hearing since.

Which is why I was talking about malice and monomania. If you're contending that HMRC attempted to do you on obviously non-applicable retrospective punishments, what you're saying is that everyone involved - the accountants, the lawyers and the judges, at every stage - must have been hopelessly incompetent beyond belief*.

Is that what you're saying?

*It also implies that Sir Dave's legal team are shockingly poor, if it's taken them a decade to get a partial result in such and open-and-shut case.

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Oh goodness, Jonnybhoy. Yer dander is fairly up tonight. Come on, regale us with more of your wit and erudition. Seems ages since we had some of your insightful and acerbic good humour.

Zaliukas :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ill start the sentence for ya.. Rolls Royce is like the rangers cause..... :lol::lol:

Excellent, JB. You're getting so good at this humour stuff. Can you please post more often? We miss you.

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Again, these are your suggestions, not mine, you have a habit of doing this.

It's true, I do. On the other hand, there really is no other way that what you're saying can be true, if it didn't happen much like that.

Edited by flyingrodent
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So reading through the last page i've learned that HMRC apparently acted correctly throughout this sorry episode.

Leaking confidential information to celticminded bloggers is acting correctly.

And the leaks from the myriad of stock exchange companies in control at Ibrox is what?

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I guess we will never know if that same gamble would have been taken should someone else managed to buy the club company.

However I also admit that if someone with financial sense had got in, applied the necessary cost cutting, they would have been crucified by the fans, we really were arrogant enough to believe that it could not happen.

:D :D what an edit Tedi :D


You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

Edited by Bing (2)
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Note to fellow Bears: Even though we won the FTT and the UTT voted in Oldco's favour and even if the LNS inquiry agreed we gained, "No sporting advantage" the mind of the average P&B diddy and plastic is made up. We are regarded simply tax-cheating scum.

There is no way to argue against it rationally so we just have to accept the view, shrug our shoulders and move on. Anything else become petty tit-for-tat minutiae.

"Rationally" :lol:

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I forgot I was dealing with such a master of the English language and abbreviation of words would be such a no no.. :lol: is it CAUSE you're an Arsehole?

Oh dear, Jonnybhoy. I had high hopes for you. Now that you're coming to grips with English shall we deal with your anger issues in our next session?

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Note to fellow Bears: Even though we won the FTT and the UTT voted in Oldco's favour and even if the LNS inquiry agreed we gained, "No sporting advantage" the mind of the average P&B diddy and plastic is made up. We are regarded simply tax-cheating scum.

There is no way to argue against it rationally so we just have to accept the view, shrug our shoulders and move on. Anything else become petty tit-for-tat minutiae.

You're being silly again here mate.

Only Johnny is using such language which is why you're far keener to take him on than the more measured Rodent. You know the judgements reached are at least contentious, which is indeed why they've been contested for so long.

I'll content myself with the knowledge that the disgraceful scheme proved immensely destructive for the club that operated it, whether it was deemed legal or not.

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