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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ok Norm, i'll listen to your explanation, probably wasting my time but i'll give you a fair chance.

Vicky, stop playing the moron for once - on the off chance that it's an act - and explain where you feel I've been two faced or hypocritical.

While you're at it, I assume you'll have some harsh words for youngsy?

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English is good in written print but on the radio he does tend to be swayed by popular opinion.

Richard Wilson was one of the few journo's who actually tried to be balanced.

You mean he sat on the fence?

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Vicky, stop playing the moron for once - on the off chance that it's an act - and explain where you feel I've been two faced or hypocritical.

While you're at it, I assume you'll have some harsh words for youngsy?

Of course it's an act. No-one could be as stupid as that and still be able to type. He thinks he winds people up little realising that he is, at best, a small diversion in a boring day at work. This is why he will not condemn that vile piece of santorum otherwise known as youngsy - he doesn't believe anything he says and just posts whatever he thinks will annoy you the most.

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No i would like to see Craig Whyte suffer because of the financial hurt and distress he caused many thousands of people, myself included, if that upsets you then too fucking bad, neither you nor anyone else will change my mind on that. Did Whyte give a flying about any of the creditors and the distress he caused them, the answer to that is no, so fine i personally could not give a flying about Whyte and as i said i hope he suffers in everyway possible.

Caused you. You couldn't give a f**k about the many thousands, you know why I know this? Because you couldn't care less about the money your dead club stole from this country. See Bennet and his triumphalist we won the BTC (barring those bits we lost and plead guilty to) pish.

I am pleased you are so seething and lashing out at the world, it reinforces my opinion and that of many others that any pain, any hurt, any suffering you might have been caused is not only totally justified, but richly deserved. GIRFUY

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Vicky, stop playing the moron for once - on the off chance that it's an act - and explain where you feel I've been two faced or hypocritical.

While you're at it, I assume you'll have some harsh words for youngsy?

I don't think he's a moron. maybe a bit simple but not a moron.

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I greenied your post Youngsy before i got to the bit about Cancer. I hope Whyte and all those responsible do suffer for what they have done to the club i support. I sincerely hope they are punished to the full extent of the law but i would never...i repeat never wish that terrible disease on any person.

Sorry Youngsy but that is too far for me.

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Would this be the same public who branded Rangers as being guilty of everything and anything, all on the word of a handful bloggers?

The same public who then threatened their clubs into forcing the authorities into punishing Rangers because they deserved to be punished, some bloggers said so.

The same public who are now backtracking and conveniently forgetting what actually happened with their witch hunt.

A massive fraud has been committed yet the Scottish football authorities in their infinite wisdom punished Rangers with severe sanctions, sanctions which were not even in the rule book just because they were the victims of this fraud.

Without media help any actions by fans groups were futile, in this day and age the media is very important in getting messages across and the Scottish media mocked anyone who dared say that anything fishy was going on with D&P.

^ ^ ^ ^


Fuxake Benny don't hold back posting mince.

The club is not a victim, the club is the villain here.

If this were Celtic in the dock you'd be frothing at the mouth to have what the club won during the EBT era to be expunged or handed back to the runners up and you would most certainly not be claiming that Celtic the club was the victim so fcuk off with your sob story. Also you'd be screaming for every punitive measure available to be thrown at the club and not who ran it.

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You have to laugh at the orcs and their demented view on what has happened to them over the past few years.

"The club is a victim" :lol: They could be right in saying that but it was a victim of it's own success driven by the need to put ra enemies into their rightful place below ra Gers.

Ranger killed Rangers and no one else was involved other than Rangers. The club and it's BoD knew it was going pear shaped then the fans were warned but this couldn't happen to Rangers could it ?. :lol:

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Listen you can condemn me all you like, it means nothing to me and please spare me the part about Smith, Greig etc, this is all about Whyte as far as i'm concerned, whether that's a Christian attitude or not i really could not give a flying. The man's actions caused massive stress both financially and health wise to many to spare me this righteous attitude that you and many are coming out with, it doesn't sit with me in any way, shape or form. The man is a scumbag who caused many plenty and i stand by everything i wish on him.

