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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The rules for the SFA , FA or any any individual domestic associations were written for members clubs operating within their own domestic set/up.

They were not introduced to prevent individuals having a shareholding or investments in clubs in other countries/domains.

Each country would have the same rule in order to comply with any fair play/competition in Europe ...

How an association determines ownership or restricts investment between member clubs within it's own members may well be legal .. I doubt if it applies or is legal to impose it rules to clubs over shareholdings or investment business decisions made in other associations ...

That would be the remit of UEFA if anybody .... the SFA rules cannot be in breach of commercial/civil laws either.

If anyone thinks this is clear cut issue either way they are kidding themselves ...

Most liklely solution is that the SFA will bend over ... I doubt the FA give a flying f**k.

Obvious that the English FA don't give a toss about Rangers as they don't want them playing down there but then... :thumsup2

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It shows you how little credibility some of the bears brain trust on here have that after championing the glib and shameless liar to get his mitts on the club/company despite him never meeting the fit and proper person criteria, they are now quoting the rule book as a reason to keep Ashley from taking control

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You would think, of any group of fans, it would be the orcs who would know that the football governing bodies will change their rule book on a whim and without regard for the greater good of the game.

Edited by dave.j
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No8 remarked the other day on King apparently scaring the life out of Ps and Ds.

Well this particular D is much more worried by Ashley and is actually a bit gutted by this development.

What latest events mean is that we won't get the deliciousness of an administration with the the title and maybe even a play-off spot evaporating. Instead, promotion via either route now looks likely.

If Rangers get up this year, do ok next and maybe win a Cup, all of which is eminently affordable from what Ashley carries in his pocket, then loads and loads of polyester shirts will shift.

It's in Ashley' s interests for Rangers to first of all exist, and then do quite well. He needs to strike a balance between what he needs to spend and what he can make, but I'd imagine he's skilled at doing such things.

Seriously, I honestly believe this is Rangers' best day since the re-birth.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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The SFA want your team back in the top league......you understand this don't you?

The SFA will bend and alter any and ALL rules to assist your incompetent organisation into an elevated position they really don't deserve.

Corporate foxes like Ashley see pound signs not "Loyal" fans and historical glories..

Paranoid drivel.

More paranoid drivel.

Aye there's lots of pounds to be made at Rangers, why bother with one of the largest EPL clubs lol

You really are a bit of a nutter mate.

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Not for the first - or last - time Bennett..... you neither read, hear or understand what you are talking about.

Ashley WILL be in charge at BasketCase FC soon enough.

And that invevesment will be secure with Mike Ashley .

Why would a businesse man like MA want to lose money?

Be afraid p+bears,be afraid..... :lol:

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Paranoid drivel.

More paranoid drivel.

Aye there's lots of pounds to be made at Rangers, why bother with one of the largest EPL clubs lol

You really are a bit of a nutter mate.

You reckon?

Oh well.... that's me well and truly telt....


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Aye there's lots of pounds to be made at Rangers, why bother with one of the largest EPL clubs lol.

Seriously Bennett, I think you're missing the point here.

Ashley can retain his huge stake in Newcastle, while feeding Rangers sufficient crumbs to ensure they're a Scottish force. This of course cannot net him TV fortunes, but he can sell loads of shirts and any other trade mark related stuff he can tie up for himself.

This is the point.

It's actually shit news for the rest of us.

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So in effect, with the interest Rangers will have to pay Ashley back , Rangers are actually paying Ashley to take the club on.

MT you can dress this up any way you want this is by far the worse case scenario for Rangers. There is now literally nothing left at Ibrox. Everything has been sold off to the lowest bidder..the latest case we are paying someone to take over the running of the boardroom and allowing them to sack our CEO.

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Seriously Bennett, I think you're missing the point here. Ashley can retain his huge stake in Newcastle, while feeding Rangers sufficient crumbs to ensure they're a Scottish force. This of course cannot net him TV fortunes, but he can sell loads of shirts and any other trade mark related stuff he can tie up for himself. This is the point. It's actually shit news for the rest of us.

He really can't, the SFA have already stated that his influence must be limited in the boardroom while he owns Newcastle, that should be clear by now.

Secondly as things stand right now he won't be selling that many shirts

Finally as it also stands right now Rangers have lost millions and will continue to do so for the next 4.5 yrs thanks to many onerous deals.

AShley took a gamble on the retail side and will probably wipe his hands soon.

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Bennett not taking today's news well. Vicky may I suggest you protest by boycotting hiding the Celtic rags in sports direct, Yes I know it's your only meaningful pursuit but it would sure show Mike Ashley.

edited fur shpelling

Edited by Border Reiver
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Bennett not talking today's news well. Vicky may I suggest you protest by boycotting hiding the Celtic rags in sports direct, Yes I know it's your only meaningful pursuit but it would sure show Mike Ashley.

Just make sure your scum club take 3pts off that other scum club from ebinburger.

Thanks all the same. :lol:

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