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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It really isn't a side show for the vast majority of fans. Celtic fans will get hammered for what that group did but that was 150 out of 25,000. Do we apportion equal blame to the 24,850 who didn't attack the mini bus and didn't put up 'sectarian' banners? The guy attacked outside the pub was probably attacked by celtic fans but until we know who they are we don't know if they go to the games or are the ones we see every weekend walking about their Lanarkshire town centres wearing teams colours when 'their team' are playing 20 minutes up the road in a half empty stadium!

I am usually out working after these games in Renfrewshire and i see the trouble first hand and i know for a fact those causing the vast majority of the trouble are not genuine football supporters but are idiots who attach themselves to one side of the divide or the other and use this game as an excuse to get pished and attack each other.

As for the singing inside the ground. It is never going to offend me....ffs if that sort of thing bothered me i would need a new line of work..but it does frustrate the hell out of me. Both clubs are doing what they can to stamp it out but in all honesty i see the good work that has been done beginning to go back the way. We have this seige mentality at Ibrox that has the youngsters 'rebelling' against authority and thinking it's cool belting out TBBs and Super Rangers and on the other side we have their youngsters playing at politics for a country that most of them have never even seen. I don't have the answers and tbh i am just sick fed up by the whole thing. I have been loud in my condemnation of our supporters in the past but there is a new generation that look backwards and believe that is their heritage and singing these songs of hate is their right. It was always going to be a long road but i believe what has happened in the last few years has made that road a helluva lot longer.

The sad thing is that both sets of gloryhunters actually believe that.

As for not having the answers? There are followers of Killie, Ayr, QOtS, Dumbarton, Albion Rovers, and many other clubs who seem to have found an answer. Basically, it boils down to not supporting, financially emotionally or otherwise, any institution which bases its business plan on encouraging division and separatism. No amount of silverware can remove the stench of bigotry from "traditional" songs and abuse.

Really, really, not rocket surgery.

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Oh sorry i thought we were discussing both sets of supporters? :rolleyes:

You're right to a point. This is why i would never follow a new club created by the supporters as this club would attract the Vanguard Bear/Union Bears kinda supporter.

You wouldn't support a Rangers franchise started by fans of the club, but you have happily given your money and support to a succession of conmen and criminals?

I'll never understand...

Thank f**k I was never chosen, What a mess.

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As every game demonstrates, this is insufficient. 1000's banned? Ban 10's of thousands and come back to me.

Steady, WMM. He actuall said 1000+. Could be plus one. If we accepted that, somehow, they all had a ticket for Sunday, they were hell of a loud. Minority my arse.

If the rangers hadn't mobilised the Bigot Army with their calls of "enemies of the club", "rightful place", and Charlie's accusations of their fate being because of bigotry, the Tribute Act would never have paid for a time-share in Benidorm, let alone a medium sized chateau.

Played like fiddles, and hurting badly as they survey the wreckage of their beloved "institution".

Fucking lovely. Now let them die like their predecessors so we can watch the other lot slide further into the "mediocrity" which, apparently, is what the honest and non-discriminatory remainder of our game would be without the "Old Firm" :barf

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What answer did they find?

That football is football. Scottish Football, in particular has (ETA: or should have) nothing whatsoever to do with centuries of Irish History or a campaign of terrorism carried out against the country in which these teams play.

For the hard of thinking - It's only a fucking game.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Around the start of the Romanov era Hearts had a load of player's "on loan from Kaunas".

The situation was a bit different as moving to Scottish football was a step up as opposed to down and there aren't the same cross border complexities between us and Lithuania as there are across the Tweed but it wasn't entirely dissimilar either.

Once Romanov had actually concluded the takeover the practice petered out as the point of it was to allow the incoming boss to start strengthening his side immediately without waiting till the deal was fully done.

Ashley can't bring in players on regular terms as it technically isn't his club yet

If Romanov's takeover had fallen through then Miko, Cheney and Jankauskas would have been gone and similarly if someone else turns up with enough money to buy out Ashley's stake these new arrivals can be recalled.

