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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In my best nasally-anal voice, you should give priority to buses that are indicating, but only when safe to do so.

Certainly not illegal though, so I'm agreeing with you.

Yours, I hate that Butler!


Deliberately holding up the flow of traffic though, e.g. by slowing down in front of another vehicle, is an offence.

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Your link was valid in that it pointed to a post on P&B. That post contained a link to the Sun - which your wee mate claimed was the original article. As you may have discovered by now, it isn't. Can I assume you'll be having a word with Mr Principles about that? You know, getting a "respected poster" like you involved in yet another fúck-up? :lol:

That's not what you posted yesterday, you have more faces than the toon clock Norman.

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Reaction of Rangers fans' groups

Union of Fans: "Derek Llambias and Barry Leach have been appointed by Mr Ashley to ensure he grabs the remaining assets of the club. Mr Ashley and his board stooges have shown a blatant disregard for the club and the fans."

Rangers First: "Rangers First is extremely concerned about the fact that one party has been granted advance notice of security over assets including our stadium and Auchenhowie at a time when the company which owns our club has assured shareholders it is currently considering various proposals."

Rangers Supporters Trust: "Quite frankly this latest move by the board is legalised theft and we will not stand by and watch it happen. If necessary we will instigate legal action against the directors both collectively and individually. We have also contacted several MPs and will be seeking political and government support to stop this attempted asset grab."


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Reaction of Rangers fans' groups

Union of Fans: "Derek Llambias and Barry Leach have been appointed by Mr Ashley to ensure he grabs the remaining assets of the club. Mr Ashley and his board stooges have shown a blatant disregard for the club and the fans."

Rangers First: "Rangers First is extremely concerned about the fact that one party has been granted advance notice of security over assets including our stadium and Auchenhowie at a time when the company which owns our club has assured shareholders it is currently considering various proposals."

Rangers Supporters Trust: "Quite frankly this latest move by the board is legalised theft and we will not stand by and watch it happen. If necessary we will instigate legal action against the directors both collectively and individually. We have also contacted several MPs and will be seeking political and government support to stop this attempted asset grab."

Realistically what do Rangers fans want here?

The club is desperate for cash.

Would Rangers fans rather see RI go into administration than Ibrox being used as collateral for a loan?

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That's not what you posted yesterday, you have more faces than the toon clock Norman.

Of course it's not. Why would I repeat a post word for word?

Do you lot never actually look past the "my team: " notice to realise how fucking thick some of the losers you're white-knighting actually are? Even if you don't join the rest of us in laughing, surely you should have the self-respect not to try and pretend they're right?

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Reaction of Rangers fans' groups

Union of Fans: "Derek Llambias and Barry Leach have been appointed by Mr Ashley to ensure he grabs the remaining assets of the club. Mr Ashley and his board stooges have shown a blatant disregard for the club and the fans."

Rangers First: "Rangers First is extremely concerned about the fact that one party has been granted advance notice of security over assets including our stadium and Auchenhowie at a time when the company which owns our club has assured shareholders it is currently considering various proposals."

Rangers Supporters Trust: "Quite frankly this latest move by the board is legalised theft and we will not stand by and watch it happen. If necessary we will instigate legal action against the directors both collectively and individually. We have also contacted several MPs and will be seeking political and government support to stop this attempted asset grab."


What a bunch of clowns. What is legalised theft?

I note the Rangers Supporters Trust has contacted MPs. Was Rangers FC a responsibility devolved to the Scottish Government? No doubt won't stop Ian Davidson getting his nib in, with TV opportunities to show what a man of the people he is, especially as he scrambles to try to hang on to his seat come the election.

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Realistically what do Rangers fans want here?

The club is desperate for cash.

Would Rangers fans rather see RI go into administration than Ibrox being used as collateral for a loan?

Nah, you've got it wrong. The company is desperate for cash. See, this is where the club/company fantasy comes back to bite them. If you're a listed company, you're going to attract people who want to run a business. People who don't give a fúck what happens on the pitch outside of how it can attract more cash through the tills. And as the Horde have showed they'll carry on shovelling cash into the money pit on the strength of promises rather than concrete results, well..

Of course, the unthinkable may happen and the boycott may come to pass. Then all Ashley has is a load of land which he can develop at his leisure. All the "pyoor ranjurs men" involved in this farrago have been bought by the businessmen for, relatively, peanuts - and then been dispensed with when their usefulness is at an end.

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It would be fun if the £10m only lasted them long enough to when the £3m loan needs paid back...They default,he calls in the other loan and he owns the lot.

You may not be far off the Ashley masterplan with that.

They need £8m to reach end of season (when they will be praying for a large uptake in season ticket sales to keep the charade going).

Ashley loans them £10m in return for security on Moonbeams Park and the Poundland Stadium.

Easdale is owed £500k, to be repaid by April.

Ashley is owed £3m, to be repaid by April.

£10m less £3m less another £0.5m equals only £6.5m.

So looks like early April is the time Sevco pot will run dry, and Ashley will not only own the shirts, but the Milngavie Gym & Sports Complex, and the leaking, crumbling, falling down Govan Mordor.

Rangers slipped into a coma on Valentines Day, before the life support was switched off and they died less than 6 months later.

Looks like Good Friday may be a date to put in our diaries, as the day Sevco defaults, and slips into its coma, with Mike Ashleys finger then hovering over the life support on-off switch of Sevco.

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