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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Should Murray be amongst the accused?

If the evidence is there then hammer him.



But my point was more that the poll is 'now'.

Even at the start of the journey I am sure at best it would've been 15/85 split.

The noises about SDM are only recent from the bearz, but that was because he pandered to the support, trying to buy the success they demanded. And was loved for it.

The fans are most to blame, and can some things be "fraud" when the folk allegedly duped wanted it?

Side note.....Pro photographer at work a couple of weeks ago. Was raging after he'd gone to find out he was the son of Joanna Lumley . Oh, the question I could have asked :)

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Yes it may well be looked upon as cash flow but the fact is that HMRC initiated proccedings of liquidation because of the withholding of this money, nothing to do with the EBT case, that was still being contested, it was brought about because of Whyte refusing to pay. Go look it up, or better still ask Phil, he's very much neutral in all of this

Why was that money being withheld?

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Of course I know that - hence my reference to a group of "simple fitba' fans" and not to the authorities. I thought this comprehension problem amongst ra berrz was a generational thing, but you're causing the same concerns now. That's twice today you've struggled with reading and understanding pretty simple concepts.

I'll happily state right now that it is my firm belief the longest custodial handed out over this affair (and there could be quite a few) won't be a native of Motherwell.

Not while he still has the pencil that can join the dots for the prosecution.

You may well be right about Whyte not receiving the longest sentence and if there is more to come then fine but hopefully he receives a heavy sentence when this is decided.

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Why are you so desperate? You sat waiting with your trousers down, hoping to have a furious w*nk aint gonna make any difference?

Reports that we need an £8 million injection over the next 12 months, does that satisfy your immediate needs?

^ ^ ^

Seething like Youngsy are ya Redknob ?. :lol:

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I'm off out, so I'll answer my own question here - the tax/PAYE money was withheld because there wasn't enough to pay salaries, and keep the lights on, and pay the tax/PAYE bills.

Why wasn't there enough money? Well, there may be an out for you here if it transpires that Craigy had to make a payment to Ticketus.

If that's not the case, then we're left with the following as the sole reason why there wasn't enough money:

Because Rangers didn't qualify for the group stages of European competition and couldn't call on any credit, because you were an infamous basket-case.

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One thing about the Whyte appearance of note.

His lawyer was Paul Kavanagh. Paul Kavanagh is the Green Brigade's go-to solicitor, who has represented numerous of their members in bigotry trials across the country!

I wouldn't take too much from who is lawyer is.

The whole Sevco thing has become such a farce that the only thing that could trump it would be the revelation that it was a Catholic conspiracy.

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Just watched the BBC video of Craig Whyte greeted by an Angry crowd and that is fair enough but David Murray seems to get an easy ride from the Rangers fans. I suppose because he won so many trophies then to some that makes it ok but he was the one that went major into debt trying to keep ahead of Celtic and pay the same as some EPL teams. Rangers was in mess before Murray sold the club and he was so desperate to sell to anyone would buy the club for a £1 that when he did he was never going to do a due diligence on Craig Whyte.

Edited by Milners
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Oh my - poor Craigy... :unsure:

Dragged up to Scotland and released on bail.

Released. Onto the streets. Of Glasgow.

Where Bears prowl.



Why is Ralph Cifaretto in Glasgow ? :huh: Thought Big Tony did him in after the 'Pie-O-My' affair...

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Does anyone else remember when Murray was trying to sell the club he gave assurances that he would only have the best interests of the club when he sold it ?

Murray won't sell unless he believes 100% that it is the right thing for the club. The only worrying thing for myself is the role Ellis is going to have within the club.

By all intents Whyte is financing Ellis' 25% holding in the club and it will be paid back under the guise of a personal loan. If you haven't got the money you don't go shopping, do you.

Youngsy your just like the rest of the bears on here, thick and stupid at times and will swallow anything that came from Gestapo HQ in Govan. The post above makes a complete mockery of your attempts to lay the blame at Whyte's door when you believed Murray would only sell if the club best interests were at the core.

Well Murray didn't and punted off your beloved club before it tore down the rest of Murray's empire you deluded imbecilic auld fool.

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^ ^ ^

Seething like Youngsy are ya Redknob ?. :lol:

I'm Ok where we're at mate, it's a pile of Shite, but nah I'm not seething, Follow Follow always, you continue with your wankfest over a club you pay more interest to than your own, knock yerself out!
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Seems to get an easy ride?

Nah I do not think you read this thread much.

But you know, Tedi, that the bears who come on here are not representative of your average bear. You are more like Yogi (smarter than the average bear) whereas those who were "mooing" Craigie boy are a good deal dimmer than Booboo.

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The whole Sevco thing has become such a farce that the only thing that could trump it would be the revelation that it was a Catholic conspiracy.

One of the more amusing facets of the whole sorry business is the dismissal of all the early warning signs from more than ten years ago as tarrier* conspiracies and ****** propaganda. The old 606 board was full of it. At the time, I just dismissed it as celtic fans trying to unsettle fans of what was a pretty successful (on-field ;)) rangers.

Was that really bears shouting "moo!"? They've been acting like a herd of mindless cows for years, so nothing surprises me about them.

MOO! :lol:

Nah, they they were shouting MOO-Urns!

*I wonder if those are as bad as Attila? ETA: Looks like one is, and one isn't.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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