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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The Swallow Hotel, fast food outlets near Ibrox, pubs and stuff... WTF do they have to do with what the SPL and SFA should solely be concerning themselves with? All they should be doing is acting fairly and without fear or favour in 'dealing with' Rangers FC.

My club moved stadiums. The Cosmo (an excellent fish and chip shop) on Love Street has lost matchday business. Similarly the famous Wee Barrel pub on Love Street will have lost business. So will the grocer shop on the corner right next to our old ground. When our directors were sitting around the table deciding to move St Mirren to a new home - does anyone think they said "This stadium move will save the club, but what about the effect on the Cosmo Chippy?" No. No. No... with all due respect to the Cosmo Chippy, an establishment I have personally frequented since Sir Alex Ferguson's days at Love Street in 1977.

If the SPL sit around the table tomorrow, and anyone says "Right, Rangers are guilty of X, Y, and Z... but hold on, what about sales of Zinger twisters in the KFC on Paisley Road West?" - then I will personally travel to Hampden and kick them in the stones.


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Well, just caught up with around 20 pages or so.

WTF is Sandy Jardine all about - getting his face in the papers? He can stick his unwanted award up his arse, maybe even set light to it first.

Cheating fooker.

I have lost a lot of respect for Rangers minded people since all this kicked off.

A lot of people have shown their true colours in the last 11 weeks and none of it is nice.

The usual media hacks have been making complete tits of themselves, but the Rangers employees has been more embarrassing.

Jardine getting involved is Saturdays march and making threats on his microphone was worse than anything the wee ginger tool has done.

Ally has been just as embarrassing and may just have blood on his hand after the storm he orchestrated last week.

If their was anyone in charge at Rangers they would need to reign in this pair of nutters and it says it all about the media they aren't making a big deal of this pairs behaviour. Worse though is they are giving them the platform

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Shitey old man pubs with sawdust for floors, reluctant to change any of their practices, have been dying like flies.

Well-run pubs have just adapted, changing their marketing and attracting new customers (by offering more food etc.) and have been prospering.

The pubs that have been dying off are no loss.

It's a mixture of both, some pubs that failed to adapt have shut up shop, but more pubs have gone because of the harsh dray charges of the big suppliers. Enterprise have several pubs in my area one a well regarded local with a steady clientele is being run down as it doesn't attract the kind of passing trade that Enterprise require, they have another pub situated in the town centre which gets all the special deals, cheaper or free barrels, less rent etc. This enables it to charge less and attract passing trade. Enterprise then make this up by hiking the prices for those pubs that are simply unable to grow their clientele by virtue of being in the wrong place.

Companies like Enterprise dont want the ordinary punter strolling round to his local for a few pints of Smiths, or Carling. They want hordes of youngsters buying Premium lagers and shots,they wont get that in the local bars that serve a community so they are pricing them out of existence.

Three pubs in this area have closed down in the past six months, one that had been closed a year ago re-opened as a Hungry Horse, food isn't any better than average but the beer is awful, noone knows how to pour a pint. They stick a pint pot under the tap open it up and walk away. Fucking disgraceful.

The pub game is dying, those of us who just want a decent pint and to socialise with a few mates are marked men. The breweries dont want us, they dont cater to us.

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Whit! :blink:

Pubs have been dying like flies.

How does a pub die like a fly ?

Ridiculous concept.

So, the pub lies on its back, wings pinned to the floor and its legs pedalling furiously in the air ?

I've seen a few pubs dying in my time and none of them died like that.

I think you've imagined that whole scenario.

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Shitey old man pubs with sawdust for floors, reluctant to change any of their practices, have been dying like flies.

Well-run pubs have just adapted, changing their marketing and attracting new customers (by offering more food etc.) and have been prospering.

The pubs that have been dying off are no loss.

Thinks Weatherspoons are classy...

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I think we will see the end game in the next 48 hours. Miller's bid will be withdrawn on the basis of sanctions imposed and confirmed Paul (no money) Murray will be told his bid is not acceptable and a marginally better one will be lodged.

What happens beyond that is anyone's guess.

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I think we will see the end game in the next 48 hours. Miller's bid will be withdrawn on the basis of sanctions imposed and confirmed Paul (no money) Murray will be told his bid is not acceptable and a marginally better one will be lodged.

What happens beyond that is anyone's guess.

If the bit in bold happens Dunfermline fans will jizz everywhere and Hibees will let off a massive exhale of relief.