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The old guy got a pat on the cheek it was live on telly, no wonder no8 has a rep for talking shit.

(trying his best tit for tat pish to get the thread closed imo)

You keep saying this....list the lies.

I would have thought you would be keeping quiet about fans being attacked after the complete rip roaring arse you made of yourself on the Cup game thread

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You wouldn't support a Rangers franchise started by fans of the club, but you have happily given your money and support to a succession of conmen and criminals?

I'll never understand...

Thank f**k I was never chosen, What a mess.

Who said i did it happily?

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You keep saying this....list the lies.

I would have thought you would be keeping quiet about fans being attacked after the complete rip roaring arse you made of yourself on the Cup game thread

"I'm not buying a ST"

"I won't be back as long as those gangsters are there"

"I don't care about the celtic game"

In all fairness, those aren't lies so much as demonstrations of your weak will.

I did like the beauty about that photo "proving" your talks of rampaging Jambos, mind. Now that was a corker.

Not being a racist. That was another goodie.

Oh, and "minority". Never gets old.

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Strange that you went on to call me a "sad w**k", with no further interventions from me then. You seemed confused, and perhaps a bit pished.

My apologies for the incorrect post count on the match thread and for referring to you as a sad w*nk. :(

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You don't need to take my word for it you can take UEFAs word for it. It always makes me laugh when people like yourself trot out the UEFA fines Rangers have received yet never once have i read a P&D on here mention the praise Rangers were given by UEFA in their fight against this and the workshops they have set up working with schools and the local council to try and stamp this behaviour out

And to be fair that is good, they are educating the youngsters. Genuine well done to RFC for that.

However, it is quite clear from Sunday that whatever steps are being taken is just totally pissing in the wind. It's like American soldiers engaging in community games of football with some Iraqi children, then the next day one of their planes accidentally bombs a shopping centre.

Surely to God Rangers can do a helluva lot more. Why not get supporters clubs to sign up to a charter against bigotry, or start lifting a lot more people, or make announcements before matches and at half time... (Maybe some of this already happens?)

So many people just accept it. "Oh I wish our fans wouldn't sing these songs but what can you do" type responses are going to do nothing to help the situation. And neither is whataboutery.

And the same goes for Celtic -- though again I don't think they have the same level of a problem.

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"I'm not buying a ST"

"I won't be back as long as those gangsters are there"

"I don't care about the celtic game"

In all fairness, those aren't lies so much as demonstrations of your weak will.

I did like the beauty about that photo "proving" your talks of rampaging Jambos, mind. Now that was a corker.

Not being a racist. That was another goodie.

Oh, and "minority". Never gets old.

So you couldn't find any. That is all you needed to say but thanks for trying

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And to be fair that is good, they are educating the youngsters. Genuine well done to RFC for that.

However, it is quite clear from Sunday that whatever steps are being taken is just totally pissing in the wind. It's like American soldiers engaging in community games of football with some Iraqi children, then the next day one of their planes accidentally bombs a shopping centre.

Surely to God Rangers can do a helluva lot more. Why not get supporters clubs to sign up to a charter against bigotry, or start lifting a lot more people, or make announcements before matches and at half time... (Maybe some of this already happens?)

So many people just accept it. "Oh I wish our fans wouldn't sing these songs but what can you do" type responses are going to do nothing to help the situation. And neither is whataboutery.

And the same goes for Celtic -- though again I don't think they have the same level of a problem.

I would hardly think singing a few songs equates to blowing up a shopping centre.

RSCs do have to sign up to a charter. There is 'pride over prejudice' and they usually enclose a leaflet encouraging more positive support for the club and reminding supporters that anybody caught singing racist or sectarian songs runs the risk of arrest and will be banned

Rangers do actively look for the ring leaders and ban them. They send , at their own cost, our own stewards to away games to help identify troublemakers in the crowd. They do make announcements before games...not sure about HT tbh.

I don't just accept it and i have challenged people in the past about this behaviour and have reported incidents to the club....Not sure that was directed at me but it looked that way.

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