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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No. You see when HMRC said he owed them money, he paid it to them. Spot the difference. But another good try though

Milne dodged tax got caught and then paid it. If he was in any doubt the figure HMRC were claiming was false i am sure , like anybody else, he would have fought it in court.

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Milne dodged tax got caught and then paid it. If he was in any doubt the figure HMRC were claiming was false i am sure , like anybody else, he would have fought it in court.

Should have taken advice from a porn king shouldn't he?

What milne really should have done is just dug his heels in until his business empire collapsed around him, ignored the bits that he admitted liability for and then claimed a moral victory.

Oh the sweet, sweet seethe. End of season, season books are still available if you want to watch a title challenge this year? But you'd have to moderate your behaviour/song book if you came to Pittodrie.

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Milne dodged tax got caught and then paid it. If he was in any doubt the figure HMRC were claiming was false i am sure , like anybody else, he would have fought it in court.

I don't know Milne's deatails but I've been informed that I owe HMRC some money. I am on PAYE on a company pension and have not tried to evade or avoid any tax. :blink:

I'm sure it happens often. Tax is a complicated business, hence the number of slimeballs accountants and lawyers involved in assisting its non-payment. I never shop at Boot's the chemist. Their billionaire owner doesn't pay tax in the UK.

Oh! BILLIONAIRE! Maybe he'd like to buy a football clumpany. Seems a good fit. :ph34r:

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The really truly embarrassing part is actually the behaviour of both sets of fans. Let's face it, the actual football match is a side show to the rest of what goes on when new rangers and Celtic play.

It really isn't a side show for the vast majority of fans. Celtic fans will get hammered for what that group did but that was 150 out of 25,000. Do we apportion equal blame to the 24,850 who didn't attack the mini bus and didn't put up 'sectarian' banners? The guy attacked outside the pub was probably attacked by celtic fans but until we know who they are we don't know if they go to the games or are the ones we see every weekend walking about their Lanarkshire town centres wearing teams colours when 'their team' are playing 20 minutes up the road in a half empty stadium!

I am usually out working after these games in Renfrewshire and i see the trouble first hand and i know for a fact those causing the vast majority of the trouble are not genuine football supporters but are idiots who attach themselves to one side of the divide or the other and use this game as an excuse to get pished and attack each other.

As for the singing inside the ground. It is never going to offend me....ffs if that sort of thing bothered me i would need a new line of work..but it does frustrate the hell out of me. Both clubs are doing what they can to stamp it out but in all honesty i see the good work that has been done beginning to go back the way. We have this seige mentality at Ibrox that has the youngsters 'rebelling' against authority and thinking it's cool belting out TBBs and Super Rangers and on the other side we have their youngsters playing at politics for a country that most of them have never even seen. I don't have the answers and tbh i am just sick fed up by the whole thing. I have been loud in my condemnation of our supporters in the past but there is a new generation that look backwards and believe that is their heritage and singing these songs of hate is their right. It was always going to be a long road but i believe what has happened in the last few years has made that road a helluva lot longer.

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Dhenny, you're just as bad, obsessed as f*ck about Rangers, you know more about anything connected with Rangers than lads I know who have followed the Gers for over 40 years!

Where's that irony meter? Thick fkn orcs. WATP FTP, that's as far as it goes. Fuds.

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. I don't have the answers and tbh i am just sick fed up by the whole thing. I have been loud in my condemnation of our supporters in the past but there is a new generation that look backwards and believe that is their heritage and singing these songs of hate is their right. It was always going to be a long road but i believe what has happened in the last few years has made that road a helluva lot longer.

I realise I am watching from a distance but from my perspective, it actually seems worse than it was, say, 40 years ago.

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It really isn't a side show for the vast majority of fans. Celtic fans will get hammered for what that group did but that was 150 out of 25,000. Do we apportion equal blame to the 24,850 who didn't attack the mini bus and didn't put up 'sectarian' banners? The guy attacked outside the pub was probably attacked by celtic fans but until we know who they are we don't know if they go to the games or are the ones we see every weekend walking about their Lanarkshire town centres wearing teams colours when 'their team' are playing 20 minutes up the road in a half empty stadium!

