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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In some ways The King is right in saying the current board is one of the worst in the history of the club. Given the club is only 3 years old he probably has a point, still it's a bit rich coming from a convicted tax criminal and a guy that sat on the actual board when the original club was liquidated!!

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Wholeheartedly agree. Start by punishing the fans who stood by through years of bigotry and EBTs and then stood by and funded the shysters.

"There was a fever over the land. A fever of disgrace, of indignity, of hunger. We had a football club (or was it a holding company?), yes, but it was torn by elements within. Above all, there was fear. Fear of today, fear of tomorrow, fear of our neighbours, and fear of ourselves."

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In some ways The King is right in saying the current board is one of the worst in the history of the club. Given the club is only 3 years old he probably has a point, still it's a bit rich coming from a convicted tax criminal and a guy that sat on the actual board when the original club was liquidated!!

He could of course put himself forward for the "football board" position and get some relative to sit on the main board (and make sure that you are "invited" to the main board meetings). I am sure I have seen this somewhere before to allow convicted tax fraudsters to get round the rules.

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Bloody hell, after years of posting about "spivs" in the boardroom and their shadowy backers , including how we'd have to get rid of them - the p&Bers are now backing them.

Claiming that they'll be grand for the club blah blah blah etc......

There must be hundreds of Rangers related subjects to post about, yet we are deluded with this rubbish.

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Somebody is going to be found wanting soon...

Spiersy sees the train in the tunnel...


Scottish football's governing body faces a big test of its credibility over King, and I'm not convinced it is going to meet it.

What credibility?? :unsure2:

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It should be in the pipeline .... hoping it was true myself. Craig is the man for a good whoosh .... ;)

Its been reported that his part of buying the club is under investigation, so hopefully....

As for the SOS guy, you probably know more about than I do about what he posts\says.

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That Spier's article read more like a fanzine piece than a newspaper article, personally I think king should have held back and kept away from the boardroom for a while. With all that's happened we need to be squeeky clean, no issue with his current level of shares but I think the three bears group would be better in the board room.

Maybe Graham should try digging a bit deeper, rather than repeating what we already know.

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Not sure why he thinks King will win.

Corporate investors surely will side with Ashley as he's the only one capable of keeping the club solvent and their share price/investment at least relatively safe without coming back to them for large wads of cash ...

Kings plan doesn't make sense for these investors .... it will just become even more of a bottomless pit for their money.

Unless they are stupid enough to imagine he's going to pump it in ... You'd think they'd want a guaranteed bond with any proposal submitted by him.

Mike Ashley looks to be the safer bet for these guys ... though neither look particularly appealing.

Typical Spiers. Throwing out all the possible outcomes and talking most about the one that might court the most contoversy.

"Pot Stirring" I believe they call it ;)

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Bloody hell, after years of posting about "spivs" in the boardroom and their shadowy backers , including how we'd have to get rid of them - the p&Bers are now backing them. Claiming that they'll be grand for the club blah blah blah etc...... There must be hundreds of Rangers related subjects to post about, yet we are deluded with this rubbish.

Exactly Bennett. 3 years of 'they are robbing you ya fool'...3 years of 'Can you not see they are only in it for themselves ya mug'

Now we have Rangers men who are willing to help get the club back on its feet by using their own personal wealth , that is not in question , and by allowing the support to buy into the club through a share issue in a company led by people we can all trust.

You can actually feel the outright hatred aimed at Dave King. The very fact he is so hated on here only reinforces my opinion he would be a huge success at Ibrox.

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You can actually feel the outright hatred aimed at Dave King.

Hatred. :lol:

Most people have been laughing at his clown running across a minefield performance imo. Although he does deserve the scorn of every reasonable person given what a disgusting human being he undoubtedly is.

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What is the issue with mortgaging the stadium? It is still Ibrox home of the Rangers. You just need to pay the money you borrow and then own it again. It has no value to anyone other than rangers as it is a football stadium.

Please note I am not ripping the pish.

Celtic did the same thing with wee Fergus.

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You are having a nightmare here. All those i want punished were involved with RANGERS and that is why i blame RANGERS for being excatly where we are right now and not trying to look to blame others

You blame Rangers, yet throughout it all you fed Rangers your money. You wouldn't keep giving a woman money of she treated you as badly as this business has treated you, yet you persist?

You sir are the living definition of a mug.

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You can't have a tax criminal as your chairman. If King has any earnest desire to help theRangers, he'd recognise that he was toxic, step back and give his ill-gotten gains to the three bears.

What's stopping him you say? Another case of theRangersitis. Symptoms: Arrogance, conceit, mis-placed pride and a total disregard for the rules.

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Exactly Bennett. 3 years of 'they are robbing you ya fool'...3 years of 'Can you not see they are only in it for themselves ya mug'

Now we have Rangers men who are willing to help get the club back on its feet by using their own personal wealth , that is not in question , and by allowing the support to buy into the club through a share issue in a company led by people we can all trust.

You can actually feel the outright hatred aimed at Dave King. The very fact he is so hated on here only reinforces my opinion he would be a huge success at Ibrox.

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Hope you're not driving tonight. Clearly too much alcohol taken today for that ridiculous argument to have made it into type.

King/3Bears ARE the spivs you dope. Rangers Men right enough, but spivs all the same. Did your club in once and will do it again.

What is that saying about Fools And Their Money again...

Edited by GreenockRover
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Green burst out greeting on sky sports news and backed Mike Ashley and the current board. He was spoken to by Police Scotland twice in relation to Craig Whyte's takeover in 2011.

"Derek Llambias might have had a charisma bypass but hes a good guy"

"Sandy Easdale only has 1 charge Dave King has loads"

Edited by muirkirk nil
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They're gonna use their off the radar wealth to let the fans buy shares and then use the fans money to get the club back on it's feet are you sure this is right?

In the meantime in the real world the clumpanys continues to struggle to save up enough cash for things like gardening leave for diddies sorry real rangers men or is it leg ends who don't do walking away, don't you get it your Rangers men are just wanting to suckle at the teet of the cashcow that they have missed out on, one even suck 20 million into it and was crying about getting it back from the most Rangers of Rangers menof the last 25 years Dave King to sue Sir David Murray for £20m | Herald Scotland , what length do you think a convited criminal would go to to get his money back ?

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