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How so? You've the Glasgow Swallow on Paisley Road - 5 mins walk from Ibrox. Full every game. Without any games at Ibrox, their weekend revenue will drop like a stone and they'd have to let people go. You've got Pizza Hut and KFC 5 mins walk away as well. Again, their income would drop massively. At the end of the day, Alex Salmond and HMRC don't care about sporting integrity, they care about numbers and job losses in Glasgow (not counting those who work at Ibrox) are hardly going to help the economy.

One debate I've read on this before that I think is interesting is a Dons fan who said he felt no pity for those working for Rangers in a non-footballing capacity (cleaners, etc) as "they know the history of the club and what it represents". That's as equally a callous way of looking at it as is just looking at figures. But I wrote those three blog posts to stir debate so, at the end of the day, any opinions stated on the posts, I'm more than happy to discuss because the more the numbers are discussed, the better we can understand the decisions SPL chairmen are going to make.

You wrote them to stir debate? To have a debate you have to have two (or more) camps with potentially valid viewpoints mate. Starting a debate on this subject is like starting one on whether or not racism is a good idea, the only two camps are "folk who ken the score", and deluded idiots.

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How does a pub die like a fly ?

Ridiculous concept.

So, the pub lies on its back, wings pinned to the floor and its legs pedalling furiously in the air ?

I've seen a few pubs dying in my time and none of them died like that.

I think you've imagined that whole scenario.

Thanks to your post I'm having Tiswas flashbacks!

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Seriously? I thought the stats proved otherwise, that more people went after the ban. I am more than willing to accept if I am wrong.

Individual (locally owned) pubs died for many reasons and became chains - as happened with supermarkets etc.

No, pubs have been closing by the thousands across the uk. More likely to be caused by cheap supermarket booze than anything else, mind. Offies are also hurting.

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timomouse is a troll

Has to be, I've just started working at a hotel near Glasgow Airport that's quite busy and the business coming in has absolutely f**k all to do with football.

Edited by GordieBoy80
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The Swallow Hotel, fast food outlets near Ibrox, pubs and stuff... WTF do they have to do with what the SPL and SFA should solely be concerning themselves with? All they should be doing is acting fairly and without fear or favour in 'dealing with' Rangers FC.

My club moved stadiums. The Cosmo (an excellent fish and chip shop) on Love Street has lost matchday business. Similarly the famous Wee Barrel pub on Love Street will have lost business. So will the grocer shop on the corner right next to our old ground. When our directors were sitting around the table deciding to move St Mirren to a new home - does anyone think they said "This stadium move will save the club, but what about the effect on the Cosmo Chippy?" No. No. No... with all due respect to the Cosmo Chippy, an establishment I have personally frequented since Sir Alex Ferguson's days at Love Street in 1977.

If the SPL sit around the table tomorrow, and anyone says "Right, Rangers are guilty of X, Y, and Z... but hold on, what about sales of Zinger twisters in the KFC on Paisley Road West?" - then I will personally travel to Hampden and kick them in the stones.

Superb!! But the rules don't apply to Denial FC of course............cos Ally says so!

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Superb!! But the rules don't apply to Denial FC of course............cos Ally says so!

If Ally had been manager of St. Mirren, do you honestly think they would have moved away from a good chip shop?

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How so? You've the Glasgow Swallow on Paisley Road - 5 mins walk from Ibrox. Full every game. Without any games at Ibrox, their weekend revenue will drop like a stone and they'd have to let people go. You've got Pizza Hut and KFC 5 mins walk away as well. Again, their income would drop massively. At the end of the day, Alex Salmond and HMRC don't care about sporting integrity, they care about numbers and job losses in Glasgow (not counting those who work at Ibrox) are hardly going to help the economy.

One debate I've read on this before that I think is interesting is a Dons fan who said he felt no pity for those working for Rangers in a non-footballing capacity (cleaners, etc) as "they know the history of the club and what it represents". That's as equally a callous way of looking at it as is just looking at figures. But I wrote those three blog posts to stir debate so, at the end of the day, any opinions stated on the posts, I'm more than happy to discuss because the more the numbers are discussed, the better we can understand the decisions SPL chairmen are going to make.

The Swallow Hotel, another company that doesnt like paying its bills, would be a real shame if that went under tongue.gif

As for the feeling sorry for the workers, its like the scene in Clerks where they are discussing whether any independent contractors brought in to finish the death star at the end of Return of the Jedi were fair game when it was blown up mid construction, thats the nature of the beast, if you take the beast's money, be prepared for someone to blow you up with the millenium falcon. Any workers working at Rangers know the risks involved in working for a shady company.

Edited by MarreZ
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