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And now here's Wattie still not getting it after all this time ffs!!!!

""The game in Scotland has lost a lot of money because of the decision to put Rangers down into the Third Division."


This will be the same Walter Schmidt that climbed into bed with the Green Regime in order to seduce RaPeepul into buying ST's and then jumped ship after pocketing an alleged £50K for his "services" ?

Aye, respecting Rangers right enough, Walter. :yucky

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I'm not convinced that Rangers are going to get the absolute shoeing that so many are predicting/wishing for.

I think they will. Celtic will be up for this big time. A Celtic season ticket holding mate of mine tells me that they have been good this season when they are 'up for it' and struggle when they play at a slow pace and aren't really looking that energetic. I sense that with no Champions League nights, they will be well fired up for this. 7-0, then fcuked up the arse by the Arabs or Sheepy People in the final. Please. Carlsberg don't do League Cup predictions, but....

Should have added that I don't give a flying one either way.

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Looking forward to the blanket condemnation of Yellowfang and his part in Peters dodgy movie Tax scam.Much wailing and gnashing of tooth to be expected from society's moral custodians in the East end.What about the hospitals etc.......

As i am sure you are fully aware it is The Famous who are our moral custodians. Key point to note, tax-man says pay, you pay.

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xoo9pzci_bigger.jpegGrant Russell@STVGrant

Spokeswoman for Stewart Milne says he has paid back tax relief received through Ingenious pending case outcome:

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The above post from pozbaird rumbles on. Much of what he said along with the other contributors makes interesting reading three years on. Many were remarkably accurate in their thoughts,

This week among the other dodges the revelations on 'Investing' (Aye right) in the film dodge has come to the fore. Why cannot HMRC in consort with the law pursue EVERY dodger.

Since that day, Ibrox has been plagued by the non stop coming and going of an endless supply of villains bleeding the club dry every day since Murray sold the jerseys to Whyte for a quid, he sold out to Green, who involved the London spiv. It's a non stop conveyor belt of rogues.

Fair enough.

A question I would like to see answered (apologies if it aready has been) is why can't HMRC, or whoever, pursue the recipients of the EBT LOANS and have them repay said LOANS ?

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And now here's Wattie still not getting it after all this time ffs!!!!

""The game in Scotland has lost a lot of money because of the decision to put Rangers down into the Third Division."


Young Mr Grace gets to rewrite history and McLaughlin doesn't challenge a bloody word. I guess the hack is cribbing from a press release.

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And now here's Wattie still not getting it after all this time ffs!!!!

""The game in Scotland has lost a lot of money because of the decision to put Rangers down into the Third Division."


Down? To let them start there was too good for them. Making a mockery of everything.

loans, share sales, the revolving boardroom door.


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The Vanguard bears say he's wrong because he's a wife beater.

That instantly discredits him apparently.

They're probably just being selective about the wifebeating company they keep. I'm sure there'll be plenty of gladhanding with that sort at the game on Sunday.

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It won't be allowed to happen, for the sake of public safety. Celtic will be under strict instructions to win convincingly but not embarrassingly.

A humping will be the 'safest' option as one lot of bigots will be long gone before the other lot of bigots watch their team Victorious.

Edited by Granny Danger
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Fair enough.

A question I would like to see answered (apologies if it aready has been) is why can't HMRC, or whoever, pursue the recipients of the EBT LOANS and have them repay said LOANS ?

Be hilarious if BDO did that. Reclaimed the loans and the original club had enough cash to pay off the debts and were left with a surplus to be paid out to remaining shareholders...

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Smith's comments are laughable.

Even leaving aside the nonsense about Rangers being put down to the third, rather than being re-admitted to the national structure there, in a different form; we're left with the bogus, misleading claim that events have cost the Scottish game lots of money.

Events have cost the OF clubs some money, although given what Rangers have still since raised and squandered and the free run Celtic have had to CL qualifiers, even that's contestible.

Other clubs will have brought in slightly less via sponsorship of tournaments, but their relative wealth has soared as only one club's income dwarfs theirs, rather than two. Other clubs have also won things they'd have been less likely to, which is after all, the point of clubs generating revenue at all.

This stuff about an OF in the ascendancy being in the interests of anyone else, needs to be challenged every time it lazily, unthinkingly raises its stupid head.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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