I am usually out working after these games in Renfrewshire and i see the trouble first hand and i know for a fact those causing the vast majority of the trouble are not genuine football supporters but are idiots who attach themselves to one side of the divide or the other and use this game as an excuse to get pished and attack each other.

As for the singing inside the ground. It is never going to offend me....ffs if that sort of thing bothered me i would need a new line of work..but it does frustrate the hell out of me. Both clubs are doing what they can to stamp it out but in all honesty i see the good work that has been done beginning to go back the way. We have this seige mentality at Ibrox that has the youngsters 'rebelling' against authority and thinking it's cool belting out TBBs and Super Rangers and on the other side we have their youngsters playing at politics for a country that most of them have never even seen. I don't have the answers and tbh i am just sick fed up by the whole thing. I have been loud in my condemnation of our supporters in the past but there is a new generation that look backwards and believe that is their heritage and singing these songs of hate is their right. It was always going to be a long road but i believe what has happened in the last few years has made that road a helluva lot longer.

This is why all right minded fans hoped the gates of Ibrox would be welded shut, after all the cheating and liquidation. Instead we have to continue to live with this shite. I hope everyone at the SFA/SPFL is delighted with the match at the weekend. Dicks.
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Not to mention a lot of the so called decents have walked away. What we're left with is a confused and angry rump who's only course of action is lashing out with impotent anger and singing songs about hating kafflicks. WATP.

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"Both clubs are doing what they can to stamp it out "

No they're not. But keep trotting that shite out if it salves your conscience over following such a vile institution.

Yeah this is the nonsense that has been getting peddled for years. It's like the 'tiny minority' that sing the sectarian songs; a minority I'll agree, but a substantial one not a tiny one.

Both clubs are only too happy to exploit their 'roots' and everything that goes with that to appease their respective fans.

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"Both clubs are doing what they can to stamp it out "

No they're not. But keep trotting that shite out if it salves your conscience over following such a vile institution.

You don't need to take my word for it you can take UEFAs word for it. It always makes me laugh when people like yourself trot out the UEFA fines Rangers have received yet never once have i read a P&D on here mention the praise Rangers were given by UEFA in their fight against this and the workshops they have set up working with schools and the local council to try and stamp this behaviour out

There is also the 1000+ who are now banned

Only yesterday celtic released a player for making a sectarian comment

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Not to mention a lot of the so called decents have walked away. What we're left with is a confused and angry rump who's only course of action is lashing out with impotent anger and singing songs about hating kafflicks. WATP.

Oh sorry i thought we were discussing both sets of supporters? :rolleyes:

You're right to a point. This is why i would never follow a new club created by the supporters as this club would attract the Vanguard Bear/Union Bears kinda supporter.

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Oh sorry i thought we were discussing both sets of supporters? :rolleyes:

You're right to a point. This is why i would never follow a new club created by the supporters as this club would attract the Vanguard Bear/Union Bears kinda supporter.

I think the exact same would happen with the other lot if they suffered the same fate tbf. There'd be a lot less jolly craicsters and the not that well hidden racist/terrorist sympathisers would grow even louder. But unfortunately they haven't, yet.

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You don't need to take my word for it you can take UEFAs word for it. It always makes me laugh when people like yourself trot out the UEFA fines Rangers have received yet never once have i read a P&D on here mention the praise Rangers were given by UEFA in their fight against this and the workshops they have set up working with schools and the local council to try and stamp this behaviour out

There is also the 1000+ who are now banned

Only yesterday celtic released a player for making a sectarian comment

As every game demonstrates, this is insufficient. 1000's banned? Ban 10's of thousands and come back to me.

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As every game demonstrates, this is insufficient. 1000's banned? Ban 10's of thousands and come back to me.

The moral guardians eh. Were you at the game when one of your fans attacked Andy Cameron? Were you at the game when there was a minutes silence for Rangers and Scotland great George Young and your whole support sang 'we re only sheep shagging b*****ds' all the way through it?

As for banning fans. The Aberdeen fan that hit the old pensioner at pittodrie which left the pensioner needing stitches in a face wound was not even banned. We know this as he was lifted again for hitting a young lad at Ibrox underground when yet again your fans tried to go on the rampage. How many were banned? There was trouble at a United v Aberdeen game recently...how many did your own club ban? Come back to me when your own club has its house in order.

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