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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You really are all over the place - thrashing about like a tantrumming toddler. 'Sno ferr!

If the blame lies with rangers - and you appear to have held that belief since Day One :lol: - then you're not going to get satisfaction, are you? Because that rangers don't exist anymore.

You are having a nightmare here. All those i want punished were involved with RANGERS and that is why i blame RANGERS for being excatly where we are right now and not trying to look to blame others

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Not that i want to give anyone any ideas but, is there any objections to the 3 bears without King. Seems like he is jeopardising everything, you know because he's a criminal.

That would certainly be acceptable but they need Kings shares to get the current directors out. After that we can take it from there but we must get those who wish only to take from the club out. At the moment that is all that matters and if they fail this time i am not sure there will be a next time.

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So you want everyone involved who has committed some crime to be punished to the full extent of the law, while at the same time you want a convicted criminal to be involved in running the club?

Exactly. You do realise King and his motivations for getting involved are no different from the previous crooks?

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Whatever happens to those b*****ds will not repair the damage they have done to the club! I want to see everyone of them punished to the full extent of the law but far more importantly at the moment is T3B and King have to win the battle at the EGM and that is all we should be concentrating on right now.

You are having a nightmare here. All those i want punished were involved with RANGERS and that is why i blame RANGERS for being excatly where we are right now and not trying to look to blame others

So you want all those responsible for the death of rangers to be punished - except for the ones you want to run the new club? Or do you want the Boardroom re-locating to B Wing at the Greybar Hilton?


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Ashley is not interested in the club for anything other than taking as much out of it as he can before moving on and leaving whatever is left.

I don't know anybody that is interested in competing with celtic in the next few seasons. I want to see the debt that is owed to Ashley cleared first and foremost. I want a manager with a proven track record of bringing through youngsters and who has good contacts across Europe. I also want a scouting system set up that doesn't involve some IT guy sitting playing Football Manager.

Dare i say it i want a signing policy similar to the one across the city. Bring in decent youngsters wherever they are from and keep them for a few seasons before moving them on


and without spending 20-30m to do it.

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so No8 wants the big house for the hordes of the big hoose.

the fans with their 'we deserve better' while Murray tried to reign in the spending...

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I want to see the debt that is owed to Ashley cleared first and foremost. I want a manager with a proven track record of bringing through youngsters and who has good contacts across Europe. I also want a scouting system set up that doesn't involve some IT guy sitting playing Football Manager.

Dare i say it i want a signing policy similar to the one across the city.


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Ashley is not interested in the club for anything other than taking as much out of it as he can before moving on and leaving whatever is left.

I don't know anybody that is interested in competing with celtic in the next few seasons. I want to see the debt that is owed to Ashley cleared first and foremost. I want a manager with a proven track record of bringing through youngsters and who has good contacts across Europe. I also want a scouting system set up that doesn't involve some IT guy sitting playing Football Manager.

Dare i say it i want a signing policy similar to the one across the city. Bring in decent youngsters wherever they are from and keep them for a few seasons before moving them on


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Ashley is not interested in the club for anything other than taking as much out of it as he can before moving on and leaving whatever is left.

I don't know anybody that is interested in competing with celtic in the next few seasons. I want to see the debt that is owed to Ashley cleared first and foremost. I want a manager with a proven track record of bringing through youngsters and who has good contacts across Europe. I also want a scouting system set up that doesn't involve some IT guy sitting playing Football Manager.

Dare i say it i want a signing policy similar to the one across the city. Bring in decent youngsters wherever they are from and keep them for a few seasons before moving them on



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From KDS


French police are currently searching Charles Green's chateau:


So far they've found:

Mrs McCullouch in the cloakroom with Ron Jeremy

Mr Whyte on the Terrace with a Martini,

Mr McCoist in the Conservatory with the secaturs,

Mr Ashley in the Lounge with the contracts,

Mr Easedale in the Study with an abacus,

Mr McGath in the............etc, etc

Forgot Mr Murray in the Dining Room with the succulent lamb.

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Time, I think, for a wee look through the looking glass into the potential paths ahead for The Rangers.

The King Prophecy;

Screeds of copy exist about Dave Kings' history in regards to both his personal business acumen in South Africa, (with the ensuing court case and CONVICTION resulting in an effective plea bargain agreement to pay a huge fine and no imprisonment as opposed to a colossal fine and/or lengthy jail term) and his involvement on the Board of RFC Ltd.

