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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Seriously, this is when you really do wonder if there can be serious hope for Rangers again.

As I said earlier, the RST are a long way from being the worst of the various fan groups and yet this is what they come out with.

Do you actually get a collective voice for Rangers fans anywhere, that isn't just the stuff of parody?

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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To be fair, this RST statement should be massively offensive... to Rangers fans.

I mean, it suggests that Rangers fans literally cannot control themselves in the face of provocation. Even cats and dogs can manage that, if they put their minds to it. Quite thick cats and dogs can manage it.

It suggests that whoever the geniuses who run the RST are, they consider their fellow supporters to be thicker than household pets. I don't doubt that the RST are themselves this dense, but I'd like to think the average Bear is a little smarter.

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Translation -

Rangers Supporters Trust gets its hilariously feeble excuses in early

The Rangers Supporters Trust, having previously attended numerous red, white & blue-themed riots, has just enough basic savvy to

- recognise an imminent meltdown by their fellow fans when they see one coming, and

- are openly acknowledging that this will almost certainly result in news broadcasts full of pissed-up Teddy Bears engaged in chaotic running battles with police and photos of greeting children having their head wounds tended to.

We, along with the vast majority of the country's deluded orcs, noted with some amusement the recent advert taken out by Timothy in a Sunday newspaper. We are disconcerted to note that if anything, this advert has only increased the already enormous number of people who are now pointing and laughing at our once-respected club.

This is because everyone in Scotland is pure dead jealous and bigoted against us, but the sight of a couple of fannies posting things on the internet has driven us all to apopleptic fits of red-faced spewing bile and snottery tears of impotent rage, and we can no longer be trusted to control ourselves like decent human beings.

We all know that our fans are going to kick off and start battering polismen on Sunday, while the nation's news cameras record every thrown bottle and punch, and so it's time for everyone to recognise who will be to blame for the bloodcurdling violence that we are truly incapable of preventing ourselves from indulging in -


Should the worst happen, we hope that the polis will treat people who quietly typed some things on the internet exactly the same as they do the hundreds of raging Bears who will inevitably rampage through the city centre spreading mayhem as they go, because Septic fans typing things on the internet is just as despicable, disgusting and criminal as mobbing and rioting is.

In summary, We Are The People and They Started It.

(Queen giving the finger Gif)


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The statement equates wanting the club dead with wanting the supporters dead, obviously this is what he percieves as hate speech and incitement to violence.

Yes, I saw that absurd leap in the piece - "For them, Rangers Football Club, and by extension its fans, must cease to exist".

Apart from being ludicrous in terms of logic, is that really what this is all about though?

It's not just (or probably even) Celtic fans that would like Rangers not to exist. It doesn't mean that we wish ill on individuals like dear old Bennett and Ted who support them though.

I thought it was interesting that none of the Celtic bloggers were quoted, although a few were referred to and one specific Mad Phil article got highlighted. I'm just genuinely keen to learn what's been said in the last few days to prompt this statement.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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A quick search suggests that actually, the RST statement has gone down a storm.

Additionally, it suggests that a clear majority of Rangers fans are completely unaware that Phil McWhatever and Angela Haggerty are just a couple of powerless fannies who write daft things on blogs, and that they seem to think they are instead a multi-tentacled conspiracy throttling Glasgow, or something.

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I thought it was interesting that none of the Celtic bloggers were quoted, although a few were referred to and one specific Mad Phil article got highlighted. I'm just genuinely keen to learn what's been said in the last few days to prompt this statement.

Ms Haggerty was tweeting about a MacGilligans island article called the 'F word' blood festival, i assume that he's went over the score again.

Maybe you should google it up, as i haven't read it and can't tell you what was in it.

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Genuine inquiry time: What are the examples of "hate speech and incitement of violence" which are referred to in the statement?

Signing "you let your club die", if we assume no.8's ludicrous line of 'thought' is also adopted by other bears.

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RST statementhttp://www.therst.co.uk/news/rst-concerns-over-upcoming-old-firm-game/

RST Concerns Over Upcoming Old Firm Game

The Rangers Supporters Trust wishes to express its concern at what we consider to be a clear attempt by some online elements of the Celtic support to incite trouble ahead of an Old Firm game which already has the potential to be a powder keg fixture.

We, along with the vast majority of the Rangers support, noted with some amusement the recent advert taken out by Celtic supporters in a once respected Sunday newspaper. However, what has followed makes us considerably more uneasy.

There is now no question that a hardcore element of the Celtic support are not content with the troubles which have plagued our club over the past few years. For them, Rangers Football Club, and by extension its fans, must cease to exist.

Whether this stems from an inferiority complex amongst part of a generation who had to live through Nine-In-A Row, or whether it is down to a more ingrained bigotry, a fierce football rivalry is not sufficient for these people. We are extremely concerned that the rhetoric and hatred spewed out by the likes of Phil MacGiollabhain, Angela Haggerty, Paul Brennan’s CQN website and others, is a deliberate attempt to try to stoke sectarian fires and incite violence at the upcoming fixture.

One need only view the reaction of some Celtic fans to the recent blog by MacGiollabhain entitled “The ****** Blood Festival” to see how these people operate. MacGiollabhain himself has never challenged the assertion that he is “tarred with a sickening sectarian brush” and he has willing servants in Miss Haggerty, CQN and several other online Celtic sites.

We urge all sane Celtic fans to ignore their bile. We hope the upcoming fixture will be fiercely contested. We hope, despite being clear underdogs, that Rangers will win. We also hope that fans of both teams will be able to travel to and watch the match safely.

We hope that Police Scotland, as well as policing the day effectively, will take careful note of those who continue to try to incite violence at the upcoming fixture. It would be an odd legal system that arrested people for singing songs but ignored hate speech and incitement of violence. Should the worst happen, we hope the full force of the law will be brought to bear not only on the perpetrators of any trouble but also those who encourage it online.

Rangers and our fans have many challenges to face in the months and years ahead. Challenges which are considerably more important to our long term future than this upcoming Old Firm game. We urge Rangers fans to stay safe, behave in a way which can make us all proud of our club and enjoy their day.

....so ,any violence on Sunday is , Phil's (the blogger no one is interested in) fault?!

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....so ,any violence on Sunday is , Phil's (the blogger no one is interested in) fault?!

Indeed, and Phil MacAlphabet better watch out because look what happened to that guy in Saudi Arabia.

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Radio 5 Live squeezing lemons in its trousers over the the Rangers right now. I think I'll stick to revisiting my spotty youth by listening to Mahogany Rush songs on Youtube. :)

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Ms Haggerty was tweeting about a MacGilligans island article called the 'F word' blood festival, i assume that he's went over the score again.

Maybe you should google it up, as i haven't read it and can't tell you what was in it.

I took your advice Bennett and went for a look. It was the first time I'd read something on there that hadn't been linked to from here, but it was just the usual bleating rubbish.

I think he was suggesting that the MSM are fixated with the OF game, hoping for a bloodbath. Phil clearly wants the same, but wishes to suggest that any such trouble will be down primarily to Rangers fans.

Don't the RST who have some designs on being reputable, realise that by even mentioning such nonsense, they lend it more credibility and a wider audience than it would otherwise have?

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