You really are a scumbag.Wishing cancer on anyone is really the lowest of the low. It is a fucking football club, nothing else.

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You have to laugh at the orcs and their demented view on what has happened to them over the past few years.

"The club is a victim" :lol: They could be right in saying that but it was a victim of it's own success driven by the need to put ra enemies into their rightful place below ra Gers.

Ranger killed Rangers and no one else was involved other than Rangers. The club and it's BoD knew it was going pear shaped then the fans were warned but this couldn't happen to Rangers could it ?. :lol:

I don't get the whole "Club being the victim" shit either.....my Club Hearts are where they deserve to be (the Championship) after previous Chairmen & Directors acting on the Clubs behalf financially mismanaged the Club.

If you start looking to blame individuals instead of collective responsibility then I propose we replay the 1996 Scottish Cup Final as Hearts were the victim of Giles Rousett's horrendous goalkeeping!

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You really are a scumbag.Wishing cancer on anyone is really the lowest of the low. It is a fucking football club, nothing else.

Problem is that for many of them and their former rivals, it's not really about football at all. Which is what makes the collusion in the continuation myth such a despicable capitulation on the parts of the governing bodies and media.

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Oh well done, son. Once again you go back 2-3 years for some posts to try and prove some insignificant point. However like many Rangers fans i've held my hands up and said that yes initially i was looking at Whyte as being good for the club, in fact instead of going back through my post history you only had to ask me and you would have got a straight answer.

Maybe though you should look at more recent posts, a year to 18 months ago perhaps to see how much in contempt i hold Whyte and his cohorts. Now as i stated before many on here held or indeed do hold Whyte up as some type of hero after the liquidation process was initiated. I'll state it again, as i've done before, for the distress that Whyte's actions have brought on many, many people i sincerly hope that he gats a very heavy sentence and after that i sincerly hope the scumbag contracts cancer. That's how much i think of the person.

You are one of the better Sevco posters youngsy....but I'm sorry mate that last bit in yet post is shocking.

I understand you lost money when the club died, I understand the anger you feel to this man....

but wishing that on someone...seriously....get a grip ffs

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One can only imagine the hatred and vile thoughts Youngsy has towards McCoist, who basically opened the door and threw petals over Whyte as he walked up the marble staircase. Before running back down and out the front door to do Whytes bidding for him.

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Murray overspent - he started it

Murray asked for Rangers fans to put their cash where their mouth was, they renaged - they helped it

Rangers fans demanded more cash from Murray - they accelerated the sale

Whyte bought the club, the BBC warned yous you ignored or and blamed and boycotted the BBC - your fault

Greene stepped in Sheffield United fans warned you, all fans warned you, another conspiracy yous ignored us and lined his pockets - your guilty

Even after warnings yous funded his share option all because you wanted an orange top - you kept the scam going

Murray started it to keep yous off his back, yous ignored all the warnings, even demanded bigger signings all whilst buying wee Billy a brick or share cert for Xmas.

The egos of rangers fans killed the club and maybe for a second time

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Alongside the Jelavic money and anything else that was not nailed down. You are making an argument based on how a fraudster was running the club and ignoring how it was being ran in the 18 months prior.

The club running at a profit ?, you are clearly deluded because it ran up massive debts during Whyte's tenure and there is no reason to conclude even if the club was still under SDM the same would never have happened.

Failure to qualify in the Chumps League/Europa League and the renegotiated contracts to the EBT recipients placed the club into a financial cliff edge no matter who was in control.

Plus because you posted a self exploding link we have now concluded that if Murray didn't ditch the club that season then Murray would have lost everything and the club would still have went bust no matter what played out.

Rangers were fucked no matter how you perceive or look at it Tedi.

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