To believe Kings' latest (one of many) asessment of his own RFC Board tenure, as one of failing to both know about and be in a position to control Craig Whytes' secrecy in all things concerned with the Clubs' demise, is asking a lot. In fact, it's pretty much a(nother) lie in all probability.

People in Dave Kings' business sphere know only too well the ins and outs of corporate risk management (skullduggery) that allow the savvy businessman to cut and run when required (specifically, when a high volume debt fails to perform as hoped and the returns do not materialise), as well as re-establish the next venture on the back of the defunct business. It's a dark art people like him, Whyte and others practice time and time again with the aid of slippery corporate lawyers, a willing market and the sloth like reactions of the tax autorities.

So... In the new, enlightened, era of heightened public scrutiny and of football clubs' ability to financially sustain themselves - fairly - where would this leave Dave King in the race to be a "fit and proper" director of a potentially large football club ? By that, I don't reference the utterly laughable definition used by the SFA/SFPL. Moreover, why would any corporate broker or institution ever seek to risk substantial funding in any football club these days, let alone a Scottish Championship club with designs on The (Scottish) Premiership and occasional appearences in qualifying rounds of European competitions ?

Correct... they wouldn't. And won't.

Dave King would be massively reliant on his pals to stump up the large sums required to bankroll his stated aims. Pretty much the same scenario David Murray and his banker pals did to fund the successes of the eighties and nineties until the whole house of cards fell in.

King seems to want to live in the past. To believe that there was nothing wrong with what was being done at Ibrox until Craig Whyte appeared. Surely to God even the bears can now see that a return to that model of operation is simply not feasable in todays brutally exposed and heavily regulated financial markets ?

The Ashley Model:

This Essex boi is a no nonesense, my way or the highway, corporate crocodile. Massive smile, bigger teeth.

Yes, he is a money maker. No he isn't a "rangers man", in fact, as he has said himself, he is barely a "football" man (other than his support of Newcastle of course). But, he knows how to make something make money and for TIRFC, as an AIM listed Company, that is where the potential for success lies.

No doubt Ashley sees profit, personal profit, in dragging this entity into the future as something resembling a sustainable football club, albeit at some initial cost to himself. However his "credentials" in the markets are, frankly, stratospherically more credible than Kings' and are therfore more likely to be able to convince the brokers and institutions to climb aboard at some point in the future, allowing him to reduce his own exposure over time.

Sustainability. Over time. At DOMESTIC level.

That's the new world Berrz. It's where reality lies in all honesty.

King will feed your dreams.

Ashley will feed your bellies.

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Time, I think, for a wee look through the looking glass into the potential paths ahead for The Rangers.

The King Prophecy;

Screeds of copy exist about Dave Kings' history in regards to both his personal business acumen in South Africa, (with the ensuing court case and CONVICTION resulting in an effective plea bargain agreement to pay a huge fine and no imprisonment as opposed to a colossal fine and/or lengthy jail term) and his involvement on the Board of RFC Ltd.

To believe Kings' latest (one of many) asessment of his own RFC Board tenure, as one of failing to both know about and be in a position to control Craig Whytes' secrecy in all things concerned with the Clubs' demise, is asking a lot. In fact, it's pretty much a(nother) lie in all probability.

Of course once you become a company director in the UK, there is an obligation on you to make sure you know what is going on. It is not enough to depend on papers prepared for board meetings etc. So for King to moan about Whyte not telling him about what was happening is just his usual distracting bluster. He is old enough and wise enough to know he should have acted. Probably formally writing to Whyte asking for the detail. If not produced he should have been going to the authorities, and resigned.

So 'a wee boy did it and ran away' cuts no ice and is no defence. The fact he did nothing speaks volumes.

Just as it didn't as John Grieg, John McClelland, Martin Bain, Paul Murray didn't have the backbone to challenge David Murray. How much dodgy stuff people like that will ignore as long as they get the blazer and a nice cheque at the end of each month is something the Rangers fans should find out.

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Whatever happens to those b*****ds will not repair the damage they have done to the club! I want to see everyone of them punished to the full extent of the law but far more importantly at the moment is T3B and King have to win the battle at the EGM and that is all we should be concentrating on right now.

Wholeheartedly agree. Start by punishing the fans who stood by through years of bigotry and EBTs and then stood by and funded the shysters.

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